
What's wrong with violence?
J.B. Campbell
What's wrong with violence?
In its introduction to PSYOP in the army’s field manual, FM 3-05.30, the army says this:
1-1. PSYOP are a vital part of the broad range of United States (U.S.) diplomatic, informational, military, and economic (DIME) activities. The employment of any element of national power, particularly the military element, has always had a psychological dimension. Foreign perceptions of U.S. military capabilities are fundamental to strategic deterrence. The
effectiveness of deterrence hinges on U.S. ability to influence the perceptions of others. The purpose of PSYOP is to induce or reinforce foreign attitudes and behavior favorable to U.S. national objectives. PSYOP are characteristically delivered as information for effect, used during peacetime and conflict, to inform and influence. When properly employed, PSYOP can save lives of friendly and adversary forces by reducing the adversaries’ will to fight. By lowering adversary morale and reducing their efficiency, PSYOP can also discourage aggressive actions and create dissidence and disaffection within their ranks, ultimately inducing surrender. PSYOP provide a commander the means to employ a nonlethal capability across the range of military operations from peace through conflict to war and during postconflict operations.
What is the mission of PSYOP?
1-5. The mission of PSYOP is to influence the behavior of foreign target audiences (TAs) to support U.S. national objectives. PSYOP accomplish this by conveying selected information and/or advising on actions that influence the emotions, motives, objective reasoning and ultimately the behavior of foreign audiences. Behavioral change is at the root of the PSYOP mission. Although concerned with the mental processes of the TA, it is the observable modification of TA behavior that determines the mission success of PSYOP. It is this link between influence and behavior that distinguishes PSYOP from other capabilities and activities of information operations (IO) and sets it apart as a unique core capability.
We Americans, of course, are also foreign target audiences right along with Iraqis, Afghans, Pakistanis, Yemenis, Libyans, Syrians and Iranians. And we are targeted by the scaremonger profiteers of the truth movement who appear to be following the army’s psycho-program. They “deliver information for effect,” the technique of PSYOP. The intended effect is demoralization. The reader should have a look at the field manual for him/herself and while doing so disregard the world “foreign.” We Americans, right along with foreigners, are under attack by the military/intelligence complex. It is indeed a sophisticated war by information, or “info-war.”
There was a time when dire warnings were relevant, a time when people just didn’t know what was going on, and it was legitimate to try to scare them awake and into action with facts. That time went right up through the Reagan period when most Americans figured we had a benevolent old geezer in charge of things. That dreamy idea should have crashed with the rise of Bush, which it apparently did for around five million guys who supported the “militia” movement during that period, but not for the hundreds of millions of average Americans. That was twenty years ago and today even the dimmest bulb knows something wicked this way comes. That’s not the question anymore. The question is, what are we going to do about it, not how much more can we be scared?
Psychologically, people can take just so much scaring until they become totally demoralized into paralysis. That must have been what happened in Russia and China, when the Reds took over. Thousands of prisoners obeying a few jerks with guns.
We know enough. We realize some people need a daily or hourly fix of bad news, like some people are hooked on roller coasters. Some people are hooked on bull riding, mountain climbing and motor racing – things that can really get you killed. Maybe they’re adrenaline junkies – who knows? I’m a fine one to talk but today I only risk my life for a political reason.
In this time of the known intent of the federal government, which has authorized itself to arrest us without charge, hold us indefinitely, disappear, torture and kill us – all according to laws such as the PATRIOT Act and NDAA – in times such as these we don’t require any more scare stories that do not have recommendations attached to them. Such scare stories should be shunned if they don’t include proposed solutions because they only serve the federal PSYOP program of demoralization.
We don’t need any more “news.” We don’t need any more analysis. We are in information overload and, like the NSA itself, we are all clogged up with both metadata and content.
