With Recalls at an All-Time High, Meet Big Pharma's Newest Scam (Updated Dec. 2,20170
Dr. Mercola
I was researching websites addressing substance abuse/addiction and happened to notice that you maintain a comprehensive resource page fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/health/drugs/news.php?q=1384281807, with links to organisations similar to our own.
Just like yourself, caring for and supporting both individuals and the families of those suffering from addiction is a job we take very seriously.
We operate a free helpline called “UKAT” - UK Addiction Treatment Centres, staffed by qualified counsellors and recovered addicts.
Since we clearly share the same objectives, I thought you’d be interested in adding a link to our website from your resources page. Here’s the link to our website if you’d like to check it out: https://www.ukat.co.uk/
It is personally important to me that we inform and offer support to as many people battling addiction as possible, that is why a link on your website is so important to us.
From Daniel Gerrard-- [email protected]
Recalls of prescription and over the counter drugs are surging in the U.S. The FDA reported more than 1,700 recalls last year, compared to less than 430 in 2008.
One single company, drug repackager Advantage Dose, accounted for more than 1,000 of those recalls. But even excluding Advantage Dose, recalls jumped 50 percent last year.
CNN reports:
“The fast pace of drug recalls seems to be continuing in 2010 ... High-profile recalls of Tylenol and other products ... have drawn attention to quality concerns in manufacturing ...
The spike in recalls, especially of generic and over-the-counter drugs, is being driven by manufacturing lapses, experts
say. Some of the biggest culprits: the quality of raw materials, faulty labeling and packaging and contamination.”
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
Selpt. 8, 2010
Recent Drug Recalls Revisited
Next Step You Need to be Aware of - - the Switch from Drugs to Vaccines
Deception at an All Time High
Who Do You Trust, and Why, Exactly?
Healthy Lifestyle – Not Pills or Injections – is the Answer to Your Health Problems