Sex Slaveryu in Israel
Lasha Darkmoon
The situation in Israel is far worse than this Jerusalem Post article, written by Israeli Seth Frantzmen, makes out.
Only quite recently, Ha’aretz news published this article: Ten indicted for running one of Israel’s biggest brothels in Tel Aviv. – The brothels, incidentally, used only Schicksen, or non-Jewish girls. Eight of those arrested were women. Their two brothels had an estimated total income in excess of $28 million over several years.
Sex slavery, it has to be noted, is universal and not confined to Israel. Only last year an attractive 14-year-old British girl was sold into sex slavery by her Albanian boyfriend and raped as many as 110 times a day for cash.
Sex trafficking is the second largest criminal industry in the world, netting $32 billion a year.
My own researches reveal that sex slavery is common throughout the world and that the way it is often done is through heroin addiction. The girl is usually enticed into applying for a seemingly well-paid job. She is then brutally raped by her captor and injected with heroin. Her passport confiscated, she is now forced to work for her pimp (or his syndicate), with threats that her family will be killed if she refuses. The idea that this is happening in other parts of the world, but not in Israel, is absurd.
We have frequent reports of Russian, Moldavian and Eastern European girls abducted by Israeli pimps and forced into a horrendous life of prostitution in Tel Aviv involving 16-hour shifts. The Israeli police, as we can see from the Jerusalem Post article above, are not interested in putting an end to these horrors. In many cases, they are probably to be found in league with the pimps and making use of the same brothels. An average pimp has 4-6 girls working for him and can earn up to $150,000-$200,000 a year. The police would get their cut.
Here is an extract from a previous article of mine called Secret Sex Life of the Jews:
If you can get hold of Ilana Hammerman’s In Foreign Parts: Trafficking in Women in Israel, you will read harrowing accounts of Israel’s contemporary sex-service industry. Innocent young girls, many of them underage, are kidnapped in Russia and Eastern Europe and forced into a life of prostitution in Tel Aviv. Locked up without food, subject to threats and violence by their Jewish pimps, these wretched girls are sometimes expected to sleep with up to sixty customers a day. Their most assiduous clients, sporting black hats and bushy beards, are “religious” Orthodox Jews taking a sabbatical from their wives.
Here is the kind of eye-popping revelation we come across in Hammerman’s shocking book:
I had a very famous rabbi who would come and order a girl to have sex with him in the doggie position, and would ask her to bark,” a former brothel owner testified at a [Knesset] parliamentary committee. One of the working women, presented as a devout Christian, expresses an aversion to her religious clients: “They had a big black hat and under it [another] little black hat and they were real perverts.”
According to a CNN report in 1998, Israel now has the highest per capita consumption of prostitute services in the world. One million visits are paid to prostitutes each month, making brothel hopping one of the nation’s most popular pastimes. Thousands of women are abducted annually—mostly from Russia, Ukraine, Moldavia, Uzbekistan and China—and sold into sex slavery in Israel. “The situation,” Jewish author David Weinberg wrote in a 1998 article about prostitution in Israel, entitled Not So Holy Land, “is enough to make you cry in despair—or vomit from shame.”