Fact is, the American Defense Party is the only outfit in the country and maybe in the world that always, as a policy, includes a fix with every essay about the tyrannical federal government and the invisible government that actually runs it. We propose solutions for the problems we discuss, whether they are political, medical or to do with self-defense against enforcers. We are all about shutting down the tyranny, not in being taken to camps. Bloggers who talk about camps without talking about shooting enforcers are working for the enforcers, maybe unknowingly – maybe not.
Who are the big offenders? Well, who makes the most money in the “alternative media?” As every news outlet that receives advertising money – from NBC to Business Insider – knows, the advertisers determine what is and is not newsworthy. If you don’t report the news to their liking, advertisers pull their accounts and the news business goes out of business. CNN’s prostitution to the CIA-run corporations is such a dirty joke that the network has announced plans to produce entertainment programs, since few people watch it for news. Real news can only be found on the net.
Manipulation through advertising has been the ADL’s method of news control for decades. If you’re big enough and important enough, as is the Alex Jones news empire, you’re even provided lawyers, business agents and tax preparers to protect your operation from laws meant for the rest of us. To get that big requires a sophisticated understanding of fear and misdirection.
Alex Jones is the biggest private scaremonger in the world. He scares the bejeezus out of his followers. The names of his outlets are psyop names: Infowars and Prison Planet. The former is right out of the army’s field manual and the latter implants in the follower the idea that the planet is a prison. Jones constantly tells his followers that they are essentially doomed to be prisoners on a prison planet. He not only does not give followers the Jewish identity of the criminal syndicate behind this imprisonment but he also does not offer one suggestion of how to defeat the syndicate, other than to keep supporting his media empire and buying stuff from his advertisers.
Every official act of aggression today is a psychological operation, or a psychological experiment. The government needs to know how we will react to its provocations, whether committed by IRS, cops, teachers, FBI or the reports that we are under total surveillance by NSA. They need to know how much we’ll take before saying, No More, before joining something like the American Defense Party to overthrow the government.
Because there’s nothing left to do but overthrow it. We can’t tame it, we can’t reform it, we can’t make it our friend or serve us in any way. We shouldn’t even think about such things. Anything that threatens us must be destroyed, not housebroken.
So, how do we overthrow the government? For openers, by total non-compliance with every federal law, order, plan, program and act of aggression. Everything the federal government does is an act of aggression against us. That’s a passive way to do it – just non-compliance. Everyone should practice non-compliance.
The most significant way is to stop filing IRS forms and paying them any money. It doesn’t matter if you think there is or isn’t a law that says you have to file and pay. There is no written law that says so. But there’s the law of the gun, which says you do have to file and pay. The law of the gun only works on people who don’t have any guns or the guts to use them if they do.
Obviously don’t vote for anything in the federal government. When you vote you are giving your approval of the system. You’re authorizing the use of force against people such as yourself, which if you did it you’d wind up in prison. The American Defense Party stands for ending the federal super-government. The state governments will have to be brought under control as well, but the primary threat to our lives right now is Frankenstein’s federal monster and Dr. Frankenstein himself – the Federal Reserve. The law is such that only directed violence can bring down this deadly duo.
So, the question is, what’s wrong with violence?
Everything’s wrong with it if you use it first. That’s called “unprovoked violence” and is practiced mainly by the US government, here and abroad. The first guy to get violent deserves everything he gets. Anyone in the government who uses violence or even the threat of violence is our most dangerous and treacherous enemy and must be killed.
Intelligence – surveillance and spying – is the intent to commit violence after first determining what’s on our minds. The enemy wants to know what we’re going to do in response to his aggression – his unprovoked violence. The NSA is military intelligence. Why does military intelligence want to know everything about us? Only one reason: the government intends to attack us at some point in the future, which could be next week or next year. It’s already been attacking us for decades with an array of deadly stealth weapons such as vaccines, weather war, cyber war, the BP blowouts, chemtrails, and radiation poisoning. It’s been sending our young people into deadly undeclared wars such as Iraq, which alone has produced a million casualties in eleven years, not to mention the big wars of the 20th Century.
