Feds told to spill details on Obama's favor to terrorists
Bob Unruh
http://www.wnd.com/2017/12/feds-told-to-spill-details-on-obamas-favor-to-terrorists/print/12-2 9-17
Pressure is mounting to learn the details of the Obama administration’s alleged “derailing” of an effort to stop a drug-running scheme by the Iran-backed terror group Hezbollah while he was negotiating the nuclear deal with Tehran.
A Freedom of Information Act case has been filed by the American Center for Law and Justice demanding to know who “impeded agents from taking down a billion-dollar drug trafficking ring led by the Iranian-back[ed] terror group Hezbollah.”
WND reported Thursday Attorney General Jeff Sessions is reviewing Project Cassandra, a highly classified law enforcement program by the Drug Enforcement Administration during the Obama administration.
The Jerusalem Post reported Sessions is looking into Project Cassandra after Politico reported the Obama administration “derailed” the law enforcement efforts “in its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran.”
Politico said the Obama administration foiled the law enforcers that were targeting “drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine in the United States.”
The investigation began in 2008 after the DEA found evidence that the terrorist group “had transformed itself from a Middle East-focused military and political organization into an international crime syndicate that some investigators believed was collecting $1 billion a year from drug and weapons trafficking, money laundering and other criminal activities.”
Now, ACLJ has issued Freedom of Information Act requests to the Department of Justice, the Department of the Treasury and the State Department demanding answers.
The legal team explained the DEA found the criminal activities were funding Hezbollah’s anti-Israel and anti-American terrorism.
Investigators traced the conspiracy to the highest levels of the terror group, as well as Iran.
“Agents were prepared to file criminal charges against Hezbollah’s envoy to Iran, a Lebanese bank involved in laundering billions in drug profits, and key players in Iran’s criminal cells in the U.S.,” ACLJ said.
However, instead of dismantling the revenue stream for terror, Obama administration officials in Justice, the Treasury, and the State Department “delayed, hindered, or rejected” efforts, Politico reported, to prosecute the criminals and terrorists.
“Why?” ACLJ asked. “To protect President Obama’s troubling legacy project: the disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal.”
“We’re determined to get to the bottom of what appears to be an unjustifiable decision to scrap eight years of criminal investigations targeting threats to our national security,” ACLJ said. “Even though we may know why, we want to know who was involved in these decisions and what prosecutions were halted by the Obama administration.”
ACLJ issued FOIA requests to seven agencies involved in Project Cassandra: the DOJ, the DEA, the National Security Division (NSD), the Office of the Attorney General (OAG), the Office of the Deputy Attorney General (ODAG), the Treasury and the State Department.
“We are demanding all relevant documents, records, and communications regarding decisions to not investigate and prosecute these terrorists,” the legal group said.
ACLJ said the reported incentive for the Obama administration to halt prosecutors working on the case was “to placate Iran as the controversial Iran nuclear deal was being hammered out.”
Members of Congress also are investigating.
ACLJ said the DEA investigation of Project Cassandra “found that Hezbollah, an Iranian proxy, had laundered nearly a half billion dollars and was actively transporting cocaine into the United States.”
“Politico’s shocking report indicates that the Obama administration threw roadblocks in front of investigators and also failed to prosecute major players in the criminal enterprise. DEA officers had worked for years on the project, operating out of a facility in Chantilly, Virginia. The agency sought approval for arrests, prosecutions and financial sanctions – none of which [was] allowed by the Obama White House.”
ACLJ noted Hezbollah “is not your ordinary criminal organization.’
“It is the largest non-state terrorist group and organized crime syndicate in the world. Hezbollah is both a terrorist organization and a military organization. It is also a political party with members seated in the Lebanese Parliament. Iran, the world leading state sponsor of terrorism, is its patron. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps trains Hezbollah fighters. In exchange, Hezbollah – on behalf of Iran – trains Shia terrorists across the Middle East and North Africa in order to give Iran the veneer of deniability in its nefarious operations in places like Iraq and Yemen.”
Hezbollah’s business operations include “suicide attacks, kidnappings, assassinations, rocket fire and missile attacks to terrorize and kill innocent civilians.”
“It supports Islamist terrorists around the globe, including those in South America and the United States. It is one of the major conduits of illegal drugs that make their way into the United States, much of it through the Mexican border. The group is responsible for killing more Americans than any other terrorist group except al-Qaida, including the 241 U.S. Marines killed in the barracks bombing in Lebanon in 1983. In the so-called Second Lebanese War, Hezbollah killed 163 Israeli citizens,” ACLJ said.
Article printed from WND: http://www.wnd.com
URL to article: http://www.wnd.com/2017/12/feds-told-to-spill-details-on-obamas-favor-to-terrorists/