Mike Adams
The annihilation of the human race has already begun. Massive depopulation vectors have been unleashed, encompassing abortion (infanticide), the chemical poisoning of the food supply, widespread infertility caused by HPV vaccines, the censorship of all truth about science and medicine, the mass fluoridation of the public water supply, 5G electromagnetic assaults on human neurology and much more.
Just today, a transgender charity demanded that 12 year olds be chemically castrated to prevent any gender expression from developing in their bodies. This is all part of an annihilation agenda that I call the “Oblivion Agenda.”
Beginning today, I’m posting a 10-hour lecture series (with many additional discussion videos) that reveal the true globalist agenda which has already been unleashed. That agenda is rooted in extreme hatred for humanity combined with demonic, anti-God influences that come from the darkest and most destructive realms of the cosmos (to be discussed in great detail on the site).
All the videos are free to watch. Visit the site now at to see them all (and watch for new videos being posted).
This lecture series, which is strongly rooted in science and scientific explanations, covers:
- The terraforming of planet Earth via deliberate pollution of the skies through two programs: SCoPEx (funded by Bill Gates) and Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI).
- The planned collapse of all global food webs by dimming the sun and impairing photosynthesis.
- How the SCoPEx project would drop lead on all food crops and water sources across the planet, resulting in the mass poisoning of humanity (which is the goal).
- Why Earth has cosmic value to non-Earth civilizations.
- How the annihilation of human beings is already under way and being accelerated through both “soft kill” and “hard kill” vectors.
- How it’s all being justified as a way to “save the planet” and stop “global warming.”
- The promotion of cannibalism by left-wing globalists, insisting that humans will need to eat corpses to save the planet.
- The existence of Faster-Than-Light (FTL) technology and exactly how it works to travel faster than the speed of light without violating the laws of physics.
- Why the speed of light is not a constant (and how the NIST cheated by defining it as a constant).
- How vaccines are engineered to cause infertility, spontaneous abortions and death.
- How the food and water supplies are laced with chemicals to interfere with cognition in order to dumb everybody down.
- The end goals of terraforming planet Earth, and a detailed reverse engineering of the type of exobiologicals who would be compatible with the terraforming end points. (Hint: It’s not us.)
- Cosmic economics, including competition, territory, conflict, logistics and the harvesting of energy from pulsars.
- Understanding FTL travel, the value of energy, the pace of empire expansion, the importance of “space lanes” and other details about the reality of a complex universe filled with life.
- How Earth can easily detect FTL travel from non-Earth ships. And why those ships would almost certainly resemble asteroids and space rocks.
Watch the introduction episode now at Here’s the direct link to episode one:
Also, I’ve posted an “after action report” following my return from the True Legends conference. This is worth a listen:
Get the DVD set of the recent conference to see the 2-hour version of this presentation
“Oblivion Agenda” was presented in a compressed 2-hour format at the recent True Legends conference in Branson, Missouri. Many people commented that this was the most important and impressive presentation they have ever witnessed in their life. You can acquire the DVD set of the entire conference at this link from (Note: I am not compensated in any way for DVD sales.)