These Judge's are Forcing Elderly People into Guardianships and They are Losing Their Civil Rights
(Dec. 2008)
udge's Norman Gerstein, Maria Korvick, Celeste Muir and Arthur Rothenberg are Forcing Elderly People into Guardianships, they are violating the Elderly's Constitutional Rights of Due Process and are Losing All Their Civil Rights, Their Money, Their Homes and in Many Cases Their Lives!!! To President Barack Obama, My Fellow American's and Baby Boomer's, Wake up Baby Boomer's or your life savings can be taken from you with the swipe of a pen. How? Forced Guardianships. Look at the pictures of these Judge's above. These are Judge's in the Probate Court in Dade County Florida, that can and will rule you incapacitated, even though you are very competent, they will take away all of your Civil Rights and sign over every dime you have, into the hands of the attorney's and guardian's. They will first freeze your assets, so you have no money to fight back and hire your own attorney, they will then strip you of your Civil Rights, and once you have no rights, the guardian's and attorney's will start billing and billing fees, they will force you to have a company in your home to eat your food and watch your TV and start charging you 100,000 dollars a year for this, plus attorney's fees and guardian fees, which is about 200,000 per year, total. After they take all your cash assets, they sell your home and or do a reverse mortgage and steal the home. These Judge's have Abused and Exploited many Elderly People and their family's, please stand with me in numbers, lets take back our legal system that has been destroyed by this corruption of these Judge's, Lawyers and Guardian's. President Barack Obama, we need "CHANGE" please help us stop Elderly Abuse and Exploitation, especially here in the State of Florida in Miami Dade County.
The First Picture is Judge Norman Gerstein, when we found out that Zamora was representing my mother and the guardian of my mother at the sametime, he made us wait 7 months to here our case, so the attorney's and guardian's can steal more money and then he states, " He would have to check with the Florida Bar to see if this were a conflict of Interest. He never returned with an answer and then dropped out of the case. The Second Picture is Judge Maria Korvick, she has assisted in the same conflcits in the Torrent case where has destroyed the honor in the courtroom. In the Torrent case, ATtorney David Mangeiro was representing Maritza'a brother and at the sametime representing Barbra Reiser, where again Barbra Reiser is supposed to be a neutral party, This has tainted the entrie proceedings and Judge Korvick has destroyed her credibility in the courtroom. The third picture, Judge Celeste Muir is my Judge, I gave her documents to show that this case is fraudulent and basically ignored me in the courtroom.
I handed her documents that show my mother is being poisoned with Seroquel and that her life is in danger,, and she could not care one bit, the document I handed her, she did not look at it and my mother was very healthy before theis corruption entered our lives, and soon she will die, I ask for your help. The fourth picture is Judge Arthur Rothenberg, this Judge here has really destroyed so many lives. Their is absolutely no law in any of these courtrooms, especillay his. The Tristanio Case, The Rook Case, The Sarhan Case, how can he get away with this corruption, because their is no judicial oversight. The Judicial Qualification Commission protects the Judge's and is a waste of the Tax payers money. Their is so much more I could say about the guardianship cases here in Miami Dade County, but remember I am telling you now you better protect your mother's and father's because many of these Judge's think they are God. He also dropped out of our case after he did the damage. We need Judicial Accountability, if a Judge does something illegal in a courtroom, they should have no judicial immunity from being sued. The problem is the "Good Old Boy System", I hope you do away with this system, President Obama, we need Judicial Accountability.
This is called Involuntary redistribution of Assets, please read this document by attorney Mark D. Andrews on google. This document is entitled "The Elderly in Guardianships: A Crisis of Constitutional Proportion" just type in Mark D. Andrews on google and you can read this, the most important document to protect you from Elderly Abuse and Exploitation. This document was so well written, I feel it is my duty as an American citizen to stand up and fight for all elderly American and their Families. These corrupt Judge's do not follow the laws, I will give you an example, My mother, Yvonne Sarhan, has had over one million dollars stolen by these attorney's and guardian's. Vicki Brail and Barbra Reiser are the Guardian's, they work in tandem with the attorney's and Judge's to destroy the family, isolate the elderly person, and when they are done, they usually die of an overdose of medication. In the Case of Yvonne Sarhan, 03-3440 here in Miami Dade County, the court appointed attorney Enrique Zamora was representing my mother and the guardian of my mother, (which she was forced to have against her will), at the same time. Mr. Zamora never told us about this conflict of interest, I find out after investigating these crimes on my own, two years later.
Cheryl Silverman, an attorney for our adverse party was also representing the guardian at the same time, when the guardian is supposed to be a neutral party. This is what Mark talks about the Judge's normally violate the elderly's "Rights of Due Process" this is the first part of the crime to immediately get you ruled incapacitated so you can't fight back. In Mark D. Andrews document, it will state how your Constitutional Rights will be violated, the Courtroom is nothing less than a Mockery of Justice. Their is no law in the courtroom. You can go to your Congressman and Senators, but they won't help, you see nobody claims responsibility for the problem. You can call the Governor, I tried for 5 years and Elderly Abuse and Exploitation is thriving here in South Florida. Please call Judge Celeste Muir at 305-349-7105, chief Judge Joseph Farina at 305-349-7054 and the Governor Charlie Christ at 850-488-5603 and please tell them to release Yvonne Sarhan from this fraudulent guardianship scam. My mother has now been forced to take a medication against her will called Seroquel, given to her by Dr. Steven Leslie Kaplan and of course requested by Vicki Brail, you see my mother is not needed anymore, since the money is almost gone, Seroquel will decrease her white blood cell count and cause her to die of pneumonia or sudden cardiac death and or strokes. Dr. Kaplan states he is given her this medication for Insomnia yet he is given her 200mg twice a day. America, Please help me save my mother, and if you want information on how to protect yourself please write me, Thank you Robert Sarhan, MDhttp://www.ireport.com/upload/#