A closer look at child abuse networks in the Netherlands and Belgium Apparent top level involvement in both countries
Back in October 2009, ISGP received a number of documents that give some insight in how child abuse networks in Belgium can be protected, because numerous mid- to high level officials appear to be involved in them. These documents have already been discussed in 2004 by a small Dutch website. Now ISGP does it in English, and with considerably more perspective than we had in those days. The Dutch names have also been mentioned in several places, but not very widespread and not in English. And as always, information is quite scattered. So read and .... well, "enjoy" is undoubtedly not the right word.
The Stanley Club's amazing protection
The first document to be discussed here was written in 1997. It was more or less a death bed testimony from an old woman named Jacqueline Smolders. She started out by saying:
"I am gravely ill and don't see myself living much longer, and that's why I still want to testify in relation to the murdered and missing children of which the investigation is ongoing at the District Attorney's Office and the examining magistrate in Neufchateau." [1]
She spoke about Le Stanley, a club in Brussels that organized sex orgies. It existed in the 1960s, until 1971-1972. She was a member at the time and knew the owner, a certain | ||
![]() Testimony of Jacqueline Smolders. |
Marcel Hofmans. Some of the other members of the club included Belgian executives of U.S. corporations as IBM and Union Carbide. Hofmans and his colleague in Le Stanley both worked for IBM at the time. Smolders had noticed that a lot of things went on behind the scenes that were illegal. The club had a second floor where porn movies were shot, including with dogs. A warning system had been installed behind the counter in case the police or gendarmerie would show up. Behind this counter was a young black girl that Smolders thought could well have been Virginie Baranyanka, the lawyer of Nihoul | |
who decades later was responsible for ousting examining magistrate Connerotte over the Spaghetti incident. She was also virtually certain that the father of the murderer of Loubna Benaissa (a controversial case, see Beyond the Dutroux Affair) was an ex-colonialist and used to be a member of Le Stanley. |
Smolders suspected that at least several members of club Le Stanley must have known Nihoul at the time and that is why she testified. Her testimony contains several interesting sections that give insight in how criminal networks - whether they are into child abuse or not - can be protected by friendly higher ups. Here's an example:
"In the club was a member whom I didn't know by name but who was in the possession of a private airplane. He flew to Switzerland to get these films for LE STANLEY. Ik know these films were flown from Sweden to Switzerland where the member in question went to pick them up.
"One day, in 1969, this plane crashed over the province of Namur with all the pornographic material onboard. The police intervened and all the pornographic material was confiscated. That evening, however, Marcel HOFMANS had all the copies of the movies in his possession, because of the intervention of apparently influential persons in the judicial sphere of Namur." [2]
After 1972, the club was relocated to several other locations within the Brussels area, according to Hofmans, because he enjoyed the necessary protection from the police here. He did had some concerns over the Gendarmerie, from which he didn't get the same amount of protection. Smolders:
"I don’t remember the name of the club at that place and I’ve never been there. He himself (Marcel Hofmans) told that something had changed in the protection of himself and his club and that Etterbeek again would be much easier. I don't know the names of the persons who constantly protected him. I do know that it always involved very important persons, by their background, their wealth or social position. I'm talking about politicians, top-level army and police officers, judges and district attorneys." [3]
Orgies with children... possible
Mary Porsont, who used to work at La Piscine, one of the clubs owned by Marcel Hofmans in the early 1990s, has also given a testimony that appears in the Dutroux files. In the 1993-1994 period she worked for the labor union SETca (Syndicat des employés, techniciens et cadres) and the Socialist Party. Among the people she got to know was a certain Richard de Groot. De Groot soon introduced her to Roger Labarbe, the national chairman of the SETCa. They offered her to come with them to sexual orgies, for which she would get a considerable compensation (she needed money). The three of them subsequently went to swing club Hoeve Bornedries, which, according to de Groot and Labarbe, belonged to former defense minister Guy Coeme (who got burnt in the Agusta scandal). More frequently they would go to the private club La Lune des Pirates, which was later renamed to La Piscine. Porsont eventually ended up working at La Piscine for a relatively brief period. About La Piscine she testified:
"In the club that was run by a certain Eric I met magistrates, lawyers from the Court of Assisen, gendarmes, police officers, officers from the District Attorney's police, but also surgeons and other people with money. Sex orgies were regularly organized. But without participation of minors. The owner was Marcel [Hofmans] and he worked with a certain Yvan, a beer producer. I started at the club in March 1996. The ground floor was just a regular cafe, the club was on the first floor. You became a member for 1000 francs [25 euros] per year and you paid 2000 francs [50 euros] every time you visited. Four drinks, sauna, swimming pool and the rest. Mattresses could be found everywhere to have fun with anyone available. I worked there for approximately two months. ...
