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Rose Oropollo

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NOTE form Rose Oropallo: 

Hi Everyone. 
The Attorney fighting in New Jersey, worked on this with me. He is instrumental on impacting the fight n New Jersey. We are losing the war in New York. Please print a copy and send to any M.D you know to wait them up and educate them as I think this is the most important issue of our time!
I appreciate it.
So will our children.
Please help. It only requires a stamp!


Governor Andrew Cuomo took Executive authority to a whole new level compared to other Governors on March 3rd, when legislators passed a bill, with only 15 “No” votes out of 210, giving him sweeping new powers, allowing him to disregard any existing law if he deems it necessary to “fight” the Coronavirus.

“Never let a good crisis go to waste” is basic demagoguery. Passing mandatory vaccine legislation, using the emergency power (A6564C and S4424) in New York, with no opportunity for dissenting voices is becoming the new normal for New York “one party state” politics.

The pending mandatory vaccine bills will require receiving Merck’s Gardasil (alleged to protect from human papilloma virus) in order to be allowed to exercise the right to a public education, allowing children 14 and older to receive the vaccine without parent consent or knowledge.[1]

Do you know what Merck calls its HPV vaccine? They paid 4.85 billion dollars in damages for killing thousands with their drug Vioxx. They are calling HPV-“Help pay for Vioxx.” (In their own emails in Robert Kennedys discovery lawsuit) The are legally exempt from lawsuits for damages their vaccines cause, so their vaccine profits offset the fines and judgments against them for the harm they case. Fact! Did you hear me Doctors? [2],[3]

When vaccine choice advocates try to inform the public of significant  facts, they are continuously up against the “bought and paid for” constant drumming of the mainstream media (MSM) that are in bed with Big Pharma. Facts like: “Center for Disease Control (CDC) is not really a government agency since it is 70% funded by Pharmaceutical Company’s themselves. The World Health Organization (WHO) is  50% funded by Big Pharma. Big Pharma spends two times the amount of dollars lobbying our Legislators than Big Oil does! Vaccines are 20% of a 50-billion-dollar industry. Forced vaccines create a mandatory, guaranteed, lawsuit-free market for the vaccine companies! That is just on the front end. At the back end are all the chronic diseases that the Institutes of Medicine (IOM) say “we think are associated with the vaccines!”[4]

For children who were born prior to 1989, their chance of having a chronic disease, according the HHS, is 12.8%. If you were born after 1989, your chance of having a chronic disease is 54%. What changed? Congress passed a law exempting drug companies from responsibility for vaccine injuries.

That is when the documented uptick in diseases like ADD, ADHD, Ticks, Turrets Syndrome, ASD, Autism, Guillain Barre, MS, Juvenile Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, the Anaphylactic diseases, food allergies, Asthma, and  Eczema, occurred, to name a few. Our children become dependent on drugs like Adderall, Epi pens, Albuterol, Ritalin, anti-seizure medication, Prozac, and others that profit Big Pharma on the back end of this insane industry, as respected Public Interest Lawyer Robert Kennedy Jr has proven in courts across America. [5]

Due toH.R. 5546, National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, vaccine manufacturers are exempt from liability in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death. Big Pharma is guaranteed profit and no risk. And you wonder why vaccines are less and less safe every year?[6]

Go to the web site. That’s the Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund in Washington D.C that has, to date, paid billons for vaccine injuries! That money comes from a special tax paid  by vaccine purchasers, not the drug companies. DO YOU HEAR ME? The maximum compensation for death from a vaccine is 250,000! Not even paid by the manufactures themselves! I know people personally who have lost a child to a vaccine injury whose siblings are not even able to become exempted from the new mandatory vaccine laws. Can you imagine?[7]

Maybe we need to start suing the Doctors that distribute vaccines for their lack of due diligence in “doing no harm!” But, of course, the Doctors are also exempt from law suits for vaccine injuries.  What about that $80,000 annual bonus for Doctors who have fully vaccinated patients?[8]

Doctors are paid for violating the Oath they take to protect and care for us! They are turning a blind eye due to the pressure and risk of losing their licenses to practice medicine if they knowingly speak up or question the efficacy or safety of vaccines! The Doctor’s traditional role as “Learned Intermediary” is under attack by New York’s vaccine mandates.

Did you know that the Institute of Medicine is the lead government agency that has the responsibility of protecting the American People? Why are they not standing next to President Trump in this Pandemic Crisis vs. Dr Fauci who has a 100-million-dollar conflict of interest and is a friend of Big Pharma and Bill Gates? The Institute of Medicine chief has demanded 150 diseases be investigated for children as suspect of being caused by vaccines! The agencies of government that should be concerned with children’s health ignore this demand.

These agencies are now sock puppets for the industry that they are supposed to regulate. They have been able to neutralize lawyers by making it illegal to sue vaccine companies. They've been able to neutralize the press and avoid all press scrutiny since the mass media depends on Big Pharma advertising. And now they are neutralizing the Internet to shut us out so we cannot speak, so that nobody has to listen to the truth, so that nobody will ever read the peer reviewed science, so nobody has to listen to the questions. [9]

Doctors. Shame on you!!!!! You have political clout! We obviously don’t! You have failed us! You are just as bought and paid for as the Industries that have infiltrated your medical schools, hospitals, our Congress, and Universities.

And to you: Governor Cuomo in NY, CDC, WHO and the Public Legislatures nationwide pushing mandatory vaccines in every state in America, Pediatricians. Shame on all of you!

Never let a good crisis go to waste. Could this pandemic silence the conscientious opposition to mandatory vaccination in many states in the U.S? There are now dozens of vaccine shots required under the up and coming mandate in almost every state.[10],[11],[12] And what about the new, untested Coronavirus vaccine planned to be released this summer?[13]

Bills for mandatory vaccines are being introduced by Politicians, not Doctors. Do you understand? Young Attorneys that are our Assemblymen and woman voting on forced medical procedures and denial of your universal right to Informed Consent!  Forced vaccination violates the Nuremburg code![14],[15]

Vaccine conscientious objectors want to see the CDC, WHO, Merck and all the other Big Pharma fronts, especially Governor Cuomo and all the Doctors that remain silent, give their children and grandchildren the same vaccines they will mandate for us. Do you really believe in dozens of vaccines for young children? If you do, offer your own children to Moloch. Leave our children alone!

Doctors, by your silence you are aiding and abetting a crime against humanity!

I don’t know how you can all sleep at night!








When Robert F. Kennedy Jr says, "The last thing standing between that corporation and that little baby is the mom and dad!" He is not kidding!

I will not take another one of their untested, non-liable vaccines! We need pitch forks on the street and civil disobedience.

As that great moral teacher Gandhi said nearly a century ago, ““Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time... Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.”[16]

“My Body, My Choice!”’’

MAJ Rose M Oropallo, R.N, B.S.N, M. Ed

Selected Bibliography

Increase in Developmental Disabilities Among Children in the United States

[16]Mahatma Gandhi (1922), “A Guide to Health”, Chapter VI -

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