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I Asked the Lord For Guidence and He Took Me To Your Post On Fourwinds (Updated 7/2/08)
----- Original Message -----From: CTSent: Friday, June 27, 2008 11:45 PMSubject: I asked the Lord for guidence and he took me to your post on FourwindsAnd the tears are still flowing. I am so touched.This is the third attempt at writing. My Internet Explorer keeps "restarting.'' Might we be a voice together? Thank you, Patrick or posting "I asked the Lord." Your website is connecting like-minded souls.My son has been jailed and he is also innocent. This is also his second time in jail. To get him back in the judge held an ex parte hearing. Since he was not told about this hearing, he was actually kidnapped and taken back to jail. It is a long story. but has ALL the elements you described. The only difference is my son is about to have his first sanity hearing. He was even expected to stand trial in an orange jumpsuit and handcuffs. The court lied to his family and friends about the court number. They intended to try him with no one present. All his rights have been violated...even his right to a speedy trial.Most importantly, his second incarceration has led to an awareness before unknown. Many, many of God's children are being wronged by those who have taken oaths to protect us. As a result we are trying to create a VOICE. I wished to send our project to Fourwinds. We do not need money, just the ability to create such an outrage amongst our own people, who have NO CONCEPT of what is happening to innocent and unfortunate human beings in these United States of America.Initially, I hired The Police Complaint Center(www.policeabuse.com) to investigate. Seriously, they believed me to be nuts. Stuff like this does not happen? Wrong. The second arrest of my son led a small group of us, to the realization that this is not an extraordinary turn of events. Many innocent people are in jail who have been falsely accused. The trouble is it is not by accident. Human beings are being picked up off the streets and from inside their homes, only to make money for those who seek to rule us.One thing led to another. I took complaints over the phone, then was able to open a post office box and send out complaint forms. The job has become 24/7 just from beginning with the private jail, Marion County jail #2 (CCA) in Indianapolis. The Police Complaint Center just recently gone "on line" with a new website dedicated to issues within private jails and prisons. The site is still under construction. (www.inmateabuse.tv) Ms Sourwine has been in touch with a reporter from The Wall Street Journal.I guess I could say we have a voice. We even have a moral lawyer on board. A woman in Oregon is working to expose the TRUTH. Her husband used to be a well known criminal BAR attorney. What we need I suppose is volunteers. My son's story is to be a major feature on the jail website. You might want to tell your own story. There is just too much work.As I said at the start, I asked for guidance from the Lord. My son had asked how much longer I thought this horrific nonsense would continue. We have gone everywhere and done everything. It appears only few really care about this very serious issue. We have actually learned men are being sent to prison AFTER being found not guilty. A young man from Central America was to be tried last week for car theft. The problem is no car was stolen. My son explained to this young man what he need to say to the judge. His public defender had not come to see him since he was arrested in February.You said:"Why did you come to earth at this time?" To be a voice for those who have no voice. "Could you be that voice if you had not experienced what they had?" No Lord, but when will I be that voice? "Soon, my child, soon."Your words are nearly the exact words I say daily to my son, who felt he had to go back to CCA for a very spiritual reason. Tonight, I read your words to him. He cried with me. The TRUTH must be known. Thank you for being an answer to my prayer tonight. We are taking this one day at a time and the Lord is leading the way. We could not have got this far without Him.I will CC this email to Patrick Bellringer, who has shown me much kindness in the past. I do not have much money and rely also on SS as do Patrick and Anne. I sent them a bit of money today. I wish I could have given more. Hopefully, one day I will be able to assist those who are doing so much to spread the TRUTH...my heroes. You are my latest hero.I like Patick's comment. "NOW" not "soon"Perhaps, you might email me if you can think of a real plan of action. Perhaps together we can come up with a viable plan. When we do, then we can post the PLAN on Fourwinds. Yesterday, I wrote to Leslie Sourwine, the Administrative Services Director for The Police Complaint Center. I asked her for her suggestions. I wanted her input before making anything public. Leslie was in Indianapolis last week to continue her investigation. Leslie is from Iowa. She actually took time and money to come to Indianapolis, after having her own world turned upside own and wet by the Iowa flooding. When she returned home on Sunday last, she was actually homeless.As Patrick would also say...in Love and