WE CAUGHT HIM! Look Who’s Been Indicted For Causing National Epidemic — Thousands Are Dead
]his week saw an announcement by the Trump administration concerning the United States’ opioid crisis. Many Americans suffer from addictions to powerful prescription drugs. Their addictions have cost the lives of thousands each year.
Trump meant what he said. His administration will be going after the root of this drug problem: criminal behavior within the medical industry and pharmaceuticals.
These people have exploited Americans, making themselves super rich.
Now it’s just been announced that the first head has been put on the chopping block, a man whose criminal behavior got people hooked on dangerous medications.
Medications they did not need.
From Town Hall:
U.S. prosecutors leveled charges Thursday against the billionaire founder of an opioid medication maker that has faced increasing scrutiny from authorities across the country over allegations of pushing prescriptions of powerful painkillers amid a drug epidemic that is claiming thousands of lives each year.
The fraud and racketeering case against Insys Therapeutics founder John Kapoor came the same day President Donald Trump declared the opioid crisis a nationwide public health emergency.
The case naming Kapoor follows indictments against the company’s former CEO and other executives and managers on allegations that they provided kickbacks to doctors to prescribe a potent opioid called Subsys.
In the new indictment, Kapoor, 74, of Phoenix, and the other defendants are accused of offering bribes to doctors to write large numbers of prescriptions for the fentanyl-based pain medication that is meant only for cancer patients with severe pain. Most of the people who received prescriptions did not have cancer.
The actions of these corrupt companies can be viewed as worse that street level drug dealers. Why? Because these were doctors prescribing drugs to patients. These patients didn’t know any better. They thought they were being taken care of by doctors who were trying to help. Instead, they were tricked into taking powerful pain killers.
These pain killers are extremely addictive. Patients took these pills–under doctors’ orders–only to get hooked. Then they would have to cope with cripple drug addiction for the rest of their lives. How evil.
But hey, Kapoor made billions, so I guess it’s okay.