It appears that not even “criminal activity” will deter progressives from supporting abortion and abortion providers.
Samantha Kamman, in an opinion piece for the Washington Examiner, was referring to yet another sex scandal involving Planned Parenthood.
The Daily Mail of London broke the story of the abortion-industry giant’s provision of prostitutes to its “staff, donors and partners.”
Despite an investigation of the International Planned Parenthood Federation for sexual misconduct, the United Kingdom’s Department of International Development donated 132 million pounds, about $168 million, to the organization.
Kamman explained that the International Planned Parenthood Federation hired prostitutes for staff, donors and guests at official functions.
“Internal documents related to the case reveal repeated claims of sexual harassment, bullying, abusive conduct, and intimidation of whistleblowers – for example, the transmission of a pornographic video to a female executive in order to terrify her into silence,” she wrote.
“These shocking allegations raise the question of whether or not abortion providers are being held to high enough standards, and why an organization so deeply mired in scandal should receive so much public support,” she said.
Kamman noted that some of the worst allegations have come from Lucian Kouakou, formerly African regional director for International Planned Parenthood.
He was dismissed over allegations of sexual misconduct, but then “revealed the group had been offering ‘sexual gifts’ to guests at African events for years,” Kamman said.
“In an email Kouakou sent to the International Planned Parenthood Federation’s headquarters in London, Kouakou accused the organization’s general director, Alvaro Bermejo, of telling him that under previous leadership, there had been ‘promoting of prostitution within the organization, where prostitutes would be organized for IPPF staff, donors and partners during functions.’ This accusation is incredibly alarming, and it was repeated in Kenyan court documents, where it was also added that ‘young volunteers within the region were being offered to invitee guests during African gatherings and functions for sex or sexual pleasure.”
Such corruption levels, Kammen said, “led to all 45 International Planned Parenthood Federation member associations in the Western Hemisphere – including those in the U.S., Argentina, Brazil, and Canada – to dissociate from the London-based federation.”
Yet, Britain’s Department for International Development donated 132 million pounds as recently as January.
“The horrific accusations against IPPF and the lack of any disciplinary action against the abortion group sets a troubling standard for organizations claiming to stand for reproductive rights,” Kammen wrote.
“It appears nothing will stop some progressives from defending abortion providers – not even criminal activity.”
Other scandals have included the multiple undercover videos filmed by Live Action of various Planned Parenthood officials covering up statutory rape or other offenses, as well as the 2015 videos by the Center for Medical Progress of Planned Parenthood officials promoting their baby body parts for sale business.
There are online resources providing updates, such as www.plannedparenthoodexposed, and the organization routinely tries to teach its free sex and abortion beliefs in public schools under the guise of health education.
Article printed from WND: http://www.wnd.com
URL to article: http://www.wnd.com/2019/06/planned-parenthood-tied-to-another-sex-scandal/