A Personal Mission: Police Abuse
Claudia Treacy
I am attaching the complaint which was faxed to the Indiana Supreme Court as well as the Indianapolis Star on the Friday before Memorial Day. Ms. Sourwine's work for the Police Complaint Center is totally gratis. I ask that this complaint against Judge Reuben Hill be posted on Fourwinds, with the following explanation:
Timothy Treacy is a victim of political persecution. His only crime is demanding his Constitutional rights. initially, his friends and family believed Timothy was an exception. After over a year of this persecution and much investigation, it has been determined, that although Treacy's case is one of the worst, it is one of many cases of illegal incarceration for the purpose of putting money into the pockets of politicians and judges. The Police Complaint Center has now entered into a new realm. Timothy Treacy's case will soon be featured on their website. It was through Treacy's refusal to buckle nor to accept a plea, which has now cumulated in a team of good men and women, who value our Constitution and Freedom, along with impartial justice for all, who are desperately working to expose the corruption within the private prison industry, with ties going all the way to our Congress and United States Courts. This complaint illustrates just some of what is unjustly wrong with Treacy's situation. The complaint is self explanatory.
On May 22, 2008, Timothy Treacy's family and friends appeared at the court to support this brave young man. We were told the trial on the 2006 case would be held in Court F 22. The day before I was told he was to be tried in his orange jumpsuit. I asked that anyone available come to support Timothy . We had a group of supporters, indeed. While we were waiting in F22, the judge and the prosecutor held a hearing in F18, where our group originally met ,and where the bailiff asked us to move to F22 for the trial.. Timothy did not know we were in the building. He was told that day that he now has a new pre-trial on June 11th and a trial on four cases on June 19th. After the Supreme Court received the complaint, Treacy's block had a "shakedown," At that time ONLY Treacy's court papers were either destroyed and/or stolen.
I ask for anyone who had been abused by police (this is where it begins), arrested and/or jailed unlawfully, or have had a bad experience with the justice system or a jail, to visit The Police Complaint Center and please file a complaint. We have opened a mail center in Indianapolis. There are volunteers all over this country. We have been told we will find our mission. It will come to us. Well, that's a fact.
A good friend met a "facilitator" who came to her work place. This was providence at work. What has developed since connecting with the "spiritual facilitator" is a true miracle.
With love and light.
Claudia Treacy
PO BOX 1012
Delivered Via Facsimile
Division of State Court Administration
Pho: 317.232.2542
Fax: 317.233.6586
Leslie Sourwine, Administrative
Fax: 954-208-0866
Phone: 850-322-0039
TEL. 850-459-3003. FAX 954-208-0866