Solution For Ending Boer Genocide
EU MEPs Philip Claeys (Flanders), Andreas Mölzer (Austria) and Fiorello Provera (Italy) are to be applauded for their efforts although have come up short of a solution of ending the present racially-motivated brutality, endless torture, and slaughter within South Africa. Much of the times this is coming from the Police and this minority group is afraid to come forward. Thousands of honorable men and women have given their lives for the solution to the problem, and restoring order in the former Boer Republics now known as the De Facto British imposed puppet Government of South Africa.
In honor of those little children who have died in such grievous ways in the present genocide, please give me a moment to communicate this plan for immediate evacuation and a lasting peaceful solution.
GenocideWatch.org has changed its Level-5 designation of ‘South Africa’( Boers and Black Foreigners) as minorities at risk of genocide, to level 6 of genocide.
The levels of brutality endorsed by the Government is further evidenced on two main points:
1. There are reported more than 40,000 child rapes per year, but with most never being reported the true number will never be known. This is supported by the current ANC regime for their voodoo cure for aids to have sex with a virgin. This is much more damaging to women than any form of Islamic fundamentalism.
Peacekeeping forces have been provided on much less grounds than these unheard of levels brutality! Just the destruction of food alone for the region should have prompted some intervention.
The ICC at the Hague has been considering motions to charge Malema for the present grotesque slaughter and genocide. Many definitions have been proven to show South Africa as having more brutal deaths than most war zones. Will the ICC raise to their task, and the ANC extradicte Malema to be accountable in his role of inciting the present genocide?
Countless WAR CRIMES are kept from being told as the white minority are kept under fear and terror. These who have seen Policemen rape, torture and kill their family members over their skincolor will for ever remain afraid to disclose it to any body from Africa. They believe that any aid caravans from other African countries will only come to loot them even moreso, as a very easy booty for UN mercenaries.
The plan for order is not in re-colonizing, but an escaple plan of refuge and sanctuary for at least two million of the persecuted Christian Boerevolk to be taken off the streets and be given work again in the barren West lands. Leadership, restoring order, producing food, and wealth is on the horizon for these most skilled farmers, (the BoereVolk), and for the compassionate nations who assist their rescue.
The opportunities in international law may be high due to many factors. This is not only by Royal Claim of German noble houses upon the region of South West Africa, but also the unavoidable plea for freedom for the descendants of the three Boer Republics. Detailed family records of British stolen lands have been maintained for this day. British War Crimes forced the unlawful surrender, which was forced only by death camp murders of more than 30,000 Boer women and children. The freedom fighters were put in Prison, and lands stolen, and their sons were put in prison, and their sons, until today many are imprisoned also for their struggle of freedom under various fronts for the Boer Republics. However, many of these would leap at the chance for peace elsewhere and by any means. The nation awaits to be revived on a path not like that which was originally imposed by the British since 1902.
Currently "Racial Discrimination" is the law of the Rainbow nation, a far cry from any vision or example of human rights. A persecuted minority of two Million white South Africans have been deliberately forced out of their homes and onto the streets unemployed and desitute by the current ANC regime.
Food production is at an all time low in the region as their neighbors starve and flood accross the borders to take the last of the scraps, and add to the murder and pillaging. One of the most mineral rich countries in the world with the new ANC government is reduced to ruins, now begging Western nations for handouts.
There has never been a greater opportunity to show compassion in all history. The UK is called upon to assist with this ESCAPE AND REFUGE plan to make amends for their past major war crimes that forced the surrender of the Boer Republics. It is estimated that well over one million of this persecuted group of Africa identified as "white" farmers, will take up the offer. Many are calling it a holocaust they are enduring, and will gladly flee on any means of transport. Basic busing vehicles and respected security companies are all that are needed for the evacuation.
With record levels of food shortages accross the world, a Foreign Legion should be formed for the liberating of the Namibian border under Royal Claim, back to the approximate 90,000 Germans living in Namibia whose farms also have been stolen under the new government's law. This is also something the UK must make amends for and allow this Royal person to lead his people to freedom. The sanctuary is a barren wilderness near the Orange river. The task of this Foreign Legion is to guard the incoming caravans, build the tents, give house building training, assist in farm training and irrigation. With EU irrigation assistance, the task should come to flution 100 times faster than California was irrigated. The highly rich soil will enable the highest output quality food production. This act of liberation and restoring order will effecively feed the world and get the Farmer people, "The BoereVolk" off the streets as the world has nearly run out of handouts and credits.