BOOT CAMP FOR KIDS: Torturing Teens for Fun and Profit
(The Following is a listing of 169 articles. Go to the above URL to click on each article)
DEADLY RESTRAINT By Jordan Riak, December 1999, Revised/updated May 2006
A letter to promoters of "Teen Help", By Jordan Riak, November 2, 2006
Dr. Robert Fathman's letter to Dr. Gil Kliman, October 27, 2006
School of Last Resort, By Maria Eftimiades, PEOPLE, October 23, 2006
Youth facility in Marion under fire for its tactics -- New Horizons official says problems of the past are being solved, By Teresa Auch, The Chronicle-Tribune, October 22, 2006
Three disciplined in suicide of 18-year-old at youth prison, By Don Thompson, Associated Press, Mercury News, July 21, 2006
Controversy Surrounds Tranquility Bay, By Basia Pioro, Caymanian Compass, July 13, 2006
Rough Love: Kids from South Florida and beyond are sent to Jamaica to straighten up. Or else., By Joanne Green, Miami New Times, June 22, 2006
A shocking form of therapy By Brian A. Joyce, Boston Globe, June 19, 2006
N.Y. report denounces shock use at school; Says students are living in fear
By Scott Allen, Globe Staff, Boston Globe, June 15, 2006
Kids hurt in shock therapy school, By Michael Gormley, Associated Press Writer, Boston Globe, June 14, 2006
Woman distraught: denied visit with sister at Ivy Ridge Academy, WWTI/abc, June 6, 2006
Boot camp youth dies of thirst after forced exercise; 8 indicted, KSLA News 12, May 24, 2006
A question of 'tough love' vs. torture, By Scott Allen, The Boston Globe, May 22, 2006
Autopsy: Boot camp guards killed teen; Second coroner's examination finds 14-year-old suffocated, CNN, May 5, 2006
Second autopsy finds boy hit at boot camp died of suffocation, By Mitch Stacy, Associated Press, May 5, 2006
Lawmakers close to deal to eliminate juvenile boot camps, By Brent Kallestad, Associated Press, April 26, 2006
Juvenile Jail Workers Charged in Sex Case, By RICK CALLAHAN, Associated Press Writer, Chicago Tribune, April 24, 2006
Tape released showing teen beaten at boot camp; Video shows guards restraining, punching boy, WPBFNews.com, February 17, 2006
Video Shows Boot Camp Beating By Brent Kallestad, Associated Press Writer AP, February 9, 2006
Initial autopsy: Restrained teen was suffocated, By Cindy Stauffer, Lancaster New Era, February 9, 2006
State finds abuse at youth academy, By Sarah Cooke, Associated Press Writer, Helena Independent Record, January 27, 2006
Gossett Center accused by ex-workers of abuses; Lifton request triggers Inspector General's office probe, By Jennie Daley, The Ithaca Journal, January 20, 2006
No More Nightmares at Tranquility Bay?, By John Gorenfeld, AlterNet, January 23, 2006
When a child dies, discipline has failed -- OUR OPINION: LEGISLATURE SHOULD PULL FINANCIAL PLUG ON BOOT CAMPS, EDITORIAL: Miami Herald, January 13, 2006
Teen dies 3 hours after being admitted to Military-style lockup. Lawmaker demands shutdown, By Carol Marbin Miller and Mary Ellen Klas, Miami Herald, January 11, 2006
NEWS RELEASE -- Florida Department of Law Enforcement Investigates the Death of Martin Lee Anderson, Guy M. Tunnell, Commissioner, January 10, 2006
Boy, 12, suffocated during restraint at Star Ranch, By Zeke MacCormack, Express-News, December 8, 2005
Martell and his mom learn a lesson they'll never forget
Congress urged to help regulate boarding schools; Critic: The president of an association linked to three Utah facilities says hasty regulation would stop 'all the progress', By Robert Gehrke The Salt Lake Tribune, October 19, 2005
Thayer Learning Center -- Defendant John Bundy allegedly ‘threatened and harassed’ them; Parents in Thayer lawsuit seek protective order, By Steve Rock, The Kansas City Star, October 7, 2005
Thayer Learning Center -- Prosecutor: Boot camp won't face charges, By Steve Rock, The Kansas City Star, October 2, 2005
Conflicting Accounts Surround Death Of Teen At Facility, By Dave Reynolds, Inclusion Daily Express, September 28, 2005
WWASPS affiliated school issued substandard diplomas, negotiates settlement, By Kirsten Stewart, The Salt Lake Tribune, August 28, 2005
New York Times Underplays Boot Camp Abuse, Lack of Success; Story examines "promising business opportunity" , By Maia Szalavitz, SOURCE: www.stats.org, August 17, 2005
The lessons I learned at Casa by the Sea , By Sarah Barlow, August 6, 2005
Abounding Grace School's owners to answer charges; Punishment turned into abuse, boys say, By Jessica Guenzel, Winston-Salem Journal, July 31, 2005
Camp Counselors Charged in Teen's Death, Earthlink.net, July 19, 2005
