Ethan Huff
The nation’s largest abortion provider is back in the news after it was revealed that the infamous baby-murdering group has been spending money from taxpayers and donors on prostitutes for members of its staff.
According to internal emails that were recently leaked to the media, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), which boasts an astounding 30,000 employees worldwide, has apparently been taking “women’s health” funds and disbursing them on illicit sexual favors not only for its staff, but also for its donors and “guests.”
Based on what’s contained in court documents that have since been filed in Kenya by IPPF’s former Africa regional director, we now know that Planned Parenthood has been engaging in an illegal sex trade operation for who knows how long – and it’s been doing so in the name of “reproductive rights.”
“A major British charity handed huge sums in foreign aid by the Government is alleged to have overseen the hiring of prostitutes for staff, donors and guests attending official functions,” reads an official report about the dirty deeds of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF).
“International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), the world’s biggest sexual health charity, is also accused of offering young volunteers to adults at events in Africa,” this report goes on to explain, suggesting that IPPF has also been sexually exploiting underage minors through its partnership with the sex industry.
For related news, be sure to check out Evil.news.
Oxfam, Save The Children, and World Vision charities also accused of using donor money to purchase sex from prostitutes
What’s worse is that this scandal allegedly doesn’t stop with Planned Parenthood. According to the same report, several other so-called charities, including some pretty big names involved with “child welfare” in third-world countries, have also apparently been using donor money to purchase sex from prostitutes.
“The furore follows a series of abuse scandals involving leading aid charities such as Oxfam, Save The Children and World Vision, which have also seen allegations of the use of prostitutes, harassment and trading of aid for sex in relief zones,” the report explains.
“In another blow, all 45 member associations in the Western hemisphere region – including those in the U.S., Argentina, Brazil and Canada – opted to break away from the London-based federation.”
To learn more about how things aren’t always what they seem, visit Deception.news.
Harvesting and selling aborted baby body parts, buying prostitutes, engaging in pedophilia: Planned Parenthood is the epitome of evil
It’s bad enough that Planned Parenthood was caught illegally harvesting body parts from aborted babies in order to sell those body parts for profit. Now, it appears that this “women’s health” organization has been exploiting women’s bodies as part of a sexual debauchery scheme to satisfy the lusts of its employees and volunteers.
Alvaro Bermejo, IPPF’s director general, has openly admitted that “there was promoting of prostitution within the organization, where prostitutes would be organized for IPPF staff, donors and partners during functions.”
Under previous leadership, Bermejo added in an official testimony, “the region solicited the services of prostitutes for guests during official functions of the organization.”
“Young volunteers within the region were being offered to invitee guests during African gatherings and functions for sex or sexual pleasure,” court documents containing Bermejo’s testimony go on to explain, again suggesting that Planned Parenthood staff engaged in pedophilia by “buying” underage children for sexual favors.
The whole thing reeks of similarities to what took place within the Hollywood NXIVM sex cult, as well as the “Pizzagate” scandal involving Comet Ping Pong pizza in Washington, DC, which was quickly swept under the rug as a “conspiracy theory.”
For more news about Planned Parenthood and its dark legacy of eugenics, baby murder, and sex slavery, be sure to check out Abortions.news.
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