"In the half year I worked at La Piscine I did not see any pedophile activity. But I did hear enough about the bizarre sexual preferences of socalled higher ups and that there were possibilities to organize orgies with children. A certain Eric and Nina asked me to approach those higher ups who came to us at La Piscine and left their phone number with offers of special evenings. Especially Nottebaert [small-time socialist politician who liked SM] but also quite a few ministers turned out to be very interested in those kind of evenings. At the union and the Socialist Party I learned a lot about their sexual preferences. Elio di Rupo, for example, who had a relationship with Spitaels's son." [4]
So just as Smolders, Porsont paints a similar picture of Marcel Hofmans's clubs: orgies, semi-illegal activity and protection by higher ups. ISGP has already discussed Elio di Rupo and Guy Spitaels and their links to child abuse scandals, so nothing new here. And since the club was located in Etterbeek, Antwerp, it is not surprising to learn that Nihoul came here over the floor also. [5] After all, Les Atrebates and The Dolo, both protected by the local police, were also located in Etterbeek.
This aspect actually requires a whole seperate investigation, so just be aware that cults, new age theories, pedophila, ritual abuse, and social behaviour experiments conducted by three-letter intelligence agencies have gone hand in hand for many decades. In Beyond Dutroux we already went into that aspect to a considerable extent - so maybe it's not a total surprise to have come across these two cults.
But more importantly, in April 1994, the address of this Bhagwan sect was changed to the Kammenstraat 29, 2000 Antwerp. About a year later, on November 27, 1995, police conducted a search at this very same address. They were looking for a person named Eric Mattheeussen, who had been accused of taking illegal photographs at a morgue in the aftermath of a rather tragic traffic accident. Mattheussen used this semi-abandoned building as a storage or working place. When police looked around and went to the first floor they found many boxes. Here's a brief description of what was inside those boxes:
"In these boxes we find amongst other things thousands of photos of children. These appear to be regular photos, usually taken up front... In other boxes we find hundreds of pictures of corpses of children, often in the most hideous poses. Many of the pictures have been made by himself; other pictures were made on order by other photographers. ... In several boxes we find child pornography. ... Hundreds of magazines. ... The lecture shows penetrations of often very young children by grown ups, and also some very unusual pedophile fantasies. ... Pictures of deceased children in concentration camps... newspaper clippings of prominent disappearances." [7]
Whether or not the Eric in the testimony of Porsont is Eric Mattheussen, hard to tell. The same goes for any subsequent judicial steps that were taken against Hofmans and-or Mattheussen. But you can expect that probably not a whole lot was done.
There seems to be no end to all the depressing child abuse reports that are contained in the leaked Dutroux dossier and everything related to it. Just before finishing this article we stumbled across reports about former Charleroi mayor and Walloon prime minister Jean-Claude van Cauwenbergh (who in this last position followed up the well known Elio di Rupo) and his apparent ties to child abuse networks, just as one more testimony about satanic sects and the involvement of mid- to higher level members of society in it. [8] The accusations, from many different sources, just go on, and on, and on, and on. It just doesn't stop.
Well, up to the north, to the Netherlands.
Also in the Netherlands evidence has been mounting since the late 1990s that important individuals are involved in child abuse networks. ISGP already did a brief article on reports in Belgian dossiers that concerned the Netherlands. But there is more.