Camp death leads to murder charges -- Boy died after being restrained by counselors, By Craig Schneider, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, July 19, 2005
My unforgettable experience as a guest of the state, By Carlos, June 25, 2005
FORT LAUDERDALE `BOOT CAMP' -- Slew of calls drew police to school, By Carol Marbin Miller, Miami Herald, June 3, 2005
Abuse allegations investigated at Lauderdale boarding school for girls, By Bill Hirschman, Sun-Sentinal, June 2, 2005
FORT LAUDERDALE `BOOT CAMP' - Loophole let school avoid regulation, By Carol Mabin Miller, Miami Herald, June 2, 2005
Army-style girls' school shuts doors, By Carol Marbin Miller , Miami Herald, June 1, 2005
Counselors Fired After Death at Ga. Camp, By Harry R. Weber, apnews.excite.com, May 13, 2005
Boy's pleas for aid denied; Inhaler withheld, restrained teen died, By Craig Schneider, Jill Young Miller - Staff, Atlanta Constitution-Journal, May 7, 2005
State probes boy's death; Camp's risky punishment cited, By Jill Young Miller, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, May 6, 2005
Lawsuit: Youth claims camp couselors broke his arms, By Barbara White Stack, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, May 3, 2005
Private school doesn't like state's 'therapeutic' label , By Kirsten Stewart, The Salt Lake Tribune, April 29, 2005
Mother Files Lawsuit, Claims Boarding School Abused Son, By Associated Press, KSL TV, April 22, 2005
Mother sues treatment center, claims son was beaten, abused , By Pamela Manson, The Salt Lake Tribune, April 22, 2005
GEORGE MILLER: End Institutional Abuse Against Children Act, April 20, 2005
Suitor loses Kemper bid -- Boonville council rejects offer, By John Sullivan, Columbia Daily Tribune, April 19, 2005
Mom pulls twins from Eagle Point after riot, By Mollie Reeves, The Mississippi Press, April 16, 2005
Ivy Ridge accreditation suspended in state probe, By Chris Garifo, Times Albany Correspondent Watertime Daily Times, April 15, 2005
The lawsuits against Bethel Boys Academy in Mississippi, SOURCE: www.heal-online.org/bethelsuits.htm
His Own Private Abu Ghraib, By John Gorenfeld, March 23, 2005, Source: Orkut
Boonville looks to sell old academy, By Steve Rock, The Kansas City Star, March 21, 2005
Group Seeks Probe Into Boading School, By The Associated Press, KSL TV, March 6, 2005
Bethel Shuts Down After Girls Flee, WDAM-TV, February 17, 2005
Students flee Bethel school; allege abuse, HattiesburgAmerican.com, February 16, 2005
Beware of the quick fix, Henry Lawton's remarks after reading about the teen's death at Thayer Learning Center Boot Camp, February 8, 2005
Reforming youth prisons: Rehabilitation being favored over punishment, Source: TheReporter.com, February 7, 2005
THAYER LEARNING CENTER -- Boot camp sued in Santa Rosa teen's death -- Suit says Missouri center failed to give prompt, competent medical care, also abused youth, By Paul Payne & Carol Benfell, The Press Democrat, February 7, 2005
Scrutiny increases on centers for teens; Four compounds in Baja closed in as many months, By Sandra Dibble, Staff Writer Union-Tribune, January 10, 2005
Boot camp director guilty in teen's death, By Michael Kiefer, The Arizona Republic, January 3, 2005
Suffering Together, By Trevor Aaronson, New Times Broward-Palm Beach, December 9, 2004
Paradise lost: Pupils complain of life in Jamaican boot camp, By Oliver Duff, The Independent, December 7, 2004
Secrets in the Schoolhouse, WEAR-TV, November 30, 2004
Parents Sue Bethel Boys Academy; Plaintiffs allege systemic, methodical torture of youths - In a civil action filed November 2, 2004, against Bethel Boarding Academy, AKA Bethel Baptist Church, a private kids' boot camp/behavior modification lockup, the list of plaintiffs' allegations include: "...Defendants use coercive persuasion to coerce cadets into beating, terrorizing, mocking, or restraining other cadets, while maintaining “plausible deniability” of their own culpability in these violent abuses when confronted by civil authorities... Cadets at Bethel Boys Academy are forced to guard, harass, mock, assault, and physically injure other cadets on command. They are not given a meaningful choice concerning whether to commit such acts against other cadets. They are forced to commit violent crimes against other cadets as a matter of survival. The choice is one between doing the beating, or receiving the beating... Those who fail to comply with the orders of the Drill Instructors are subjected to loss of some or all privileges, beatings by Drill Instructors, extreme physical exhaustion, made to hold to electric fences, held underwater at the “swamp” up to and including drowning and resuscitation..."
