New Evidence Confirms Jeffrey Epstein Visited Clinton White House Multiple Times
Calvin Custis
In a shocking turn of events, Jeffrey Epstein was found injured in his New York City Jail overnight.
Now, sources are coming forward with conflicting reports about what happened.
It looks to be an attempted suicide, but others are reporting that Epstein may have been attacked by a fellow inmate. It’s also been suggested by some that the whole thing was just a hoax.
But there’s one more possibility that has been put forward: some think this may have been a hit job. That’s what is being floated through reports at NBC.
Those reports are very unlikely to turn out to be true. More than likely we’re looking at an attempted suicide here. But people are starting to think that the “hit job” explanation makes a lot of sense, especially since Epstein seems to have screwed with Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Now, I’m not suggesting that Bill and Hillary had anything to do with what happened to Epstein in jail.
I’ll leave that to the conspiracy theorists on Twitter who are trying to get #ClintonBodyCount trending right now.
But new evidence confirms that Epstein visited the Clinton White House multiple times back in the early 90s.
From The Daily Beast:
Days after Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest on sex-trafficking charges in New York, Bill Clinton distanced himself from the high-flying financier and convicted sex offender.
The former president owned up to just six encounters with Epstein, starting in 2002: four flights on the billionaire’s private jet, a single trip to his Harlem office, and one “brief visit” to his New York apartment, all with staff and security detail in tow.
Now, a Daily Beast investigation has uncovered ties between Epstein and the Clinton administration that date back to the president’s earliest days in the White House, casting doubt on the oft-circulated narrative that the two only began associating after Clinton left office.
As early as 1993, records show, Epstein donated $10,000 to the White House Historical Association and attended a donors’ reception hosted by Bill and Hillary Clinton. Around the same time, according to a source familiar with the connection, Epstein visited presidential aide Mark Middleton several times at the White House. Two years later, businesswoman Lynn Forester de Rothschild wrote a personal letter to Clinton thanking him for their talk about the financier. …
How Epstein entered Clinton’s orbit remains unclear.
When the president released his initial statement on Epstein, he did not explain the multiple other trips he appears to have taken on the financier’s plane—including one flight to Westchester with Epstein, his alleged madam Ghislaine Maxwell, and an “unnamed female.”
Clinton also failed to mention the intimate 1995 fundraising dinner at the Palm Beach home of Revlon mogul Ron Perelman, where Clinton hobnobbed with the likes of Epstein, Don Johnson, and Jimmy Buffett. (Nearby, at Epstein’s own Palm Beach mansion, the money man allegedly abused hundreds of underage girls.) …
There’s a lot more in the report, so make sure you read the whole thing.
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