CRITICIZING HOMOSEXUALITY IS NOW A CRIME under Canada’s totalitarian “hate” laws
JD Heyes
In yet another stunning example of tone-deaf hypocrisy, the Leftists running “tolerant” “free expression” Canada have proven once again that they are the Nazis in training, not Right-leaning, liberty-minded citizens.
Authoritarianism is all the rage among the Canadian Left if you happen to run afoul of the “correct way of thinking.” Just like in Europe and increasingly in the U.S., there are “acceptable” ways of expression and “unacceptable” ways. Practice the latter and you’re going to find yourself in a jail cell.
As reported by Lifesite News, authorities have issued a nationwide arrest warrant for a Christian who was handing out flyers at the 2016 Toronto Pride Parade, a gay-rights event. The flyers warned of the “spiritual and biological dangers of sodomy,” correspondent Lianne Laurence reported.
The criminal — Bill Whatcott — said on the Free North America portal that he turned himself in to police on June 22.
Toronto 51 Division charged Whatcott with ‘inciting hatred,’ an indictable offense under Section 391 of the Canadian Criminal Code.
“The ‘crime?’ My ministry bringing the Gospel and the truth about homosexuality to Toronto’s homosexual pride parade in 2016,” he wrote on the portal.
According to Constable Caroline de Kloet, the media relations officer for the Toronto Police Service, charges stem from a two-year investigation (this sounds as ridiculous as a special counsel probe into nothing in the U.S.) into complaints that cops received back in 2016. The officer said “victim information” is not something that is given out.
Perhaps sensing trouble, Whatcott registered in the 2016 Pride parade under a pseudonym — Robert Clinton, with the Gay Zombies Cannabis Consumers Association. Laurence reported:
Dressed in skin-tight green bodysuits with face masks, Whatcott and five others marched in the parade and handed out 3,000 packages on “Zombie Safe Sex” that included a flyer entitled: “We want you to practice safe sex.”
No Truth Allowed
The two-page pamphlet included revealing and graphic images of anal warts as well as a mottled corpse that was described as an “AIDS fatality.” In addition, there was a picture of “genital warts in the mouth” next to a headshot of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
The document also heavily criticized what was the “homosexual activism” of Trudeau, former Liberal Defense Minister Bill Graham, and outgoing Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne. The pamphlet was critical of Wynn’s sex education curriculum and its ties to former Deputy Minister of Education Ben Levin, who was convicted in 2015 on three charges of child pornography.
Canada has embarked on a destructive journey toward sexual anarchy and homosexual inspired oppression,” said the pamphlet. (Related: Supreme Court overwhelmingly rejects the Left’s argument that Christian baker MUST bake special cake for gay couple.)
That turned out to be prophetic: Two years later, Whatcott is wanted for ‘inciting hatred.’
Within a month of the parade Douglas Elliott, an activist attorney, filed a $104 million class action suit against Whatcott and five “zombies” who were unnamed, as well as anyone else who aided them.
“We are going after everyone who helped him,” Elliott said at a press conference. “Every person, every church, every non-profit organization, everyone who helped this wicked man promote his hatred is going to be held accountable.”
It never dawns on these Left-wing speech Nazis that they have engaged in hate themselves. And censorship. And intolerance.
What has always been wrong about so-called “hate speech” laws is that they are arbitrary in nature. Some person or some bureaucrat gets to ‘decide’ something someone else said was “hate speech” — which also requires a good deal of mind reading — and bam, they are charged with a “hate crime” and prosecuted.
Meanwhile, the person accused becomes the subject of derision and hate speech — but someone critics of the accused are never held to the same standard.
Western freedom and liberty that began in the United States is being systematically replaced with the same authoritarianism it supplanted.
Read more about the assault on freedom at Freedom.news.
J.D. Heyes is editor of The National Sentinel and a senior writer for Natural News and News Target.
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