SORCHA FAAL: Russia Declares “We Will Win” While Issuing “Perfect Storm” Warning To World
Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A forewarning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting top Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov saying about the Western colonial powers: “It is true that we keep referring to them mildly as unfriendly states, but I should say that they are hostile states, because what they are doing is war”, says after revealing the factual reality that the West is at war with Russia it saw Peskov warning: “What the world is experiencing now is a perfect storm and a moment of truth”, then he declared about the “Special De-Nazification Operation” to liberate Ukraine: “We are confident that all will be well and we are confident that we will win, we will attain all goals”.
In the latest war moves made by the Western colonial powers against Russia, this report notes, yesterday it saw their NATO military bloc kicking off its massive “Hedgehog 2022” exercise that is one of the largest in history involving some 15,000 troops from 14 nations, including both military bloc members and their partners—sees this joined with the “Iron Wolf” war exercise, which involves 3,000 NATO troops and 1,000 pieces of military equipment, including Germany’s Leopard 2 tanks—currently it sees the NATO war drills “Defender Europe” and “Swift Response” taking place in Poland and eight other countries, involving 18,000 troops from 20 nations—today it sees the NATO Response Force taking part in the 7,500-strong “Wettiner Heide” war drills in Germany—in the Mediterranean Sea it is about to witness the “Neptune Series” war drills involving the USS Harry S. Truman carrier strike group that will be placed under NATO command for only the second time since the end of the Cold War—and in June, the Baltic States and Poland will host what NATO describes as “Europe’s largest integrated air and missile defense exercise,” which will involve 23 nations.
Facing off against these NATO forces rapidly gathering on the borders of Russia, this report continues, is the world’s largest arsenal of nuclear weaponsand Russia’s Nuclear War Doctrinethat permits the total obliteration of all these NATO forces in about 200 seconds with no survivors—because no one of sound mind really believes that the Western colonial powers would be insane enough to reduce the entire world in nuclear ashes is why the Russian Ruble is the world’s best-performing currency this year and just hit a new five-year high against the Euro—in another example of sanity it saw European Union member states failing to agree on proposals to ban Russian oil imports, after more than 10 days of talks—then it saw China telling the Western colonial powers to “mind your own business” after it was pressured to turn against Russia, and saw Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian stating: “We call on the G7 countries to truly focus on peace and development throughout the world, to stop applying double or even multiple standards, to stop sending military aircraft and ships to the borders of other countries with or without reason to demonstrate their strength”.
Among those watching with growing alarm what these Western colonial powers are doing, this report details, is the world’s wealthiest man Elon Musk, who yesterday shreddedthe socialist Biden Regime for its economic policies destroying America, and warned: “It will probably be some tough going for, I don’t know, a year, maybe 12-18 months”—after which Musk slammed Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden with the withering post: “The real president is whoever controls the teleprompter”.
In a bid to restore sanity to America, this report notes, President Donald Trump ordered the US military to leave the African nation of Somalia so its peoples could live in peace—a move towards peace that yesterday resulted in Somalia electing a new president—but within a few short hours of the this new president being elected, Socialist Leader Biden ordered US military forces back into Somalia—quickly after which the warning was sounded that food shortages could cause 20-million African migrants to enter Europe.
With wheat prices surging to a new record high yesterdayafter India decided to prohibit exports as a heat wave hit its production, this report continues, it follows Socialist Leader Biden and the Western colonial powers conspiring to plunder for themselves over 20-million tonnes of Ukrainian wheat—an act of plunder that will doom the peoples of Ukraine to famine—this morning it saw Ukraine officials warning it will implement draconian measures to support its crashing economy, and stating: “What in recent years has become a fairly market-driven and free-wheeling economy could face a wave of nationalization that will undo years of hard progress”—in factual reality is a nationalization scheme that will allow the Western colonial powers to swoop into Ukraine and gobble up once private businesses for pennies on the dollar—all of which comes at the same time it’s now being reported: “Western business and political leaders meeting at the World Economic Forum’s Davos gathering this month will explore the opportunities for personal and business growth in psychedelic drugs”.
