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Jim Stone

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I have a suspicion the CFO of Huawei was arrested to keep Trump occupied with ANYTHING AT ALL other than proceeding with disclosure, indictments, and arrests. This is extremely likely to absolutely EXPLODE.



"This is a very big smokin deal folks."

Huawaei is a highly prized sparkling gem of China, and is the world's #1 phone maker. It is an amazing company. Today, because Huawaei violated the sanctions Trump put on Iran, Sabrina Meng Wanzhou - CFO of Huawaei, was jailed in Canada and may be extradited to the U.S. This is the stuff wars are made of, everyone in China knows who she is, that is, "a national hero". It was a VERY BAD MOVE TO ARREST HER.

Let's hope to GOD someone gains 1/8th ounce of sense and releases her IMMEDIATELY, this one is not a game folks, the Chinese are not going to take this sitting on their hands.


This arrest was STUPID. Why did anyone need to make trouble with something as petty as what cell phone Iranians can have? Is that worth risking a world war over? Already markets have plunged with this news, DISGUSTING.


Huawei CFO Sabrina Meng Wanzhou, daughter of founder, arrested in Canada at request of US government ‘for violating Iran sanctions’:






"I am holding off on the optimism until something positive happens."

There are so many reports out there about how someone in the deep state is going to fry, or how Hillary is going to be arrested and about 65, 000 sealed indictments and about declassification and how it will happen tomorrow, tomorrow, and "I love you tomorrow" unfortunately now a year and a day away . . . . . .

When I see Mueller fry, OR Hillary hang, OR _____________ then I'll rejoice and say something is happening. However, until then the only one winning is Mueller, successfully frying people left and right in phoney courts with phoney lawsuits and Trump is going to be a lot more than knee deep in crap if he does not do something AND QUICK. From the looks of it, he's going into the manure pit where he will slowly sink to the bottom. Inaction at this phase of the game is UNACCEPTABLE and that's exactly what we are getting.

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