URGENT Help Needed
Robert G. Lasheff
Please Know the hammer has apparently been dropped on me. After coming to realize that my ex-wife has been overpaid by upwards of $70,000 dollars In alleged arrearage's , that were assessed with no input from me, was collecting maintenance long after it was ordered stopped by the court to terminate and now the Child Support Enforcement has within a month of being told that the Social Security Disability People were no longer going to assess my disability check due to suspicions of fraud send me a letter stating that if I do not come up with just short of $ 170,000 they will suspend my drivers license. This sum is "Quadruple" the figure noted just prior. And my beloved daughters are receiving over $ 800 together monthly paid for by the Social Security Disability and far exceeds what they are lawfully to receive, I can accept this, but I truly believe it ends up in the hands of other attorneys as my ex is certifiable and on record as having two or more mental health problems of which she is often in denial of. And now to top this all off I am told there is a warrant out for my arrest simply because I did not show up for a hearing because I was very ill in the VA hospital or in bed at home under the influence of heavy pain medication. Which they were all aware of. I am a fully disabled veteran with many physical problems and have been diagnosed with PTSD/LEGAL ABUSE SYNDROME.
Dear Friends this is the price many of us are paying for simply standing up for our Rights and Freedoms as Americans. I will not be handcuffed or arrested again.
Robert G. Lasheff God Help us.
1502 Glenrock
Waukegan Ill. Mchenry County Courts in woodstock
60085 case 96 DV 767
Judge Weech