In the late 1990s there was the socalled Rolodex investigation in the Netherlands. A 2004 letter of Hans Laroes, editor in chief of the NOS News (one of the most respected news programs in the Netherlands), to the Council for Journalism, gives a good background.
"Already in 2000 top public official Joris Demmink attracted the attention of the research office of the [NOS] News. In march that year we did an investigation with the question if the Belgian Marc Dutroux Affair had tentacles in the Netherlands. It was the time that the Zandvoort child porn case had relit and the media was laying in front of the door of the Belgian Morkhoven workgroup. The name Joris Demmink had been given to me in conversations with detectives. These spoke about a 1998 investigation, ran from a very secret location in Utrecht: an investigation into a network of top public officials, two district attorneys [19 in total at the time in the Netherlands], a former minister, a former attorney of the Queen and a single professor who would have sex with underaged boys. The investigation had begun at the direction of the College of Prosecuter-Generals - instigated by the district attorney of Amsterdam, Vrakking.
"Demmink played an important role in that investigation. Detectives had suspected that this top public official had given information to one of the main suspects, the Amsterdam professor Van R., with whom he was friends. Because of that, the professor avoided prosecution, the detectives stated." [9]
The letter recapped how in October 2003 both the Gay Krant and Panorama magazine had published an article about Demmink (not giving his name), Holland's secretary-general of
justice, and his apparent involvement in child abuse. The letter also described the reaction of Demmink's direct superior, attorney general Piet-Hein Donner, when he heard about the publications:
"Minister [of Justice] Donner threatens to sue all media which further identify the public official. The ANP reports: "At this point Minister Donner of Justice does not see a reason to open an investigation. 'There is not a trace of smoke, |
![]() Gay Krant and Panorama publications on Demmink, October 2003 |
let alone fire', says Donner in a reaction. On the Radio 1 news the seething minister criticized 'this form of journalism that is based on rumors'. He qualified the piece as 'throwing mud'." [10] |
Such a reaction can hardly be taken serious, as accusations against Demmink have been coming from all corners for many different years. There's even one accusation related to sexual preferences (no children) and subsequent blackmail which involves both Demmink and Donner - so let someone else tell us what to believe and what not.
Anyway, what follows next are the suspects from the Rolodex investigation. Prince Claus apparently was not under investigation by this cell. His named turned up during a case involving Frits Salomonson, which actually caused Salomonson to be put on the suspect list of the Rolodex investigators.
Frits Salomonson | Subsidiary subdistrict court judge in Amsterdam. Judicial advisor to Queen Beatrix, the daughter of Prince Bernhard, and Prince Claus 1976-1996. Friend of Beatrix since her student days. "Uncle Frits" to the children of Beatrix and Claus. Member of the Guardianship Council of Prince Willem Alexander, the son of Queen Beatrix, until 1996. On the advisory board of Banque de Suez in the 1980s. Lawyer for Banque de Suez Holland in and around 1992. Long time associate of lawyer Oscar Hammerstein, who has numerous ties to Dutch organized crime. Head of the advisory board of a company named Text Lite 1984-1986, and remained on the advisory until the company collapsed in 1990. The collapse of Text Lite would grow into a scandal by 1994. Partner in the law firm Boekel de Nerée 1991-1995, where Rutger Schimmelpenninck was another partner (since about 1979). Schimmelpenninck became the curator for Text Lite, but eventually withdrew as he did not want to file a claim against Salomonson. Mentioned (but not by name) in the Van Traa Commission papers as a significant money launderer for the Klaas Bruinsma and Etienne Urka empire through the company Text Lite. Withdrew as advisor to Queen Beatrix over this affair. Lives in Belgium these days. |
Prince Claus | 1926-2002. Husband of Queen Beatrix since 1966. Not a spectacular career. In 1982 there were reports that Claus and Salomonson had been visiting gay bars in New York and that the Americans had taken pictures of their escapades. An unpublished Der Spiegel article over that affair also mentioned sources from Bonn that claimed Claus had been called back from his diplomatic post in Ivory Coast in 1962 because of improper sexual behaviour and because he had an affair with an East-German diplomat (KGB blackmail?). Until this point, there's no reason to have taken up Claus in this list. That changes when one learns that during Salomonson's trial a sworn testimony of a couple came to pass in which they claimed to have seen Claus in a brothel in a compromising position with a 12 or 13 year old boy. [11] True or not, there's enough circumstantial evidence here to not let this go unreported. |
