Must We Lose Both Our Parents, Liberty and Justice? (with video)
Jason Paz
Lady Bracknell: Are your parents living?
Jack: I have lost both my parents.
Lady Bracknell: To lose one parent, Mr. Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness.
Oscar Wilde, "The Importance of Being Earnest"
"President Obama said Thursday the United States will not prosecute CIA officials who participated in controversial terrorism interrogation techniques - including waterboarding and slapping and sleep deprivation - that were secretly authorized under President Bush and have since been rescinded.
"'This is a time for reflection, not retribution,' Obama said in a written statement issued as the Justice Department prepared to turn over by a court deadline Bush-era memos that authorized various legally questionable techniques.
"'In releasing these memos, it is our intention to assure those who carried out their duties relying in good faith upon legal advice from the Department of Justice that they will not be subject to prosecution,' the president said."
By Margaret Talev and Marisa Taylor | McClatchy Newspapers
Who remembers Sparta? Who Will Recall the USA?
From 2002 the public has known the FBI and the State Department have been selling US nuclear secrets to Pakistan. The 9/11 inside job, the use of torture and the strategic blunders in Asia have become increasingly apparent to many ordinary citizens.
Yet, there has not been a strong and sustained citizen response to these awful developments. Instead, we are in the third generation of public decline and moral decay. The stand-up citizen and whistle blower is subject to ridicule and derision not respect. Nobody in the CIA figured out that torture is illegal, immoral and self-defeating. No FBI Agent thought to expose the sale of nuclear secrets to unstable regimes was a poor policy.
Hasn't anybody in the Obama administration gleaned they will need reconciliation to pass any worthwhile legislation? Hasn't anyone thought to use LOAN TAPES as evidence to throw corrupt bankers into prison? Republican legislators are enemy combatants.
Why don't we act on Keith Olberman's video? Do you think anybody in the DoJ will respond?
Prosecutions Won't Work...
Prosecutions won't work, as the judicial system is politicized up to and including the Supreme Court. There is no need for trials. The Congressmen who voted funds for war AND torture can sit in prison guilty until proven innocent. All employees GS/9 and higher should be fired from their jobs at the FBI, CIA and Homeland Security. They should be incarcerated for obstruction of justice until the employees GS/8 and under can review the files.
Lengthy trials would give the Taliban enough time to seize the Pakistani nuclear arsenal, bring it to our shores and blow up numerous cities.
We Only Obeyed Orders...
FOX news has met the flood of torture publicity by ridiculing it. They laugh at putting insects on detainees. How bad can water boarding be if the guy survived 183 dunks in a month.
This works for FOX because there is not one bleeding heart among them. They are banking that the white Americans don't care what happens to people of color particularly Muslims. They do care if pillars of the white community go to prison or hang for "only obeying orders."
Author's Website: www.israel_and_beyond.blogspot.com
Author's Bio: Born a month before Pearl Harbor, I attended world events from an early age. My first words included Mussolini, Patton, Sahara and Patton. At age three I was a regular listener to Lowell Thomas. My mom was an industrial nurse a member of the AFL/CIO. My dad was a painting contractor. We shopped at the Working Man's Store. Dad's reading matter was the Old Mole the house organ of the Socialist Workers Party. I played the saxophone and became a young fan of Charlie Parker, Lester Young and Duke Ellington. Naturally, I gravitated to the Civil Rights movement. After college to avoid the draft, I joined the US Army Reserve. Alas, this came to crowd control, which was a euphemism for busting radical potheads. When I ducked out of this duty, my commander bundled me off to a unit doomed to go to Vietnam. Ironically, my old unit went to Vietnam and the new one stayed home. I studied economics in graduate school where I watched America go mad with war. Afterwards, I joined the rat race for a decade. When Ronnie Reagan became President, I took up residence in Israel. The 11 books listed below describe my adventures in Israel. The articles reflect additional thoughts that expand on the author's ten volumes Genesis Begins the Millennia. The work begins in 1995 with a fictional account of ordinary Israelis absorbed with everyday events. There are extraordinary happenings the characters gradually recognize as portents of the Messianic Age. Volumes four and five show why the Messiah decided to delay His arrival. Volumes six through ten [Tradebombers] begin six weeks before the 9/11 World Trade Center tragedy. Again, the characters portray ordinary citizen reaction to extraordinary events.