With psychedelic drugs fully explaining why these Western colonial elites have gone insane, this report details, their lunacy is now documented in the just published economic article “The West Forbids Feeding The Starving World With Totalitarian Grain From Russia”, wherein it reveals:
As soon as the Germans captured this Ukrainian territory in the spring of 1918, echelons with grain moved westward, which eventually led to a terrible famine in Ukraine.
Absolutely the same situation was repeated in 1941, when the Ukrainian SSR was captured by the Nazis. Then the Germans sought to take out not only grain, but also black soil.
The fact that Russia is allegedly provoking the world food crisis has recently been not talked about only by the lazy in the West.
If, at the same time, we summarize all the "arguments" sounding in support of this thesis, we will get the following mutually exclusive statements and actions of the West:
—The rise in prices for world products is the result of hostilities in Ukraine. Therefore, we must continue these actions indefinitely, supplying weapons to the Kyiv regime.
—Ukraine is one of the largest suppliers of grain, and the impossibility of supplying Ukrainian grain provokes its shortage. Therefore, it is necessary to block cargo from Russia, which is an even larger supplier of grain in the world.
—Because of the actions of Russia, a terrible famine is inevitable in Ukraine itself. Therefore, it is urgent to export grain and food from Ukraine to the West.
—Russia blocked the supply of grain by sea to Africa and Asia, which are threatened with a terrible famine. Therefore, it is urgent to block Russian merchant ships so that Russia cannot deliver its grain to potential famines.
—Blocking the seaport of Odessa, where millions of tons of grain have accumulated, is unacceptable. Therefore, let's repair Ukrainian military equipment in Romanian ports and deliver it by sea to the same Odessa. And at the same time, it is necessary to support the mining of the port by Ukrainian troops in order to repel a potential attack by Russia.
As to why this conflict is still ongoing and no negotiations are taking place, this report notes, was revealed by Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko, who stated: “The talks are not continuing…Ukraine has in fact quit the process of negotiations”—a statement of fact joined by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov further revealingthat the West is seeking to drag down the conflict, as it believes the longer it lasts the more damage Russia will suffer, with him stating: “We have information coming through various channels that Washington and especially London are guiding the Ukrainian negotiators and regulating their freedom of manoeuvre”.
As to the actual type of conflict being waged by the Western colonial powers, this report continues, is best documented in the just published article “America’s Selective Outrage Over Ukraine Is Fashioned By A Well-Oiled Propaganda Machine”, wherein it states: “Americans are being shepherded to the next emoji crusade – the latest being Russia’s special operation in Ukraine – like consumers waiting in line for junk food and Happy Meals...With whiplash swiftness, Americans have gone from taking a knee to Black Lives Matter (even as this group was going on a billion-dollar, 20-state rampage, which entered the record books as America’s most expensive protest ever), to demonizing those wary of new Covid-19 vaccines, to lining up on opposite sides of the Roe v. Wade abortion rights showdown...Amid these increasingly frequent domestic earthquakes, Russia has always found itself at the epicenter of the action”.
In the latest example of how this “well-oiled propaganda machine” works, this report concludes, today sees it being revealed: “On Monday, retired four-star general and MSNBC “military analyst” Barry R. McCaffrey posted a clip of video game footage to Twitter...Alongside it he claimed it was a display of strength from Ukraine’s air defense...It’s actually footage from a video game...The clip in question came from YouTube’s “shorts” section, and is titled “Russian MiG-29s Get Shot Down By Air Defense System | Arma 3 #Shorts #Airdefense #Arma3”—is propaganda, however, whose real world cost fell upon unsuspecting former British army medic Andrew from Plymouth, who went to Ukraine to help suffering peoples, but with no combat training was forced onto the front lines where he was gravely wounded and surrendered to the Russian troops that saved his life, today it sees the British government refusing to negotiate his release, and saw him stating: “I feel sad...I do feel that I’ve been lied to, massively...Not just by the Foreign Legion, but I feel like I was lied to back in the UK through the Western media”—and as to the actual and true cost of this conflict the Western colonial powers keep ongoing, it’s revealed in the latest urgent war bulletins issued by the Ministry of Defense (MoD), the most notable of which are:
[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
May 17, 2022 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human being’s right to know the truth. Due to our mission’s conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]