The Economic Consequences of theTrans-Atlantic Slave Trade
Priyantha Hettige
1480 – 1495CE. Torquemada (Catholic Inquisitor – Judge)
Active Inquisitor: 1480 – 495CE. *He had 10,220 people, Witches burned alive. (mostly old and toothless, poverty stricken and demented, women, hags) *He had 97,371 heretics hanged. *He disposed of a total of 114,000 real people.
1492CE : The expelling of Jews from Spain.
1492CE : Columbus
Columbus sets sail and discovers America for Europe 1492CE. The first African slaves shipped in 1502 to the Caribbean area due to the extermination of the harmless local tribe’s people, e.g. Taino, living around the islands of the Caribbean.
1509 to 1547CE : King Henry VIII
He becomes head of the English (Protestant) Church in 1531 He was Excommunicated around 1533 by Pope Clement. He executed those Catholics in opposition to his rule. (about 10,000 it is said.) He died 1547CE
1517CE : Martin Luther
Martin Luther nails his 95 “Questions” to the door of Wittenberg Church in 1517. (Luther justified serfdom and slavery – logically)
1536- 1539CE : “Reform of the Monasteries”
In the Reforms, Inquisitional torture was to be reduced but it was never eliminated altogether. (The death-sentence by imprisoning, alive, people in Gibbet-Cages was kept going until people demanded criminals be hanged before caging in the 18th. century.)
The Jesuit Organization was founded in 1539 by Ignacio Loyola to counter-balance the Protestant Heresy. (- by cunning subterfuges)
1553 to 1558CE : Catholic ‘Bloody’ Queen Mary
June 5, 2011
From: Rod Remelin