Read the complaint at http://nospank.net/complaint2tc.pdf
Teenager dies at school known for strict discipline, By Matthew Franck, Post-Dispatch (Jefferson City Bureau), November 10, 2004
Parents sue Bethel Boys Academy; Cadets beaten, forced to work at military style school, lawyer says, By Lora Hines, [email protected] Clarion-Ledger, November 3, 2004
Correspondence between Congressman George Miller and Attorney General John Ashcroft about alleged human rights violations of children in WWASPS facilities , 2003 - 2004
Experts: 'Get Tough' Programs Don't Curb Youth Violence, By E.J. Mundell, HealthDayNews, October 15, 2004
Teen-help operators have clout -- Family behind schools with checkered record calls in political favors, critics say , By Dan Harrie and Robert Gehrke, The Salt Lake Tribune, September 21, 2004
Baja raids shut boarding schools for U.S. teens , By Sandra Dibble and Anna Cearley, Staff Writers, UNION-TRIBUNE, September 11, 2004
Safe Choices for Troubled Teens -- Residential treatment centers for troubled teens are plagued by allegations of abuse and ineffectiveness. But do anguished parents have an alternative? By Anthony Meza-Wilson and Christy Harrison, Source: Ask Questions.org at http://www.askquestions.org/articles/teens/
August 12, 2004
Youth authority to end segregation punishment (solitary confinement), By Associated Press, San Jose Mercury News, August 5, 2004
Mississippi Juvenile centers called 'worst' in U.S. -- Justice Dept. cites widespread abuse, By John Fuquay, The Clarion-Ledger, July 2, 2004
Juvenile justice must ensure fair treatment, By U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson, March 18, 2004
Casa by the Sea: A memory that will haunt me forever, By Jennifer Ilona Chambard, July 2004
WANT YOUR KID TO DISAPPEAR?, By Nadya Labi Legal Affairs, July 2004
State agency investigates Bethel facility -- Report details alleged abuse, By Antoinette Konz, Hattiesburg American, June 11, 2004
Schools close amid discipline questions, CNN.COM, May 31, 2004
Louisiana shuts down youth prison -- Move comes after decade of abuse allegations, CNN.com, May 27,2004
Former students, prosecutors question methods of some 'tough love' schools, By Cara Connelly, KY3 News (Springfield, MO), April 30, 2004
View two videotapes of teenagers in custody being beaten by guards; hear commentary. Please be patient while loading.
Tape 1) Select "Watch Mike TeSelle's Report" after going to Senator: Videotaped CYA Beating Warrants Charges
Tape 2) Open QuickTime Player on your computer. Then go to http://nospank.net/beatings_kpix.mp4
Videotape shows guards beating two CYA inmates, By Associated Press, Oakland Tribune, April 1, 2004
Tape captures beating of two young inmates, 6 CYA guards facing probe, By Karen de Sá and Mark Gladstone, Mercury News, April 1, 2004
From Coercive to Strength-Based Intervention: Responding to the Needs of Children in Pain, By Larry K. Brendtro, Ph.D., January 2004, (PDF, 34 pages)
JUVENILE INJUSTICE, Infoshop News, March 22, 2004
Miami Juvenile Jail Official Told Dying Teen To 'Suck It Up' , WSVN-TV, February 27, 2004
Youth died amid chaos, confusion , By Carol Marbin Miller, Miami Herald, February 27, 2004
Suicides spark scrutiny of juvenile facilities; Teens were beaten, sexually abused, isolated for weeks at a time, By Mary K. Reinhart, East Valley Tribune, February 13, 2004
ALLEGATIONS OF ABUSE BEING INVESTIGATED - Scathing report on Youth Authority, By Karen de Sá, Mercury News, January 28, 2004
Suit filed over youth centers, By Ana Radelat, Clarion-Ledger Washington Bureau, December 19, 2003
Kaufmann vs. Mountain Park Academy (7 Plaintiffs in this lawsuit), Case # 103cv00105cas, Filed in US District Court, Eastern Dist. of Missouri, Southeast Div., September 24, 2003
Abuse cited at youth training centers - Rights violated, Justice Dept. says, By Patrice Sawyer, Clarion-Ledger Staff Writer, Clarion Ledger, July 15, 2003 .
