Father Watches Police &Child Service Drag Children Down Street for No Reason
My children were taken from me for no reason.The agency is trying to cover up child abuse of my children,by using police force on the children.3kids were taken from me,my daughter was returned,but the boys are being kept too cover up the abuse thats occuring.The fact that i am a single BLACK FATHER is the reason this is being done.I have went to the local paper, tv,and court to present my case,but the cover up has been put in.I feel the only way too get my boys is too show the public whats really going on.My boys were forced to watch their father &sister be falsely arrested.I even had too watch my daughter get handcuffed and put in a police car.This is a13year old girl that was just being abused because the police&agency know they have the courts,tv,paperon there side.My rights and childs rights were just abused.My only chance too save my boys is to make a public spectacale out of this case.Lawyers please call Jeff at 6106207893Thank you