Joris Demmink | Born in 1947. Since 1982 active in the Justice Department. Secretary-general of Justice since 2002, working directly beneath Attorney General Donner. Child abuse accusations (always homosexual) against Demmink have been mounting since the 1980s. |
Henry Hans Holthuis | District attorney 1995-2000. Registrar of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia since 2000. The Nieuwe Revu and the Metro newspaper revealed his identity as one of the two district attorney's in June 2007. [12] |
Unknown district attorney | Identity unknown, but similar statue as Hans Holthuis. Coincidentally, the most likely candidate ISGP had already come across years ago, because this person, who is gay, was a director of the Dutch branch of the WWF. |
Job de Ruiter | Born in 1930. Law professor at the Free University of Amsterdam. Attorney General 1977-1982. Secretary of Defense 1982-1986. Prosecuter-General in Amsterdam 1986-1990. His identity in the Rolodex investigation was revealed in a column in the Metro Newspaper on October 24, 2006. [13] |
Ger van Roon | Professor of political history at the Free University of Amsterdam. A friend of Joris Demmink. Children from eastern Europe who came in from Amsterdam's central train station often went directly to the apartment of van Roon, where "sinister sex parties" were held, according to police files. Van Roon was in contact with such members of the pedophile underground as Karel Maasdam, "German Willy" (transported children) and Lothar Glandorf. The latter ran an elaborate pedophile brothel in Rotterdam and traded in hundreds of children from England to eastern Europe (Demmink was a client of his brothel). |
Salomonson is probably the most intriguing person in this list. One coincidence is his position at Banque de Suez Holland in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Since 1988 the Suez Group was chaired by Etienne Davignon, a person that prominently featured in the Beyond Dutroux article. The Suez Group had taken over Societe Generale - a bank involved in companies that controlled about one third to one half of the Belgian economy at the time - when Davignon took the chairmanship. He and Maurice Lippens, who features even more prominently in Beyond Dutroux, also chaired Societe Generale from that point. Interesting coincidence then that the Dutch subsidiary of this group featured Salomonson among its upper staff.
Observant readers might furthermore have noticed the name "Rutger Schimmelpenninck" in Salomonson's biography. Schimmelpenninck and Salomonson worked at the same law firm in the early 1990s, and Schimmelpenninck got to clean up the financial mess of one of Salomonson's companies: Text Lite. [14] Later on, accusations surfaced that Text Lite had been laundering drug money for Dutch organized crime. Whatever the details are of this affair, ISGP discussed the Schimmelpenninck family, including this member, in an article that was published last year. [15] We discussed two small summaries of testimonies that appeared in the Dutroux dossiers that were about child abuse networks in the Netherlands. One of these summaries read:
"This person wrote about the existence of a sect in the Netherlands consisting of about 300 members, many with backgrounds as lawyers, jurists, judges and police officers. Members held
meetings at rural estates where [ritual] child abuse took place. There was a specific focus at maintaining Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) in the children. Apparently, a whistleblower who tried to inform the police was disbelieved and soon thereafter disappeared. The letter specifically mentioned "villa Westflier in Markelo" as a place where abuse had taken place." [16] After looking around a bit, ISGP reported that the Westerflier estate in Markelo had previous inhabitants with very close ties to I.G. Farben, that after WWII the estate became a boarding school for young girls | ||
with emotional or behavioral problems, and... that this estate has been in the Schimmelpenninck family for centuries. We described two present members of this family, including the associate of Salomonson: |
"One member, a baron named Coen Schimmelpenninck (b. 1943), today can be found at the High Council of Nobility and the Prince Bernhard Culture Fund. This person has also been an occasional representative of the Dutch royal family. Another member of the family, a count named Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck (b. 1949; direct descendant of the family who has owned the estate since 1799), has been a partner in Houthoff Buruma, a board member of the large ABN AMRO bank, head of Barings Holland 1995-1996, and curator for the Dutch branch of Lehman Brothers and the DSB Bank (when they collapsed)."