The last resort, Decca Aitkenhead, The Observer, June 29, 2003
Care of Juvenile Offenders in Mississippi Is Faulted, By DAVID M. HALBFINGER, The New York Times, September 1, 2003. (Return to this index by using your browser's "back" button.)
A Mississippi Gulag A report by Assistant Attorney General Ralph F. Boyd, Jr. on abuse of juveniles in two Mississippi youth training schools, June 19, 2003.
When discipline turns fatal - Texas lacks tough law on prone restraint that's banned in three states, By Jonathan Osborne and Mike Ward, American Statesman, May 18, 2003
Inside the Macomb County Youth Home: Agency's harsh report prompts facility to act, By Alexa Capeloto, Free Press Staff Writer, Free Press, September 3, 2003
Parents Divided Over Jamaica Disciplinary Academy, By Tin Weiner, The New York Times, June 17, 2003.
Camp Hell - Children abused in the name of God, Correspondence from Johnny McPhail, June 12, 2003
Brainwashing and Re-Indoctrination Programs in the Children of God/The Family
By Stephen A. Kent, Ph.D. and Deana Hall, M.A., University of Alberta
Texas teenager dies in Utah wilderness program, By Rich Vosepka, Associated Press, The Daily Camera, July 16, 2002
Arcadia religious reform school accused of abuse in lawsuit, The Herald Tribune, July 10, 2002
Straight Talk -- Drug War Casualties, By Radley Balko, FOXNews.com, May 23, 2002
Former victims describe dangerous "therapy" at Elan School for troubled teens in Maine, May 25, 2002
Charges filed against boot camp leaders, Christopher Markham, staff writer, West Valley View, February 20, 2002
In search of a safe placement; one hostile reaction, December 2001
A STUDY IN DOUBLE STANDARDS: When kids kill, it's a crime; when they die, it's an accident, Posted 9/10/01
Letter to a supporter of boot camps and wilderness programs, Jordan Riak, August 20, 2001
Boot Camp Directors Deny Posts, The Associated Press, July 21, 2001
Ariz. To Appoint Boot Camp Task Force, The Associated Press, July 21, 2001
Founder of Teen Boot Camp Probed, By GIOVANNA DELL'ORTO, Associated Press Writer, The Associated Press, July 20, 2001
(AZ) Death Spotlights Youth Boot Camps, By Alisia Blackwood, Associated Press, July 6, 2001
(MD) Boy's Death At School A Homicide - District Heights Youth Died After a Struggle, By Jamie Stockwell, Washington Post, July 5, 2001
(AZ) Accounts Put Darker Cloud Over Camp - Punishment results in death of 14-year-old, By Michale Janofsky, The New York Times, July 4, 2001
(AZ) Tough Love, Tougher Death - Boot camp - The lastest in a string of questionable ventures by Charles Long, By John Dougherty, (Phoenix) New Times, July 4, 2001
See Forced Exercise as Punishment
(AZ) Boy, 14, dies at boot camp amid abuse allegations, Scott Thomsen The Atlantic Journal-Constitution, July 4, 2001
The last resort -- As desperate parents try boot camp, critics claim that alternative is laced with problems, By Lorna Collier Special to the Tribune, May 27, 2001
South Dakota: Stop Abuses of Detained Kids--Governor Must End Inhumane Practices
A letter to South Dakota Governor William Janklow from Michael Bochenek, Counsel, Children's Rights Division, Human Rights Watch, March 6, 2001
Camp Fear
How Juvenile Boot Camps Abuse Troubled Kids, By Bruce Selcraig
Source: Mother Jones, December 2000
Texas Probes "Restraint" Death of Young Patient, New York Times, February 8, 2000
Schools of Hard Knocks, By Andrew Leonard, Salon, Feb. 23, 1998
Loving Them to Death: The Story of One Teenager's 'Wilderness Experience,' By Jon Krakauer, Outside magazine, October 1995
Tough Love Proves Too Tough: The Short Life and Hard Death of a Teenager, Christopher Smith, High Country News, June 10, 1996, Paonia, Colorado
Boot camp death prompts changes, New York Times, December 10, 2000
DEAD TEEN'S CASE CLOSED: Involved adults walk, every one, Correspondence concerning the death of Nicholaus Contreraz at Arizona Boys Ranch from Candice Takeuchi, September 9, 2000
Child handcuffed for three days--Boot Camp For Troubled Kids Closed, Associated Press, June 16, 2000
An American Gulag: Secret P.O.W. Camps for Teens, by Alexia Parks (2000). Available from The Education Exchange Network, Box K, Eldorado Springs, CO 80025
A Matter of Time--How Juvenile Justice Systems Fail Kids, By David Shapinsky, www.abcnews.go.com, February 26, 2000
HARDER TIME: California Youth Authority Shifts from Rehab to Brutality By Mark Gladstone and James Rainey, Los Angeles Times, January 9, 2000
Time to stick a fork in America’s correctional boot camp boondoggle, David J. Krajicek, MSNBC, December 23, 1999
Beat him up and do him good. Don't leave any marks, Mary Hargrove, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, June 1998
U.S. Department of State warning about "behavior modification" facilities operating outside U.S. jurisdiction, issued May 1999.