The federal government thinks violence is fine. It just wants a total monopoly on its use. The federal government is a big version of the Israeli government. It is easily offended when anyone or any weaker country objects to the official use of violence. But now it’s time to do a lot more than object.
Cops, too, think violence is fine as long as they’re doing it. As this writer has said many times, cops are licensed to use violence and to kill us. When’s the last time a cop was punished for killing the wrong person?
So the experts agree: nothing wrong with violence. The American Defense Party, however, says there’s everything wrong with government violence and the only way to deal with it is counter-violence by its victims, preferably its intended victims, preferably before the evil act occurs and more good people get killed or wounded. It’s called self-defense.
I was on a jury one time. A couple of hapless guys were facing prison for assault with a deadly weapon. Turned out one of them was attacked by a gang, was on his knees having the tar beaten out of him when his buddy, a telephone linesman, saw it. He ran to his company truck and grabbed a mattock and started toward the whole gang, swinging the instrument. Naturally the cops rolled up in time to see this rescue and arrested him and his bleeding friend. The jury got the case and we retired to the jury room. The bailiff came in with the mattock and put it on the long table. In the first vote a few jurors voted guilty. I asked, “Who voted guilty?” An Asian lady said, “I did.” “Why?” She looked at the mattock and said, “Well, there’s the weapon.” I asked her, “Do you know the difference between assault and self-defense?” She didn’t. Don’t worry – we turned them loose, finding them not guilty of any charge that the prosecution offered in a smorgasbord of possibilities. The few fools on the jury just had to have some things explained to them. But you can see how dangerous it is to go to trial with a jury. Almost as dangerous as a trial by a judge. We can no longer subject our freedom and lives to a bogus, treacherous legal system. Our prisons are full of two and a half-million convicts who mostly victimized no one and were represented by fake lawyers paid by the government, fake lawyers who only do one thing for their clients: plea-bargain and plead guilty.
But that’s the question being asked of us by our treacherous government thugs: do we understand the difference between assault and self-defense? They don’t ask us exactly that way. What they actually do is attempt to dominate us with a combination of surveillance and violence. Surveillance is the overture to violence. That’s the purpose of surveillance, to calculate the most efficient use of violence at some future time. Where will the subject be, what will he be doing, what will be his response to violence? It’s the same in war and in police terror.
There is a cowardly thing happening now: the revelations of Ed Snowden are suspected to be CIA disinformation, or PSYOP. The one million seven hundred thousand top secret documents he released are actually intended to demoralize us into giving up. The truth is that the cowards giving this excuse have already given up and will use this excuse to justify their unwillingness to fight the tyrants. The truth is that Snowden has shattered the lies of the surveillance industry forever. The tyrants who have winked and chuckled and lied when asked how much they know about us will never recover from this PR nightmare. Their industry will expand but it will grow more hated and scorned every week as more Snowden documents are revealed by Greenwald and others.
The position of the American Defense Party is that all federal activity is treason against the people and must be shut down. The federal surveillance industry is a very good reason why this must happen, among many others. Uppermost is the federal war industry, of which surveillance is a part. Snowden showed that totalitarian surveillance has been conducted against us since around 1950, once the vile National Security Act began exercising power over our lives – in total secrecy.
Americans could never afford “national security,” either financially or morally, but we had no idea what was going on. We didn’t know we couldn’t afford it because we didn’t know what it was or what it cost us in terms of money and danger and immorality. We were lied to for decades by the secret gangsters. But now we know. Not everything yet, but we know enough. Surveillance has been waged against us because we Americans were always the ultimate targets of the sadistic and predatory federal government. The US fedgov devoted much violence and our treasure to wipe out foreign “enemies” for the entire 20th Century. It’s still doing it but Ed Snowden showed us last summer that we Americans are the ultimate targets of fedgov. The only missing ingredient is the answer to the implied question: What do we plan to do about it?
