Sandusky, Pedophilia and the Titanic Jerry Sandusky’s Case Touches Bigger Members Of America’s Power Elites
Winsip Custer CPW News Service
Vatic Note: What a stroke of luck this is. We had put up a previous blog about the porno Scandals? An anonymous commenter provided this below and it was worth giving it a blog of its own rather than responding to it in the comments section. I am always amazed at what we don't know and what the press does not bother to look into or to tell us, but then if they did, it becomes part of history and they have already rewritten how they want future generations to read this period in time just like they did with nazi Germany. There was a holocaust alright, but someone forgot to mention it was the massacre not only of German POW's, which is a war crime in itself, but also a massacre of over 3 million ethnic Germans at the hands of the US and western countries along with the zionists, and that is a crime against humanity that no one has paid for yet. I say Yet. Read it all the way through, its not a fast food reading exercise, rather its an educational exercise the likes of which I had not seen before. Please do yourself and others a favor and read the whole thing. Thanks.
While Jerry Sandusky maintains his innocence, his lawyer who reportedly impregnated an underage girl, agrees. Michael Jackson’s attorney, on the other hand, Mark Garegos, claims the case against Sandusky will fall apart because of assistant Penn State coach Mike McQueary’s equivocation. More victims are stepping forward, however...up to 10 new ones. Franco Harris says the Penn State Board of Directors acted prematurely in firing Joe Paterno and vouches his support even though it cost him his casino job at the Meadows Casino while Sandusky is claiming that a misinterpretation of his actions led to the criminal indictment.
Sandusky’s work beyond the college grid iron reveals the ties between American college sports and America’s historic power elites that is not being well-covered in the media frenzy according to one Penn State scandal watcher, Brian Laminature, of the citizen watchdog group, Better Than Bloodhounds.
"While the Bandinis, Tuscan rivals of the De Medici, grew grapes in California’s wine district not far from Bohemian Grove and married their most beautiful women, like Arcadia Bandini, to New Englander Abel Stearns, part of the George Luther Stearns family who controlled America’s lead production for bullets during the Civil War, Philadelphia also had the family of Peter Aurrell Brown Widener. Widener’s fortunes would be made in providing meat for the Union Army, then steel, Lucky Strikes and other supplies to the U.S. military during World War I and II while merging his investments with names like Brown & Williamson and RJ Reynolds whose heir was George Herbert Walker Bush’s chief legal counsel, C. Boyden Gray,” said Laminature. “Widener is synonymous with U.S. Steel, so when the CEO of U.S. Steel fires Joe Paterno, you begin to see the battle lines…..remember Hyman Rothman’s line from The Godfather….. ‘We’re bigger than U.S. Steel,’” said Laminature noting the wild card nature of the Jewish element in American politics. “If the conflicting groups are not bigger than the Brahmans, they want to be and they would use anything, including a secret pedophile problem, to make them such,” said Laminature. “Don’t forget,” he concluded “that if you are looking for a center of fascist thinking in Philly that would provide a context for Sandusky’s behavior, Widener’s son, Joseph Early Widener, was a key leader in the American fascist group that would have overthrown FDR’s administration with a 500,000 soldier army led by General Smedley Butler had Butler not challenged them. Widener’s relationship with Brown Brothers and Harriman and George Herbert Walker are well documented. So, too, is his ownership in the White Star Line that built the Titanic. Letting people know that the Penn State scandal and the Omaha, Nebraska scandal....the Franklin Savings/Republican pedophile cover-up are connected.... would be like a ship hitting an iceberg. The Franklin Cover Up and Texas Youth Commission pedophile ring were warnings to America that more Penn States were to come if people did nothing. The warning came from, surprisingly, a conservative writer for WorldNet Daily, whose book about John Kerry's Swift Boat experiences may have cost him the nomination. The writer, Jerome Corsi, has widely circulated the story connecting the issue to a prison in West Texas, to former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez and Governor, Rick Perry. Corsi worked with a Texas Ranger to bring this pedophile issue to light, but Corsi's heritage is from an Italian family from Tuscany like the De Medici, Bandini and Toscani families, so anything is possible given the apparent orchestration of the release of the Sandusky and Penn State scandal. We're dealing with Machavellian if not Lucerferian power tactics here,” said Laminature who explained that the Texas Ranger with whom Corsi worked was Texas Ranger Brian Burzynski and the Rangers have a long history of siding with the power elites in Texas who have since the 1840's called the shots. "Again," said Laminature, "anything is possible and the innocent are hurt without regard to their lives by those in power."
I asked Laminature what might have happened had FDR been overthrown. He said "either we'd be speaking German or they would have knocked off Hitler and taken his place," he concluded. "You could argue that Smedley Butler saved the Republic as we know it, but not that FDR was innocent in all of this. The Roosevelt fortunes were as much from the China Trade and opium as the others. The Puritans weren't all that pure and pedophilia is the most prurient of their impurities...as with the Roman Catholic priests identified this summer in Philly. Remember that Teddy Roosevelt's son, Kermit, overthrew the democratically elected leadership of Iran in three weeks and replaced it with the repressive Shah of Iran accompanied by Norman Schwarzkopf, Sr. . If this is the Democrats outing the Republican Party's tightly held secret in the run up to the 2012 election? Politics as usual! But anyone who has ever worked with a Chicago union organizer knows that none are innocent....no not one. Well, the kids were, but their eyes are opened now. And Jerry Sandusky was famous for telling his Second Mile kids 'it's not what happens to you, but how you handle it," said Laminature adding... "Let's see how Sandusky, Penn State and the nation handle it."