World’s Biggest Genocide: 40 Million Girls Killed In One Country
Forty million women killed, buried alive, abandoned, or married off at young age to old men. And if they are not killed, entire villages force their girls into prostitution.
This is a place where 50,000 unborn girls are aborted every month, where thousands of little girls are either buried alive or abandoned. A place where the female ratio is lowest in the world. A place with the highest number of underage girls married to older men, and the highest number of female infanticide: the practice of burying new born baby girls alive.
Around 40 million girls have been aborted, murdered or abandoned in this one nation since 1980.
This is India. Home to the biggest genocide against women on the planet.
And it continues as we speak.
“It’s the obliteration of a whole class, race, of human beings. It’s half the population of India,” said women’s rights activist Ruchira Gupta of Apne Aap Women Worldwide, in interview with ABC.
If a baby girl survives abortion or burial in India, she is forced into prostitution.
It is a crime in India to use an ultrasound to determine the sex of a child and it is also illegal to perform an abortion based on gender, but the laws are rarely enforced.
India has resources to spend on stopping this massive ill-treatment of women but it prefers to spend billions on weapons.
India is on a quest for superpower status and is spending its resources on the military. It has already spent $2 billion in Afghanistan to contain Pakistan, and billions more to counter China.
But can the Indian government really stop this mistreatment of Indian women?
It can. The Indian government had $264 billion in its savings account in 2009. This figure has jumped to $307 billion in the first week of December 2011.
So India basically has a rich government that refuses to share wealth with India’s poor, who happen to be the largest single block of poverty anywhere in the world.
Two women, one Indian and the other American, brought this silent genocide to world’s attention this month. Gita Aravamudan is the author of the book, ‘Disappearing Daughters’. And Mindy McReady is a journalist working for ABC television in the United States.
Together they have produced a compelling documentary, titled, ‘India’s Deadly Secret: Why an estimated 40 million girls have gone missing in India?’
Sadly, the Indian police and judiciary are corrupt and their silence can be bought. Even worse, the policemen and the judges are, after all, Indian men who don’t see much wrong in getting rid of female babies.
“The very people who have to implement the law — the police and the judiciary — also believe that having too many girls is a burden on the family,” Gupta said. “They never implement the laws because they believe in the same thing, and sometimes actually do the same thing.”
The real issue here is Hinduism, the majority Indian religion. It attaches a very low status to women, and thousands of years of practice has entrenched the anti-girl bias in Indian psyche. Today, there are thousands of Indian villages that push their girls into prostitution, if they survive abortion and infanticide.
In September 2011, Catholic Online wrote in a report quoting an Indian charity that “Young girls are pushed into the sex business by their own fathers and brothers, who see nothing wrong with it. They claim it is a tradition that has been passed down through generations. Under the devdasi (“servant of God”) culture, girls were dedicated to a life of sex work in the name of religion.”
See the full documentary on ABC’s website at this link: http://bitly.com/tHVRHI?r=bb
See Part 1 of the documentary on YouTube at this link: http://bitly.com/sh8bJ1?r=bb Part 2: http://bitly.com/vVwrfz?r=bb
Read the article on ABC’s website: Forced Abortions of Female Babies In India at this link http://bitly.com/spue08?r=bb
How To Help India’s Disappearing Daughters? See http://bitly.com/uHtNIr?r=bb