“Almost every day we can read in the alternative media about rapes of Swedish women and girls, committed by asylum seekers or other migrants from the Third World,” she said.
Up until a few decades ago, no one had ever hear of gang rape, she said. Now it happens every week.
“This has of course been going on for many years but the swedes have been so brainwashed by the government and the main-stream media that no one has protested about the rape on Sweden. But that has all changed. These days, no one can escape the horrible realities. Just a few of miles from here is a little village that used to have 900 inhabitants but last year the authorities placed 400 asylum seekers in that little village. That means that almost half of the total population is now people from Somalia, Eritrea, Afghanistan and Syria. It’s really turned the whole village upside down. I have talked to people who lived and work around there. At first, they were happy to welcome people to their part of the world. They arranged lunches and Christmas celebrations and donated clothing to the migrants. Now, many of the locals are afraid and confused. With tears in their eyes they tell me how their friendly village has been totally transformed by these young, aggressive, male asylum seekers. The asylum seekers scream at the locals, call the women whores, they steal from the shops, and don’t seem at all grateful or happy to be here. Many wonder what these asylum seekers expected when they arrived in Sweden.”
The Daily Svenska Dagbladet interviewed “Salar from Iraq,” who complained:
“We can’t sit here and wait for the decision on resident permits indefinitely… We sit at the asylum house all day long and do nothing. Our children have nothing to do, there is no playground there. And the food that is served here is strange, it doesn’t look like the kind of food we are used to.”
“The people here, they wonder if peace will ever come back to this place,” Carlqvist said.
Germans fleeing Germany?
The situation in Germany is getting so bad that some Germans are leaving in a rare case of “reverse migration.” According to Hungary Today, the number of Germans inquiring about emigrating to Hungary is on the rise.
Munich-based broadcaster Bayerische Rundfunk aired a report last week that documents an increasing number of Germans moving to the Lake Balaton area of Hungary, citing their dissatisfaction with the German government’s asylum policy and a fear of migrants.
The German reporter says Germans generally appreciate the good weather and low costs near Lake Balaton, as well as the presence of a relatively large German community. But recently they have also begun taking into account the fact that the vast majority of Hungarians are Christians and “there are hardly any migrants” in Hungary.
Hungary: The anti-E.U. European country
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been vilified by the establishment media for saying he wishes to protect Europe from the invading migrants and preserve Hungary a Christian nation.
That’s because Hungary, led by no-nonsense Prime Minister Viktor Orban, is building a razorwire fence along its southern border with Croatia, Serbia and Romania, stopping the migrants in their tracks and infuriating the European Union’s globalist leaders. The globalists running the E.U. have roundly criticized him for “splitting Europe in two” and stopping the free flow of migrants into their continent.
Orban has said he wants to preserve Hungary’s Christian heritage, and he will only accept Christian refugees from the Middle East.
Once the fence is completed, migrants will only be able to travel further into Europe by squeezing through a sliver of Slovenia to the West, or risking the trek through war-torn Ukraine to the East.
Hungary has also implemented a no-nonsense deportation system that allows it to boot illegal aliens from the country within hours, the U.K.’s Express reports.
Orban has also been pilloried by globalist publications in the U.S. including the New York Times and Foreign Policy magazine.
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