Teenage girl run to death in SD boot camp
Excerpted from "Investigative Report Summary - Gina Score" Argus Leader, August [??], 1999
"A noisy, obvious, gruesome, extended death" -- Arizona Boys Ranch charges By Inger Sandal, The Arizona Daily Star, May 4, 1999
U.S. Justice Department says boot camps do more harm than good, From The Associated Press, June 1, 1998
Amnesty International alleges widespread abuse of juvenile offenders in U.S., New York Times, November 17, 1998
E-mail to PTAVE of August 18, 1998 from Cathy Sutton, mother of Michelle Sutton, 15, who died at Summit Quest Camp.
Bob Sutton's letter to a journalist about the death of his daughter, Michelle Sutton, 15, who died at Summit Quest Camp. Copy received by PTAVE, August 17, 1998.
"It has only happened two times to me"--Conditions in Children's Institutions, Human Rights Watch World Report 1998
U.S. Juvenile Justice Gets Busted By Bill Alexander, Reporter for Youth Today
From Youth Today, Vol 8, No.1, December/January 1999
Betraying the Young: Children in the U.S. Justice System Document: Amnesty International Index: AMR 51/60/98 Public/November 1998
Authorities close abusive school--Children "just starving to death" The Associated Press, April 29, 1999
Tightening up on the stranglers--142 youths dead in one decade
By The Associated Press, March 25, 1999
Strangulation Death Occurs at Home for the Abused, By The Associated Press, March 15, 1999
Florida camp delinquents get red ant punishment, Yahoo News, March 14, 1999
AUTOPSY PHOTO: Nicholaus Contrarez's bruised, lacerated torso
A Puzzling Death at Boys Ranch, By Julie Cart, Los Angeles Times, June 13, 1998
The slow, painful, pointless death of Nicholaus Contreraz, age 16, at the Arizona Boys Ranch as described in the sheriff's report, Pinal County, Arizona, April 17, 1998.
CPS Report re: Nicholaus Contreraz, 3/6/98
Investigation Summary-- Investigation of the Death of Nicholaus Contreraz at Arizona Boys Ranch and The Safety of Children Remaining in that Placement (Source: The Arizona Republic, 1998)
Chief admits tragic fumble--Staff 'thought this kid was a malingerer,' he says By Dennis Wagner, The Arizona Republic, August 30, 1998
Dr. Christopher B. Cutter's letter of June 17, 1998 to the Los Angeles Times regarding the death of Nicholaus Contreraz at Arizona Boys Ranch
Ron Ackert's letter of June 19, 1998 to Dr. Linda Blessing, Director, Arizona Department of Economic Security, regarding the killing of Nicholaus Contreraz
Listening, Finally, to Nicholaus By E. J. Montini,
The Arizona Republic, August 27, 1998
Allegations of abuse and neglect against former employees of Arizona Boys Ranch, The Arizona Republic, August 31, 1998
'Pattern of Abuse'-- Institution won't close, chief vows By Dennis Wagner, The Arizona Republic, Aug. 27, 1998
Press release from the California Department of Social Services
Arizona Boys Ranch Investigation
Department of Social Services Makes Decisions on Funding
Five are Indicted in Arizona Youth Camp Death By Julie Cart, Los Angeles Times, October 1, 1998
Boys Ranch employees plead innocent, By Dennis Wagner, The Arizona Republic, October 23, 1998
Charges dropped, for now, in death of Boys Ranch teen By Heather Urquides, The Arizona Daily Star, January 16, 1999
Abuse of Arkansas Youth in Custody--Former DHS chief goes before legislative panel, Associated Press, September 15, 1998
Is this Camp of Jail?
