Judge Loses It On Cam, Jails Man for Sitting Too Slow (Updated Nov. 19, 2008)
Sponsor: http://RidleyReport.com - Keene, New Hampshire District Court Judge Edward Burke decides to start yelling within a minute of entering his courtroom. What sets him off? A man STANDING while he enters....then taking six seconds to follow a sit-down order. Ian Freeman - a civil disobedience activist on trial over minor code violations - received 30 days jail for this infraction alone. The video was shot 11/14/08 by the pool photog from http://candid-world.com and first uploaded by me 11/15/08.
First 3 min of raw vid:
If you want to help you can write the defendant:
Ian Freeman Bernard c/o Cheshire County DOC 160 River Road Westmoreland, NH 03467
The story's almost on the front page of Digg but needs your help:
If you wish to commission an ad like the one in this video...the cost as of 11/08 is three cents per video view. But views beyond the 1st week are free, and your link in the video descrip is free. Give me a shout through this site, or e-mail me: RidleyReport at... live period com
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Ian Freeman arrested and jailed for 93 days RAW FOOTAGE
NH: Govt. releases Ian Freeman 3 days into 90 day sentence
NH: Explosion of "Free Ian" art marks Backlash Day 2
NH: Court threatens "non-standers" 3/3