Documents Detail Conditions Found at Secret C.I.A. Jails
The documents include handwritten notes, apparently prepared by Justice Department officials, discussing the possibility of prosecuting some employees of the Central Intelligence Agency. The notes reveal that the Justice Department considered prosecuting a C.I.A. interrogator for a previously reported incident in which a detainee was threatened with a gun and a power drill, but it says department officials declined to prosecute the case.
The documents were released in the latest response to several Freedom of Information Act lawsuits filed by the American Civil Liberties Union and Judicial Watch, a Washington advocacy group. Some are new versions of documents previously released.
Newly disclosed passages from a 2008 report by the Justice Department inspector general describe what agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation saw at the C.I.A. jail where Ramzi bin al-Shibh, one of the plotters of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, was being questioned.
The F.B.I. agents helped C.I.A. officers prepare questions for Mr. Binalshibh but “were denied direct access to him for four or five days,” the report said. Then an F.B.I. agent, identified as “Thomas,” was allowed to see him and found him “naked and chained to the floor.”
The agent told the inspector general that “he obtained valuable actionable intelligence in a short time but that the C.I.A. quickly shut down the interview,” the report said.
The September 2002 visit was the last F.B.I. involvement in the C.I.A.’s secret overseas interrogations, which senior F.B.I. officials questioned on grounds of both legality and effectiveness.