Light,CT(Reply)----- Original Message -----From: CTSent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 12:41 AMSubject: A TRUE STORY ABOUT A MORAL LAWYER IN INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANADear Patrick,I wish you to inform the world that there is at least one very special and moral ''lawyer'' (I will not call Paul Odgen an attorney) in this nation filled with mostly deceitful and greedy attorneys.The following article was published in the Indianapolis Star, yesterday, on Sunday, June 29, 2008. John Ketzenberger, a reporter for the Star, also showed a lot of courage for writing the article. Stories such as this one entitled, ''Activist Attorney Seeks To Keep City Honest'' serve as proof a ''wind'' of change is blowing across our land. Mr. Ogden is the lawyer who represents my son and four other men in a Federal lawsuit against Corrections Corporation of America (CCA).I would like to point out two points of slight disagreement I have with the article. Perhaps, I am going a bit further, because of information I have or have read.1. The ''discrimination'' mentioned in the suit the nurses have against CCA, encompasses FAR MORE than racial discrimination. The five black nurses were actually very brave and ''blew the whistle'' on illegal practices in CCA. The nurses, from what I know about CCA, are not complaining they were discriminated against because they were black in the 'traditional' sense. CCA makes every attempt to create an atmosphere of RACISM throughout, which taints the entire operation. White is pitted against black, and black against white, and RACISM is used as a tool to create the environment needed by management for their purposes. CCA management used this tool on the nurses.2. The inmate suit involves much more than simple inmate medical care. It involves intercepting mail and legal mail. CCA staff actually appear to be assisting the prosecution in many cases. The staff has even gone so far as to seize mail from the Federal Court. In addition, staff assist management in thwarting the grievance process, so that a complaint cannot get further than the Administrative level. The inmates are unnecessarily punished for events inside the jail, which did not happen. The guards seem to enjoy creating tension. One woman told my son she gets pleasure from making lives miserable. I ask what questions are asked the prospective employees.I attach a FAX which I sent to an assistant warden just yesterday. This is but one personal experience I have had with CCA using 'race as a tool.' My son also has told me how a conscientious guard was treated over a guard who might incite trouble. Race can play a part in paying one against another, even though both man be of the same race.Here are a couple examples of the horror these unfortunate men face on a daily basis:A man had an abscessed tooth which was pulled without prior antibiotic treatment. After pulling the tooth, and leaving part of the tooth still in the jaw, the patient was not given followup antibiotics. Antibiotic treatment was started, but stopped due to the reason that CCA did not have the kind of antibiotic needed for tooth infections. Not only did the man not receive treatment for infection, he developed a dry socket in the infected area. CCA REFUSED to give him medication for pain. Any complaints he made were met with threats to throw him in segregation for punishment. What kind of criminal is this? The man is in CCA on a misdemeanor domestic issue.Another case involves a man with a serious thyroid condition. When he was in Marion County Jail I, run by the county, he not only received the drug as prescribed by his doctor, but was given regular blood tests. After his prescription ran out, after he was moved to CCA, the original prescription was substituted with another drug, which made the man ill, but still kept him alive. He had been in CCA for four months and had not ever had a drug test. He was told after the current medication ran out (he had about four days remaining), he would receive nothing more. For this man, this news was a death sentence. Needless to say, the day I leaned of the situation, the man was scared. I contacted Leslie Sourwine of the Police Complaint Center (www.policeabuse.com). By 4 PM that afternoon, the man was called to the medical office for his first drug test and a new prescription for the prescribed medication. Leslie Sourwine gets results. I have no idea of this man's ''crime.'' Let it suffice to say the inmates in CCA are not violent offenders. If one happens to have bought a stolen chainsaw, you end up in CCA. It does not matter if it was known that the chainsaw had been stolen.Here is the Indianapolis Star link for the recent article about Paul Ogden.: The comments, by readers, on the Star website are ''interesting.''Very sincerely,CTJohn KetzenbergerActivist lawyer works to keep city honestWhat's gotten into local attorney Paul Ogden?A Republican and former political candidate, he has the public-private partnerships long championed by power brokers of both parties squarely in his sights.The 47-year-old associate with Roberts & Bishop isn't well known in the business community, but the effect of his work is being felt through his clients' lawsuits. Among them:» In March he sued the