It's interesting then, of course, that when we have just five or six names of allegedly high profile members of this Dutch child abuse network, that one of them has been (or is) a close associate of Rutger Schimmelpenninck. It may just be a coincidence, but anyone would still have to admit that it is quite a coincidence. So when the anonymous witness in the Dutroux dossier is talking about a child abuse network consisting of "lawyers, jurists, judges and police officers", it's hard not to wonder if he or she wasn't referring to people like Salomonson, Claus, members of the Schimmelpenninck family, Demmink, Holthuis, de Ruiter, van Roon and-or several associates.
Salomonson left Schimmelpenninck at Boekel de Nerée in 1995. The (indirect!) | ||
accusations against the Schimmelpenninck family were made in December 1996. Earlier that year, Salomonson's neighbors had claimed to the Amsterdam mayor that he was seeing underaged male prostitutes (mainly Moroccan), that he had an SM room in his home and they had once heard a gunshot. Salomonson took his by then former neighbors to court and a process ensued. During the process at least two witnesses confirmed the story of the neighbors of Salomonson (and a lot more about the questionable aspects of Amsterdam's gay scene). The editor in chief of Privé, the largest gossip magazine in the Netherlands, confirmed that back in the 1980s he had indeed received pictures from one of the witnesses depicting Salomonson in an SM outfit with four underaged boys. At the time he had advised the witness to destroy the pictures for his own personal safety. It took 10 years, but eventually Salomonson lost the case. [17]
Events like this undoubtedly caused Salomonson to |
![]() Queen Beatrix and Prince Claus. You know, if it was just that one accusation against Claus, ISGP would have loved to ignore it. But with "Uncle Frits" being such a close family friend and so much circumstantial evidence that something is really rotten in the states of Holland and Belgium, it's not wise to leave out potentially crucial information. This also brings back memories of the 30 year butler to Queen Elizabeth in England, who in late 2008 turned out to be giant pedophile (also liked them boys). [21] Accusations against the Belgian royals have already been addressed. |
be taken up in the secret Rolodex investigation of 1998, which we have only come to know some of the details about in recent years. |
One aspect hasn't been discussed yet. In 2007 the Telegraaf, a large newspaper in the Netherlands, managed to publish an elaborate article on the Rolodex investigation. Names weren't given, but for someone who knows the identities it is very easy to recognize descriptions of Demmink, Holthuis, van Roon, etc. The Telegraaf article mentioned one very important aspect of the Rolodex investigation that appears not to have been given attention before or after that piece.
When the supposedly secret investigation was well underway, a new "witness" came forward accusing a third district attorney and some other officials of child abuse. It soon turned out that this "witness" was part of the group that was already under investigation, so the accusations were discarded. The district attorney and some persons involved in the investigation at that time were interviewed by the Telegraaf, which reported:
"According to those involved, the top official [the district attorney] put the blame for this contra action at the feet of the organization of top criminal Mink K. [Kok]. "In his opinion the stories were launched by what he called 'the club': Mink K. and two former detectives with whom K. would have worked together in the IRT affair," says an insider." [18]
If true, that immediately brings up the question why these people would get themselves involved in stopping a child abuse investigation. Let's take a brief look at who these people are and what they have been doing.
The IRT affair of 1993 centered around a police unit which was working with several important drug dealers, supposedly in an effort to penetrate the top echelons of the international drug trade. Initially there were only accusations that they had let through large quantities of marihuana, but it soon turned out they had also allowed 15,000 kg (33,000 pounds) of cocaine to pass through Dutch borders. The drug dealers they worked with were Mink Kok and Kris J. The latter was head of the Dutch branch of the Cali Cartel and one of executives of the cartel in Columbia. [19] The former will be discussed in a minute.
