Top UK Police Officers Murdered For Investigating Children ‘Loaned Out’ For Rape Cruises
Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A most disturbing story is unraveling in the Bailiwick of Jersey which details the horrific use of children reported to have been ‘loaned to rich paedophile yachtsmen’, and, also, used to blackmail some of the West’s most powerful politicians, and is an investigation so feared that British press sources are reporting today:
It is important to note that the Bailiwick of Jersey, located off the coast of
Even more disturbing, about these events, are the number of British Police Officers, involved with the investigation of the child sex horrors that occurred on Jersey, now turning up dead and ‘suicided’, to include; Manchester Chief Constable Michael Todd who was one of Britain's top investigators into CIA activities, Sgt Richard Fuller, who was the top bodyguard for Prince Charles' wife Camilla, and Bournemouth Inspector Neil Munro, who was found dead in the waters off Millionaire's Row, in Dorset, where he was tasked with investigating the yachts of the superrich believed involved in this growing scandal.
One can only imagine the horror, and degradation, suffered by these British children abused by these monsters and then killed for the perverse pleasures of those who believe they live by no other law than those they make up for themselves, the West’s superrich and elite.
Also, and as history has long shown us, the full accounting of these crimes will, most likely, be covered up and relegated to the growing list of atrocities pinned to these Western madman, especially in light of the Belgian peoples long fight with these paedophile monsters after the discovery of the child sex slave dungeons where the bodies of 4 murdered girls were discovered.
Today our prayers go out for these unnamed British children sacrificed upon the alter of Western decadence and idolatry, with a special plea that these peoples will see their leaders for who they really are, depraved monsters.d.
[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the
Translation to Spanish by: Sister Maru Barraza,