Veterans On Patrol And The Tucson Police Department Conflicted Over Discovery Of Suspicious Camp
Ruby Henley
by Ruby Henley
June 6th 2018
A disturbing conflict is taking place as we speak in Tucson, Arizona. Below is a short video from Facebook by Veterans on Patrol. If you take the time to watch it, you will understand what a critical situation this is. You will understand that the prayers of the American people are needed.
Police are denying a veterans group’s claims that a homeless encampment in Tucson was being used as a child sex-trafficking site. (KOLD-TV)
I believe that the property which this camp is located on is being used by the cartel. Some of the people who live there have told this to the Veterans. The Veterans on Patrol have found disgusting items, which will make you gasp – if you believe that Barbie dolls, hair dye, undergarments, bloody knives – indicate possible heinous acts have been committed on that property. However, there are other aspects I will not speak about in this article. I would advise you to watch the video.
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and Arizona police are pushing back on claims from a veterans group that a homeless encampment uncovered in Tucson last week was the site of a child sex-trafficking operation.
The fact that the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has stepped in is a pivotal point in this situation.
The allegations from Veterans on Patrol, a group that works to assist homeless vets, have been widely circulating on social media since the living space was found off Interstate 19 on May 29. The Veterans are adamant that the camp has definitely been used for child sex-trafficking. I have no doubt they truly believe this, and I am making no judgement in this report on anyone involved. The fact that I have watched the video above has disturbed and sickened me. I believe it is authentic in its testimony.
I have hesitated to report on this, but FOX NEWS is now doing so.
Among the items reportedly found at the site are belts tied to trees, hair dye, a crib, pornographic material, children’s toys and a large water drum — with a small opening — that has a dresser and two crates inside.
“We are right there and our city is right there, our children are right there and it’s not my problem if it’s not in my backyard,” Lewis Arthur, one of the group’s members, told KOLD-TV. “Now it’s in our backyard.”
Arthur says the items found at the site are signs that children have been sexually abused there.
“This is a child sex-trafficking camp that no one wants to talk about, that no one wants to do nothing about,” he claimed in a video last week while walking through the site.
“This isn’t some horror set that some kids set up. This isn’t a normal homeless camp that you would encounter doing what we do,” he said.
But the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, in a Facebook post late Monday, denied that the encampment had anything to do with child sex trafficking, linking to a local news interview with police denying the claims.
“Tucson Police Department officers, detectives and command staff conducted a thorough inspection of the site, spoke to the reporting parties, and collected evidence,” the department said Sunday. “Based on the department’s investigation to this point, there is no indication this camp is being used for any type of criminal activity, including human trafficking.”
Tucson police added they are working with the property owner and city officials to clean up the encampment and warned the public not to trespass on it.
“The Tucson Police Department takes all reports of suspected criminal activity seriously and appreciates the public’s awareness,” it said.
According to Veterans on Patrol, they are dismantling the camp at this moment. They have collected what they feel to be evidence of child sex-trafficking; they demand that the authorities test it. I myself do not feel this is too much to ask.
When the Vets arrived upon the scene of the camp, it was being guarded by a man with dogs. This man has since left the scene; he was a person who lived nearby.
I pray we are not about to witness a type of standoff between the Vets and the Police. Please pray that all those involved be kept safe, and they may come to a peaceful agreement.
I do want to end this report by linking a video by a man I feel passionately about. He is someone who has committed his life, as an ex-Navy Seal, to finding and holding those accountable in the horrible crime of child-sex trafficking and abuse.
Watch Here: https://youtu.be/IV_D1JJAhQM
Craig Sawyer is an American hero, and he is speaking out about what Veterans on Patrol have discovered.