To keep things brief , there's every indication that the IRT cell was working with or for the American Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Robert Nieves in particular. Nieves was a close associate of Oliver North and Joe Fernandez (CIA Costa Rican station chief 1984- | ||
![]() Mink Kok. What was the real deal behind IRT? How did he get all those advanced weapons in his safe house? Who were those "mediterranean" types? Why does he speak fluent Hebrew? And the most important question here, why did he get himself involved with the Rolodex investigation? |
1986) during the whole Contra affair (accepting drugs as payment for weapons). After he retired from the DEA, Nieves continued to work with them at Guardian Technologies, a company that produced bullet proof vests. Some reports have stated that Mink Kok was in direct contact with Nieves. [20]
As for Mink Kok's further career, in 1999, police conducted a search at a house in Amsterdam, supposedly because the neighbors had complained about water leaking through the walls. What the police officers found was a collection of 220 pieces of advanced weaponry: rocket launchers, riot guns, P90's with laser sights, H&K machine guns, FN assault rifles, Beretta's, guns disguised as umbrellas and key rings, silencers, night vision goggles, bullet proof vests, and explosives with remote control. It soon turned out that this building was one of Mink Kok's "safe houses". Neighbors |
had only occasionally seen the inhabitants: one woman and several men of "mediterranean descent". According to FN, the weapons coming from their factory that were found in Mink Kok's house should have been in the possession of the United States and Jordan Armies. Where all the other weapons were supposed to be wasn't reported. |
Quite a bit has been written about Mink Kok over the years, but a decent explanation of how he came into the possession of this weaponry (supposedly he had hundreds of anti-tank weapons in other stashes) has not been given yet. Kok has been spending millions per year to bribe government officials, he supposedly knows how to blackmail dozens of other officials, he can get state secrets, he's in the drug trade, he has worked with different intelligence agencies, and supposedly is close to the leadership of several international terrorist organizations - but for someone who appears to be such a national security threat and gets such a great deal of media attention (all in a very small country), there are very few solid answers as to what he's been really up to.
Take just the weapons cache, for example. How did he get those weapons? What was he going to do with them? Were the Mediterranean looking inhabitants Arabs, Israelis or did they have some other nationality? Or why does Kok speak fluent Hebrew (or why did he go to a kibbutz in the early 1980s)? And probably the most relevant questions to this article: Did Kok and his associates indeed try to torpedo the Rolodex investigation? And if so, why, or on whose behalf?
In this brief article a considerable amount of information has been discussed that at the very least indicates that there is a serious amount of corruption and perversion at the top layer of Dutch and especially Belgian society. And it may not be unreasonable to assume that these things go on in many other western countries as well.
There are several ways to look at this. ISGP at this point is really just interested in understanding to what extend these affairs are going, how they influence the media, and to what extend the people discussed in all the articles on ISGP are being blackmailed - and by whom, of course.
In the Nebula article it was theorized that the worst and controlling aspects of these child abuse networks can be found in the covert operations crowd of the United States and Israel. As for Belgium, it was possible to make a pretty strong case for that. Information from the Netherlands is still a little scarce, although the IRT affair has some incredible parallels to the drug trafficking scandal surrounding Paul van den Boeynants.
We'll see what comes out in the coming years.
[1] | Schaarbeek Police, Jacqueline Smolders interview (March 18, 1997) |
[2] | Ibid. |
[3] | Ibid. |
[4] | Kleintje Muurkrant, Leugens in België serie (Lies in Belgium series) (2004)
www.stelling.nl/followup/leugens.html Don't have the Dutroux dossiers myself anymore, so no hard copies. But Stelling has been citing from all the same sources over the years and I've never caught them making anything up. So I have no reason to doubt their citations from Mary Porsont's testimonies. |
[5] | 2004, Herwig Lerouge (used to be editor-in-chief of the weekly magazine Solidair), 'Het Dossier Nihoul: De knoop in het proces-Dutroux' ('The Nihoul Dossier: The knot in the Dutroux trial'), H7, online edition: "Just as Nihoul this inspector also comes at La Piscine, the other sex club in Etterbeek." (PV A1190, September 26, 1996, Police Etterbeek. ) |
[6] | Parquet du Procureur du Roi, Brussels, PJ 301, No. 37117 (September 2, 1996) |
[7] | Gendarmerie, Antwerp Brigade, PV 113181/95 (November 27, 1995) |
[8] | Kleintje Muurkrant, Leugens in België serie (Lies in Belgium series) (2004)
www.stelling.nl/followup/leugens.html (scroll up) |
[9] | January 1, 2004, Hans Laroes, editor in chief of the NOS News, to the Council for Journalism. Can be viewed here:
dmz.homelinux.net/docs/topambtenaar/runderkamppaper.html |
[10] | Ibid. |
[11] | Ton Biesemaat article.