Capital Improvement Board over plans to turn over proceeds from the auction of RCA Dome memorabilia to the Indiana Sports Corp. and the Indianapolis Colts Foundation. Ogden argued the money should be used to pay down the $75 million debt related to the dome.The CIB last month settled the lawsuit and paid nearly $7,900 to cover attorney's fees. The case ended without settling key questions such as who owns the dome's turf.» Two lawsuits against Corrections Corp. of America relate to the operation and conditions at Marion County Jail II. The first lawsuit, filed in January, alleges racial discrimination against six black nurses. The second, brought in April, raises questions about inmates' medical care.To Ogden, who favors privatization, both lawsuits point up a weakness of such deals -- ineffective oversight of contractors.So where does this activism come from?"I spent years and years playing the Republican game," Ogden said. "It got me nowhere. I decided at some point to be who I am, to talk straight and do what I think is right."It has won him friends -- and enemies. It's telling that calls to several people weren't returned. Those who did talk wouldn't comment for the record.The activism showed in his previous job. For 10 months beginning in November 2006, Ogden was managing attorney of the Title Insurance Division at the Indiana Department of Insurance. He was a major part of an effort to regulate the state's title insurance business.Ogden claimed he was forced to resign in September after he talked with state personnel officials about alleged wrongdoing by a deputy commissioner. He filed a whistleblowing and wrongful termination lawsuit in February.Commissioner Jim Atterholt said the allegations "are completely without merit," but the lawsuit is going forward.Ogden's next likely target: a 22-year-old deal that made Pan Am Plaza possible. Ogden is asking questions about whether a change to a covenant to maintain a public space was made properly. He is wondering why the city -- and by extension taxpayers -- didn't get paid as part of that transaction.By Ogden's calculations, the city's owed more than $1 million, and he's going after it.(Reply)----- Original Message -----From: ClaudiaSent: Wednesday, July 02, 2008 12:02 AMSubject: A Plan and The Indy Saga Continues:Cops Arrested, Cases CollapseDear Patrick:Today there is more news.Thank you so much for posting this important and continuing narration on your website. Here is how the "plan'' has currently unfolded. Crime and punishment as a for-profit industry has silently become a pervasive threat to just about every body's freedom. I read recently where several New York police were found to have set up innocent men in a fake drug bust. .In that case, everything was caught on tape, but not before the innocent men had lost their business after being falsely arrested and jailed. Just here in Indy, I know there are 100s falsely arrested and incarcerated. Arrests were based only on police statements. The prosecution actually refuses to turn over ''discovery.'' There is none.The Police Complaint Center is very busy with complaints. Anyone who has a complaint against a police officer should contact the Police Complaint Center. As a result of the Indianapolis investigation, a new website is now devoted to Inmate Abuse, and is evolving as I write. The website is currently not quite set up to take complaints; however, until completed, contact should be made through the Police Complaint Center. If a serious situation develops, where help is needed immediately, anyone may email me personally at [email protected]. I will forward the complaint ASAP to Leslie Sourwine. Since the PCC has a post office box in Indianapolis, snail mail can be sent to The Police Complaint Center, Leslie Sourwine, Administrative Services Director, Post Office Box 36875, Indianapolis, Indiana 46236. I check the mail daily.I would like to point out that anyone wishing to connect with conference calls with the PCC website, can do so by visiting the website at www.policeabuse.com. If there is difficulty locating this information, the Executive Director can be contacted through [email protected] Someone will respond with details.Please be patient. We are mostly all volunteers. We do his because we care. (Anyone wishing to volunteer, please contact Police Complaint Center.) All complaints will be addressed; however, the more serious complaints will have priority. Life or health threatening issues will come first.This is their mission statement:Using available technology, the Police Complaint Center documents and investigates alleged incidents of police abuse. Our staff are students, researchers, attorneys, former police officers and licensed private investigators. We believe that many police organizations have done a poor job of protecting the public from abusive officers. Our primary service is assisting victims of misconduct with reporting complaints to appropriate enforcement agencies. We also investigate police and sheriffs deputies that are accused of abusive behavior.In the Indianapolis Star today, on the front page, the following related story appeared. The link to the story on the Internet is: (The comments posted are ''interesting'')Drug cases collapse after cops arrested