Is Your Senator, Congressional Representative, Governor or Presidential Candidate Tied to Child Abuse, Rape, Torture and Murder? Follow the Blood Money Trail
Part 1 (Blood Money from the Bloodiest of the Bloodiest)
December 14, 2007
Last month, the California Democratic Party decided not to condemn the torture, rape and murder of American children within the borders of the United States and not to make any statement in support of the human rights of young Americans. The California Democratic Party was aware of a hearing, conducted by California Congressman George Miller's House Education and Labor Committee on October 10, 2007 that examined some of the past abuses. Congressmen George Miller, Jim McDermott, Major Owens (now retired), Dale Kildee and Chris Van Hollen had previously tried to get legislation (H.R. 1738) through Congress to curb these abuses in 2005. That legislation died in committee.
This raises the question of why the Democratic Party refuses to act. The obvious answer lies in who is running the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is run by leaders who cater to the kind of "experts" likely to refer children to their torturers and killers. Many California Democratic Party committee members have, in no uncertain terms, expressed support for the suppression of human rights of young Americans, even when that suppression results in death. Interestingly, the evidence shows that, through inaction, the Democratic Party is paving the way for the funding of the defeat of its own candidates.
Members of the Creative Youth News Team have conducted research into the funding of behavior modification schools/camps (AKA Gulag Schools) that torture, rape and murder children. Often these children come home in body bags or coffins. When a major owner/operator of a chain of these Gulag Schools heads a defense fund for an indicted vice presidential aide or hosts a fundraiser or co-chairs a campaign finance committee for a popular Presidential candidate, there is an appearance that government officials have been paid for looking the other way while child abuse, torture and murder continues. When a sitting Governor joins the board of and writes letters supporting the work of a human rights violator operating in his state, victims know they are unlikely to receive justice in that state. When a President appoints ambassadors who founded such torture facilities, when the Senate confirms those ambassadors and when a United Nations complaint is filed against one such ambassador by the American survivors of his facilities, a red flag should go up so high that Congress investigates.
If you follow the money from those founding, running and staffing these Gulag schools and their spouses, the blood money trail leads immediately to:
Former Massachusetts Governor and Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney
President George W. Bush Former President George H. W. Bush Vice President Dick Cheney Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush Former New York Governor George Pataki Vice Presidential Aide I. Scooter Libby Senator Christopher Bond Senator Jim Bunning Senator Richard Burr Former Senator Richard DeWine Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist Congressman J. Dennis Hastert Senator Orrin Hatch Senator Jon Kyl Senator Joseph Lieberman Senator Mel Martinez |
Senator Mitch McConnell
Senator Jeff Sessions Senator Gordon Smith Senator Arlen Specter Former Senator Jim Talent Congressman James Gresham Barrett Congressman Gus Bilirakis Congressman Robert Bishop Congressman Geoff Davis Former Congressman Tom DeLay Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich Former Congresswoman and Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris Congresswoman Connie Mack Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinan Congressman Paul Ryan Congressman Mark Souder Congressman Bill Young |
Two of the key families involved in founding and operating the most abusive of the Gulag Schools are the Semblers and the Lichfields. The financial connection between the above list of public officials and Melvin and Betty Sembler and Robert and Patti Lichfield is a matter of public record. One good source of contribution information is http://newsmeat.com Some financial ties between the above public figures and the Lichfields or Semblers are much more extensive than large campaign contributions.
Melvin Sembler, who along with his wife Betty Sembler and Joseph Zapalla created and ran STRAIGHT (one of the most abusive chains of Gulag Facilities), was the Republican National Committee Finance Chairman from 1997 to 2000. Sembler was appointed by George W. Bush to be the ambassador to Italy from 2001 to 2005 and by George H.W. Bush to be the ambassador to Australia And Nauru between 1989 and 1993. The Senate confirmed Sembler's appointment as Ambassador to Italy by a voice vote on November 15, 2001, while many of the current Presidential candidates were in the Senate. Sembler is not the only STRAIGHT co-founder who was appointed as an Ambassador by George H. W. Bush. ( See later articles for more information.) Sembler served as the advisory chairman of the I. Scooter Libby Legal Defense Trust. It isn't just the Republican Party and Republicans, they've financed. Melvin Sembler held a pricey fundraiser for Senator Joseph Lieberman in 2006. The Lieberman connection is a disappointment to 2000 voters who believed Senator Lieberman opposed torture. Students have accused STRAIGHT of physical, sexual, and psychological trauma. Many of the STRAIGHT Schools are currently operating under alternative names, such as SAFE or Drug Free America Foundation (DFAF). Jeb Bush served on the advisory board and his wife Columba currently serves on the board of SAFE (AKA DFAF), the name-changed version of STRAIGHT's Orlando facility. He send out a letter of endorsement for the organization when it had the acronym SAFE.
Robert Lichfield is the founder and owner of World-Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools, a big money making venture for his family. It is a large network of schools, both in the United States and elsewhere, that have been widely accused of torture, rape, and other human rights abuses. Kids have died in WWASPS facilities and STRAIGHT facilities. WWASPS Schools have included included the infamous Dundee Ranch Academy in Costa Rica and Tranquility Bay in Jamaica. Their tactics are so extreme that foreign governments have closed down these schools while the United States of America does nothing to stop the torture. Robert Lichfield and his wife Patti are heavy contributers to the Republican Party. In fact, Robert Lichfield has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Republican National Committee, the Utah Republican Party and the Arizona Republican Party. He and his wife have also donated big bucks to a variety of elected officials. Robert Lichfield was Mitt Romney's Utah Campaign Finance Chairman. Lichfield stepped down amidst the scandal surrounding WWASPS.
When the recipients of contributions from operators of the various schools are viewed, the Republican National Committee, Bush-Cheney and Mitt Romney frequently appear. Future articles will go more into the political donations of the operators or the various schools.
Youth activists are calling for a special investigation into the connections between the above-mentioned officials and the billion dollar Gulag School industry.
Some heroes in the struggle to end the torture are emerging. Congressman Dennis Kucinich, reportedly, has expressed a willingness to investigate the Gulag School issue on the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Government Reform: Domestic Policy, which Kucinich chairs. Kucinich is well known for his strong support of young Americans and their human rights. Like Kucinich, Congresswoman Maxine Waters is a strong advocate for guaranteeing human rights to young Americans. Perhaps, Representatives Kucinich, Waters, Miller, McDermott, Kildee, and Van Hollen can work together to protect the youth of America against further human rights violations and to end the billion dollar Gulag industry.
For a few good reads, see United Nations Complaint against Melvin Sembler, the report on Straight, Inc. and the clinicians, and Jeb Bush's fundraising letter and Jeb's direct connection to the re-named STRAIGHT program.