Are parents violating the rights of their own kids when they ship them off to tough "attitude rehab"? By Adam Cohen, Time, January 26, 1998
Child meets violent death in desert boot camp [Original title: "Hard Work For Youths At Camp"] , San Francisco Chronicle, February 18, 1992
Boy in coma after scuffle at camp for troubled youths, San Francisco Chronicle, By Ken Hoover, Chronicle Staff Writer, February 13, 1992
Surviving Survival Camp
Keri J. describes her experience with the most dangerous part of "survival camp"--the people who ran it.
* * * * * * *
Book: Help At Any Cost -- How the Troubled-Teen Industry Cons Parents and Hurts Kids by Maja Szalavitz
Read more about this important new book
Read TOUGH LOVE QUACKERY: Maia Szalavitz's presentation to The Cato Foundation, April 20, 2006
DEADLY RESTRAINT, By Jordan Riak, December 1999; Revised/updated May 2006
Joey Aletriz
1989 - 2006
Beaten and suffocated at SummitQuest Academy
No charges will be filed in teen's death
Teen walked into the Bay County Sheriff’s Office Boot Camp facility under his own power, but was carried out on a gurney two hours later.
17-year-old dies by suicide following repeated rapes and beatings while in custody, June 1996.
Breaking Down Our Kids; Child Abuse for Profit is Occurring in America By Joshua Chiappelli, SOURCE: Dissident Voice, April 20, 2006
NO MORE NIGHTMARES AT TRANQUILITY BAY?, By John Gorenfeld, AlterNet, January 23, 2006
SOURCE: The New Standard , November 21, 2005
Exploitation of Youth & Families: Perspectives on Unregulated Residential Treatment, By Allison Pinto, Ph.D., Monica Epstein, Ph.D., Paul Lewis, B.B.A., Kathryn Whitehead, B.A.
Presented to APA Convention, August 12, 2006
Exploitation in the name of "specialty schooling"
By Allison Pinto, Ph.D., Robert M. Friedman, Ph.D. and Monica Epstein, Ph.D.
Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, University of South Florida, 2005
STATEMENT BY KATHRYN WHITEHEAD, Former Student at Mission Mountain School, Montana, October 25, 2005
SOURCE: www.cafety.org
Community Alliance for the Fair and Ethical Treatment of Youth
By Henry Lawton
Correspondence to PTAVE, January 18, 2005
U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C., January, 2004
TEEN-HELP OPERATORS HAVE CLOUT Family behind schools with checkered record calls in political favors, critics say (Article Last Updated: 09/21/2004 10:59:06 AM ) By Dan Harrie and Robert Gehrke The Salt Lake Tribune, September 21, 2004
BREAKING THE VOW OF SECRECY A true story about Teen Help/WWASP By Karen Lile, January 1998
CAN I TRUST THEM? My Experience of Teen Help / WWASP/ASI/Resource Realizations/ "Discovery" Seminar, and Results of Subsequent Research, A personal account by Kendall Ross Bean, January 1998
AMBASSADOR DE SADE, By John Gorenfeld, AlterNet, SOURCE: http://alternet.org/story/27725/, November 8. 2005
Congressman George Miller (7th District, California) introduces legislation to curb child abuse in residential treatment programs. Bill would affect facilities both in U.S. and abroad
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
George Miller
Read: Press release
Read: End Institutional Abuse Against Children Act (Adobe Reader required)
Read: Correspondence between Congressman George Miller and Attorney General John Ashcroft about alleged human rights violations of children in WWASPS facilities.
Petition for the passage of the End Institutionalized Abuse Against Children Act of 2005
Please click the above link and sign now!
International Survivors Action Committee (ISAC) is an organization in the forefront of the struggle to expose and combat abuse perpetrated against children in "treatment centers."
Web site:www.isaccorp.org
Coalition Against Institutionalized Child Abuse, Inc. (CAICA)
Isabelle Zehnder, President
Web site: www.caica.org
Tel: (360) 903-3951
E-mail: [email protected]
Fight Institutional Child Abuse (FICA)
Web site: www.kathymoya.com/FICA/index.html