This FREE website, which never asks for money, nor has anything to sell and contains no miserable pop-ups, exists to challenge your thinking, and if you haven't ever thought about this issue before - to do so.
Keep in mind, there is more than one way to enslave a people; a nation, perhaps even global conquest - The world.
Military conquest, wherein even the least educated among us can clearly see their status - Slaves., is one way. But military conquest has serious defects: The slaves clearly see and feel it; massive numbers of troops/police must be employed to enforce the master's edicts/will, and the desire for freedom continually sows the seeds of revolution/rebellion.
Wasn't it JFK who said: "If we don't allow peaceful revolution we will have violent revolution"?
Consider a second way to enslave a people - a much more preferred way - Economic bondage, wherein not one in a million will see it or understand what has happened. An enslavement wherein the people THINK they are free and happily surrender all they produce to the masters.
Consider further that just because you don't see the earth as a global plantation, doesn't mean there aren't very powerful people who do.
The number ONE distinction between freedom and slavery is free people get paid for their labor, their property - slaves don't!
It really doesn't matter if you are jet-propelled, air-conditioned or steak fed...nor does it matter where you live in the world...and it equally doesn't matter if you THINK you are free. What matters is whether or not you get paid for your labor or property.
Who said it: "None are so hopelessly ENSLAVED as those who THINK they are free"?
This free website will prove conclusively, using well researched documents (many from the Federal Reserve System and its member banks) that you most certainly are NOT being paid, haven't been paid, nor are paying for anything since June 24th, 1968 by an act of Congress.
It is not our fault that the media in 1968 failed to cover the world's largest bank robbery - wherein men in suits emptied our bank accounts of the last known commodity to serve AS the money - silver in coin form...and left nothing - NO THING in its place. But "something" had to take silvers place - didn't it? Read on for the answer.
I was in 7th grade in 1968, and The Vietnam War was in full bloom. It occupied many minds. As you continue working your way through these pages, you'll begin to understand the power of those who can create money - and what they can "buy". One of the first steps to economic conquest is controll of all communications - Yep, the media, for one.
Anyone reading this who has taken economics in college, surely must agree with my definition that economics is: "the dismal, dull, science of deception". (Unless of course, you are an economist).
I mention this because like in most cases, the truth is simple but made to appear complex, so the slaves never catch on.
And as you continue on with this website, please keep an open mind; hear me out, and enjoy the greet feeling that comes with understanding something you thought was so complicated.
The ostrich pictured above is so symbollic of most people's situation. He drags his ball and chain unaware he is totally enslaved. Startle him with the truth and he burys his head (Guess what sticks out?). Truly, "Those who are unaware, are unaware of being unaware".
Finally, as stated earlier, it matters not where you live on plantation earth. The USA has the same monetary system Russia has that Hitler had.
Dec. 22, 2010