PSYCH DRUG SHOOTERS: Florida school shooter “was on medication,” reports Miami Herald, just like nearly all other mass shooters
Mike Adams
Nearly every mass shooting over the last 20 years has one thing in common… and it’s not GUNS.
It’s actually psychiatric medications.
And now, to no one’s surprise, we are learning that Nikolas Cruz, the shooter who killed 17 students and staff at a Florida high school, was reportedly taking mental health medications, reports the Miami Herald.
In a story entitled, “Florida school shooting suspect was ex-student who was flagged as threat,” the Miami Herald describes Nikolas Cruz as “a troubled teen with few friends and an obsessive interest in weapons.”
The story quotes Barbara Kumbatovich, an in-law of the family, who “said she believed Nikolas Cruz was on medication to deal with his emotional fragility.”
Other media sources — even the Washington Post — have reported Cruz was treated in a “mental health” clinic, which are of course well known for dosing up patients with mind-altering, psychiatric drugs.
Psychiatric drugs are the common thread in nearly all school shootings
The website PsychDrugShooters.com details over 100 school shootings carried out by individuals who were taking psychiatric medications. Natural News has reported on this phenomenon for over a decade with stories like:
Illinois Shooter was Treated with Psych Meds Prior to Shooting Rampage
Xanax link to mass shootings confirmed yet again
Mainstream media avoiding any mention of link between psychiatric drugs and violent shootings
The left-wing media, predictably, exploits every school shooting to push its agenda of repealing the Second Amendment and confiscating guns from law-abiding citizens, turning the United State of America into a police state where a corrupt government has a monopoly of firepower. But they refuse to consider the mind-altering effects of psychiatric medication, which emerges in nearly every school shooting in recent memory.
Psychiatric medications cause shooters to believe they are playing a video game
The working explanation behind the psych drug link to mass shootings is that psychiatric drugs cause shooters to believe they’re playing a video game. The medication disconnects their brains from the real world, and the actions they’re taking don’t seem “real” to them.
One of the ways SSRI drugs and other psych drugs actually work is by disconnecting the brain from emotional reality. This is widely considered to be a “treatment” for “depression.” See my music video “S.S.R.Lies” for a musical rendition of how this works:
Notably, such drugs do not actually resolve the cause of depression. They merely cause individuals to mentally disconnect from their real life, making the causes of depression seem far away (or not real). This same biochemical mechanism, when combined with a disturbed individual who may have been subjected to extreme bullying by classmates, can cause that person to act out a mass shooting as if they were playing a video game. It doesn’t seem real to them until the drugs wear off, at which point they express extreme sorrow once they realize their actions were real. This is exactly what’s happening now with Nikolas Cruz.
Until America gets serious about the links between psychiatric medications and mass shootings, we’ll never solve this problem (and more mass shootings can be expected).
For ten years, I’ve been warning America about the link between psychiatric medications and mass shootings
As I wrote in Natural News almost a decade ago, in an article entitled, “Orlando shooter, US army Fort Hood shooter both linked to psychiatric drugs:”
Until we halt the chemical holocaust being perpetrated against our world by the psychiatric drugging industry, we will continue to see more of these violent, drug-induced shootings take place. Count on it. Psych drugs cause violence. And the more psych drugs are prescribed, the more violence we’ll see.
According to Medwatch statistics, 63,000 people in the U.S. have committed suicide while on antidepressant drugs (that’s more than ten times the number of Americans who have died from H1N1 swine flu, by the way).
The mainstream media absolutely refuses to tell you the truth about the link between psychiatric drugs and violent killings, but it’s the obvious connection in nearly every single shooting that’s taken place in recent memory: The Virginia Tech shooting, the Stephen Kazmierczak Illinois shooting (Stephen Kazmierczak), the Omaha mall shooting, and so on.
Two years earlier, in December of 2007, I publicly predicted more school shootings would take place among psychiatric medication patients:
There will be more. I hate to be accurate about this grisly prediction, because I grieve for the families of those lost to pharmaceutically-induced violence, but the truth is that until we stop drugging our children with psychotropic drugs, the shootings are not going to stop.
Left-wing Hollywood elitists like Jimmy Kimmel want to cry on stage and blame the NRA or President Trump, but the real answer is that psychiatric medications are the root “enablers” behind most mass shootings, and I’ve been reporting this for over a decade. Yet the political influence of the drug giants is so powerful that no serious investigation has ever been conducted into the psych drug medication habits of mass shooters.
America, it turns out, really doesn’t want to stop mass shootings as much as it wants to have easy access to psychiatric medications. Until we take a serious look at this issue, the violence will continue. And even if you ban guns, killers would start using vehicles, bombs, swords or other weapons to carry out their deranged intent.
Now you know the full truth about psychiatric drugs and mass shootings.