www.standejong.nl/wp-content/2008/06/salomonclausmust.doc This article is based on interviews with the lawyer of the defendants, two victim-witnesses. Biesemaat also dug up the old Spiegel article that never made it to the press. |
[12] | June 20, 2007, Stan de Jong & Wim van de Pol, Nieuwe Revu, 'Risico van chantage hoge ambtenaren Justitie ligt op de loer Voormalig superofficier Hans H. betrokken bij pedo-affaire' ('Risk of blackmail high Justice officials is looming. Former superofficer Hans H. involved in pedo-affair')
The Metro newspaper reported the same name the same day. |
[13] | October 24, 2006, Pamela Hemelrijk (used to work for Holland's largest newspaper Algemeen Dagblad) column in Metro newspaper: "And then we aren't even talking about the then Secretary of Defense Job de Ruiter, who, I read, not only was guilty of this cover-up [defective landmine affair in which top Army officials were involved], but was also blackmailed over the fact that he was committing immoral offences with underaged boys." |
[14] | December 15, 1994, Trouw (major newspaper), 'Curator Text Lite withdraws: law partner is wrong': "Mr. R. Schimmelpenninck has withdrawn as curator of the bankrupt Text Lite. ... Schimmelpenninck is part of the Amsterdam law firm Boekel de Nerée and is a partner of Mr. F. Salomonson, the former president of the advisory board of Text Lite." |
[15] | May 21, 2009, ISGP, 'In brief : "Beyond Dutroux" ties to the Netherlands' |
[16] | Anonymous letter (December 13, 1996)
See the Beyond Dutroux appendix 'the victim-witnesses' www.isgp.eu/dutroux/Belgian_X_dossiers_victims_and_witnesses.htm |
[17] | Ton Biesemaat article.
www.standejong.nl/wp-content/2008/06/salomonclausmust.doc This article is based on interviews with the lawyer of the defendants, two victim-witnesses. Biesemaat also dug up the old Spiegel article that never made it to the press. The case did appear in the newspapers a few times. Examples: *) March 13, 1998, Volkskrant (major newspaper), 'Ex-raadsheer van Beatrix belasterd: zware geldboetes' ('Ex-council of Beatrix defamed: heavy fines') *) January 18, 2009, Volkskrant, 'Oud-adviseur koningshuis van ontucht beticht' ('Former advisor of royal house accused of child abuse') |
[18] | June 16, 2007, De Telegraaf, ''Topambtenaren in pedonetwerk'; Geheim, verzwegen onderzoek...' ('Top public officials in pedo-network; Secret, suppressed investigation...')
www.standejong.nl/documents/pedodoofpottelegraaf.doc |
[19] | February 26, 2000, Volkskrant, ''Kris' J. zou in top van Colombiaans cocaïnekartel zitten' (''Kris' J. would in top of Columbian cocaine cartel [according to police files]') |
[20] | February 7, 2000, Intelligence, N. 111, p. 1 |
[21] | October 2, 2008, The Telegraph, 'Paedophile royal butler 'took victims to tea with Queen Mother'': "His third victim, who was treated to the royal tea party, came forward after reading publicity on the case when Kidd was charged by police. ... The offences were committed between 1974 and 1977, 1981 and 1983 - when he was in the employ of the Queen Mother - and 2005 to 2008." |
Author: JR
Feb. 25, 2010