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Oliver Clark

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This week, we share an infographic that's titled "Coffee: The Good, the Bad and the Addicting". At ADT Healthcare, we are known for discussing issues directly or indirectly related to drug and alcohol addiction. However, this week, we are exploring more socially acceptable forms of addiction.

And coffee, my dear, is undoubtedly an addiction that falls into this category.

Interesting facts about coffee

This infographic shares many interesting facts about coffee in general. These facts include:

  • Seattle has the most coffee shops per capita in the United States
  • New Yorkers drink almost 7 times more coffee than other cities in the US
  • Hawaii and Puerto Rico are the only places in America where coffee is grown
  • Brazil's coffee industry is responsible for 30-40% of the World's coffee supply

Interesting facts about how caffeine interacts with other drugs

This infographic also reveals many interesting facts about how caffeine interacts with other drugs:

  • Pain relievers are made with caffeine because the caffeine makes them more effective
  • Smoking Cigarettes doubles the rate at which the body is able to metabolise caffeine
  • Caffeine does not make you sober
  • 80-100 cups of coffee is roughly the lethal dose of caffeine

Interesting facts about our coffee habits

This infographic also discusses coffee habits in the Western world:

  • Americans drink about three cups of coffee every day
  • Americans consume 150 billion cups of coffee per day
  • 3 out of 5 people say "I need a cup of coffee to start my day"
  • Each American spends $164 / year on coffee
  • 68% of coffee drinkers consume their first cup within an hour of waking

Without further ado, here's the infographic in its full glory:

Coffee infographic

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