Navy veteran and former contractor suing Rumfeld for alleged torture
Muriel Kane
He says that when he went to Iraq in 2004, he found employees of his company building weapons to sell to Iraqi officials, some of them with ties to Iraqi militants. The FBI asked him to work undercover, but when his cover was blown, the special forces team that rescued him turned out to be working with the same corrupt officials. That was how he wound up in a prison camp undergoing “enhanced interrogation.”
Vance appeared Friday on Countdown with Keith Olbermann. He explained that he is suing Donald Rumsfeld because he believes Rumsfeld would have to have signed off on his torture personally. He has no real idea of how he wound up in the situation where he found himself, but he suggested that the people in the U.S. military who were dealing with corrupt Iraqi officials may have been trying to find out how much he knew about the corruption.
“I’ve endured the entire program,” he said of the treatment he underwent. It included food deprivation, sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation and sensory overload, and being slammed into a wall — almost everything short of waterboarding.
Now he is determined to find out why it all happened — and to see justice done.
These videos are from Countdown, broadcast on Current TV on August 5, 2011.