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Government War Somalia War
US, NATO Allies Prepare New Invasion Of Somalia
Somalia: US Backs Puppet Government’s Planned Military Offensive
Somalia: How Colonial Powers drove a Country into Chaos
Blackwater/Xe mercs arrive in Somalia, Al-Shabab says
Special Ops Report Suggests Assassination Program Aimed at “Enemies of the State”
Al-Qaida-Linked Thugs Now Executing Children
Somali Pirates Guided by London Intelligence Team, Report Says
Cold War Origins of the Somalia Crisis
The Crisis in Somalia: US-NATO Plans to Control the Indian Ocean
Pirates and Poverty
Human Tide of Misery Flees the Anarchy of Somalia
Why We Don't Condemn Our Pirates in Somalia
Bush’s Rampage in Somalia
Pentagon Sees Move in Somalia as Blueprint
US Launches Two Airstrikes in Somalia
No Threat, No Attack - But U.S. Opens Fire I Somalia
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