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The ride downtown with imitation humans


Lockdown and mask:


Building who they want us to be



By John Kaminski

[email protected]



Generation after generation, the real criminals perpetrate their frauds mostly unnoticed by the aimless herds of human cattle 

they swindle, fleece and cannibalize.


Eventually you’re going to be able to buy one of these bonafide genuine imitation humans at your local Walmart, but for now they’re still in the experimental stage, as designers fine tune the method of turning normally inquisitive humans into utterly predictable minions of greed, envy, fickleness and malice, totally tranced out by what they thought were their own choices.


Maybe that appendage known as your smartphone is really an invisible bar code on your forehead. Don’t think too long about the contact tracers who analyze your data with an electron microscope. They’re thinking of eliminating you as fast as possible so they can collect the insurance policy bounty they have on your life when your statistical line in the book of life magically disappears. 


This is some of what they won’t tell you about that camouflaged prison cell you live in, an alluring experiential pastiche designed to your preferred taste. Sometimes called a lockdown, you are learning to love it.


We seek conditions necessary to enrich and protect us, rather than the conditions today which harass and abuse. We are discovering to our dismay that the best government is no government at all. And we watch with despair as our own government deliberately creates conditions destructive to a way of life that would be just fine if they’d stop regulating everything and creating fake terror incidents.


The default conditions of ordinary governing must routinely guarantee peace in the world, without which there is no security for anyone. Unfortunately in our way of life we have chosen to cannibalize each other, with the central kosher authority arranging all of the combat matchups and funding both sides of every conflict, rubbing their hands with glee at the thought of infinite profits and the elimination of large numbers of goyim, their two fondest goals.


A certain percentage of people often snap under changing conditions like this. Likely they’ll all be listed as COVID-19 deaths, and they should be, because of the significant and lasting distress of the lockdown and the mask. Even worse than being pawed by transvestite storytellers, schoolchildren have by now lost all belief in their once hallowed system of government and responsible citizenry, because they now know it can disappear in an instant, according to the well-planned whims of very rich men.


A system that enables us to blossom the peak of our powers in our individual orbits through this cornucopia we have come to know as life, is what we’re demanding.


Rather than living a life of adversity and challenge that is hampered by existing organizational and governmental structures, the AI personality is based on maximum profitability and unlimited powers, two aspects of the human personality that have never been chained, never been overcome as a human addiction by some other aspect or influence. And certainly not by common sense.


Gluttony gulling the gullible always brings cheer to ordinary businessmen, though they whine when their Ponzi schemes collapse. All governments have proved over the 2500 years of use is that people cannot be trusted with large amounts of money.


So the larger question becomes . . .


Given the human propensity of doublecrossing agreements with their most intimate and trusted partners, can humans exercise the right to prevent the machines they created from eliminating humans altogether? 


I’m asking if humans can prevent that from happening once humans open the door to AI. If that door, the door to hell, has already opened a crack, and its irrevocable poison has already begun to seep into this fetid swamp of chemicals we call our atmosphere, this would account for our total inability to deal with our own government from deliberately spinning out of control, seemingly for justifying their contrived need to create the conditions necessary for martial law.


Throughout our entire history we invented a palliative for our existential angst over our inevitable doom, and that palliative — the foolproof solution — is to chain your focus to an infinite idea that venerates the consciousness of everything that lives. Most of the world has found a suitable answer to this important question which they show by their reverence, one way or the other, to an omnipotent God. 


Now the world is spinning out of control.


Beset by their subconscious distortions, inventive humans could never invent a machine fully grounded in the concept of mercy, primarily because the concept is so ephemeral, so situational in its appearance and its reasoning. Trusting your life to a machine to make your most important decisions — as is happening now — is the short path to universal destruction for the purpose of trying in vain to control what is ultimately a matter of celestial mechanics far beyond our pay grade.


The Bill Gates death tattoo that will turn us into GMO humans will leave no room for formerly desirable attributes such as justice, loyalty or honesty. All decisions henceforth will be governed by the trim rigor of the bottom line with no emotion involved, as emotion always affects profitability negatively.


Some time ago the answer to these grim existential discussions used to be religion, most versions of which lie twitching in the gutter of public derision and embarrassment that the most venerated spiritual advisers of our generation have lost their luster and fallen prey to the very compulsions they inveighed against. They now serve as a model for no sensible person.


They’re still not sure if these imitation humans are going to be blow up dolls with supercomputer brains, or merely technotrances that you must wear something over your eyes and ears — or perhaps implanted in your brain, as all the high tech billionaires urge us to do, kind of like a mechanical replacement for the psychedelic drug experience — to fully experience the La La Land to which they have decided to take you. College is a lot like that, I hear, with the emphasis on meaningless subjects as usual overshadowing the nuts and bolts it would take to run an honest world.


But whatever they seem to be saying, just remember they are saying the things that the men who created them want them to say.


Try not to be shocked when you look in the mirror and see one of them there.


As we descend, step by step, down to someone who we never wanted to be.


Controlled demolition of world culture, turning the entire planet into one prison camp. The chokepoint is your wallet and the Jews have every bit of that wrapped up.


To pretend otherwise would be naive. Disingenuous. And dishonest. 


They drink the blood of children whom they terrify before they kill because it makes the blood more potent when enflamed by the inhuman terror inflicted on the victim.


As the constriction of big brother’s hand around your throat intensifies . . . this ride downtown with imitation humans is nothing you would ordinarily choose to do.


The lockdown and the masks have been the greatest destroyers of civilization since the Black Plague. A deliberate destruction of the lesser entities by the power elite.


Religious particularism provides nothing but a raucous chorus of jealous rancor for a senseless species caught in the whirlpool of its own fear spinning wildly down the drain of extinction. Good luck with your raft.


My own humble suggestion would be to fight it with all your might.


John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.