Washington's Fake Diplomacy Is A Pretext For War
By Hank Roth
Iraq permitted UN weapons inspectors. It declared it had NO weapons of mass destruction whereas the U.S. has many and uses them. And George Bush deployed over a hundred thousand American troops to Asia to invade Iraq and kill Iraqis. Iraq was cooperating and willing to do more yet George Bush would have none of it - just as the Taliban was willing to turn Osama bin Laden over if presented with the evidence that he was implicated in the attack on the World Trade Center or even to a third country while awaiting that evidence and the warmonger George Bush still waged an unprovoked aggressive war against Afghanistan as it did in Iraq - so what reason does North Korea have to doubt George Bush will do the same with them - and North Korea is justified for believing that "peaceful diplomacy" is a trick, because there is NO diplomacy; there are only threats.
Korea's history is full of western tricks and betrayals. It is full of western aggression.
"The North Korean deformed workers state emerged following the liberation of the northern half of the Korean peninsula from 35 years of Japanese colonialism. Following World War II, Korea was partitioned between the Democratic People^Òs Republic of Korea in the north and the Republic of Korea in the south, a capitalist police state under American military occupation. Before the outbreak of the 1950-53 Korean War, the South was swept by massive peasant revolts, and when North Korean forces moved in to reunify the country in 1950, they were greeted as liberators. In a failed attempt to destroy North Korea as well as the 1949 Chinese Revolution, U.S. imperialism devastated the peninsula in the Korean War, killing more than three million people and obliterating whole cities, including Pyongyang. Following Chinese military intervention, the war ended in a stalemate at the 38th parallel, and ever since the U.S. has maintained a massive military presence in the South, while North Korea has been subjected to decades of imperialist military encirclement and a starvation embargo." [Reprinted from Workers Vanguard No. 795, 17 January 2003 - "U.S. Imperialism Hands Off North Korea!"]
"Despite the rule of a nationalist Stalinist bureaucracy, the overthrow of capitalism in the North was a historic defeat for imperialism and a victory for the working people of Asia and the world. The existence of a planned, collectivized economy brought real advances to the working people of North Korea. Until the mid 1970s, North Korea's planned economy significantly outperformed the South, creating a modern industrial infrastructure. At the same time, the situation of a nation bifurcated by a "demilitarized zone" packed with more weaponry per square meter than any place on earth severely distorted the economy in the North. Particularly in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union, which provided the vast bulk of military and technological aid to North Korea, the situation became dire. In 1992, China cut off shipments of cheap oil to the North as a concession to obtain diplomatic and economic relations with South Korea. Starting in 1995, the country was hit by natural disasters producing a famine of historic proportions." [WV]
This has caused a disastrous situation for North Korea and a desperate need for assistance. What are not needed are threats emanating from Washington, which are a prescription for global disaster and World War IV.
Hank Roth http://pnews.org/