The burden placed upon us by our new knowledge is that in failing to act violently against our own tyrants – since a civilized, legal response is barred from our use – we become progressively more immoral and cowardly every day. A legal response is not possible because the federal tyranny decides for us what is legal and available to us. The federal legal system has decided that we have no standing in federal courts to complain about anything, that only a Jewish legal team, the ACLU, can do this. As JFK said, those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable. That’s where we are now. Violent revolution is inevitable and always was due to the structure of the Constitution, which presented us with a presidency that would inevitably become a tyranny, which finally happened in 1861. It happened again in 1913 and yet again in 1933. Tyranny became the American way of life after Roosevelt and then Truman, who gave us the National Security Act.
Again, what’s wrong with violence? In aggression – everything. In self-defense – nothing.
At what point shall we resort to violence? Well, immediately, the instant a cop or fed tries to attack us. Recall the recent cases of Brandon Raub, Blaine Cooper and Ibragim Todashev. Raub was taken away by FBI and cops for wondering about 911 on Facebook. He was turned over to VA shrinks for a chemical lobotomy. Cooper was ordered by cops to submit to an FBI interrogation because of what he’d said on Facebook and found they had his entire Facebook history in a file, and similar files on his wife and parents. Todashev submitted to FBI interrogation and was shot seven times. The lesson for us here is that the FBI must be considered dangerous terrorists, which is exactly what they are. There’s no point in speaking to them because the minute you say something, they can accuse you of lying to them, which is a federal felony. If they don’t like what you say, they may well shoot you in the head. And never forget WTC ’93, in which several floors of Tower 2 were destroyed by an FBI bomb.
Violence is the only way to deal with intimidation and threats of violence and violence itself. Remember also that Brandon Raub’s attorney, John Whitehead, learned from veterans and a Virginia reporter while trying to spring his client that an average of 20,000 people a year (mostly veterans), just in Virginia, are picked up and put in psychiatric wards. Some get released after “treatment,” some disappear. Treatment apparently consists of chemical lobotomies, based on Raub’s shrink telling him, “I’m going to have to brainwash you. I’m going to medicate you forcibly.” This was shortly before Whitehead’s court-ordered release showed up.
Readers familiar with the ExtremismOnline website know how significant the Brandon Raub case was and is. The case and the huge numbers of “civil commitments” just in Virginia each year have put us in the position that we now have no choice but to start shooting if a number of cops and FBIs appear at our doors because there won’t be a happy ending if we surrender.
Veterans are now considered by their treacherous government to be psychologically damaged and as such prohibited from owning guns. I guess if I were lied into going to a strange country to kill and be killed and was then slandered and vilified by my former employer and blamed for doing what I was trained and ordered to do, I’d be psychologically damaged myself. We’ve all got a case of PTSD – not to mention the ass – from the betrayal by our treacherous and parasitical employees in the federal government and the federalized thugs wearing police uniforms, carrying guns and driving cars that we paid for.
The government is at war with all of us, not just the vets. So we’ve all got to stick together and fight. The best way to do this is to align ourselves with the American Defense Party. We must punish all who abuse power. When a person is a member of the party, he or she enters into a mutual defense pact with other members and agrees to come to the aid of another member who is threatened by the feds or federalized police. That’s the price of membership and it’s mandatory. Everything else about the party is voluntary, but so is joining up in the first place. There is no political or financial advantage in membership – just the mutual defense pact with others. But that will be worth a lot.
As the party grows it will be understood by feds and cops that they should not try anything with members because it will lead to them getting in a dreaded crossfire if they hang around for a few minutes. Then there is the matter of reprisals in the event the member cannot be assisted in a timely fashion. Reprisals will become standard operating procedure for federal aggression, whether or not backup is provided in time. And reprisals can be carried out anywhere in America in the member’s name.
This is how terrorism is dealt with. It’s called counter-terror and I predict it is the next big thing.