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THE TROUBLE WITH JUDIASM Israel Shamir's Warning To Jews [ with Comment by PHB]

Henry Makow,PhD

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NOTE:  Henry Makow has a major problem in this writing.  He does not understand that the God of the Jews, the Serpent People, is God Jehovah Satan.  The Jews are Satan's "chosen people" and Palestine is their "promised land".  Satan and his people intend to rule the world in defiance of Creator God Aton of Light,  ---PHB


Israel Shamir's new essay collection, "Pardes," contains a prescient and shocking warning to Jews and to humanity as a whole:


Judaism wants to make the Jewish people the intermediary between God and man replacing Christ, says Shamir, an Israeli Jew who converted to Christianity.


Essentially, he says "the Jews" want to be God.


Jewish Messianism (the building of a humanist "earthly paradise" according to Jewish specifications) replaces spiritual salvation.


The Jewish Holocaust replaces Christ's Passion. That's why in the media it takes precedent over the other 60 million people who died in World War Two.


"It is possible there are no (or almost no) Jews who fully understand what the Jews want." Shamir writes.


"The term 'The Jews, ' [refers to] individual Jews in the same way that the Catholic Church is related to an individual Catholic, or a beehive to a bee. There is no subjective personal guilt associated with individual Jews, unless their specific actions or inaction are criminal or sinful per se. Thus, this discourse should help an individual to decide whether he wants to be a Jew, or not, in the same way one may choose whether one wants to be a communist or a Quaker, for it is my deep conviction that to be or not to be a Jew is an act of free will." (7)


In the Jewish globalist paradigm, "Israel wants to unite the world under her spiritual guidance; the Temple of to be located in Jerusalem, the centre of this Jewish-ordered universe and all nations will bring their tribute to it. The Nations will worship God by serving Yisrael..." (72)


Shamir says the deification of the Jewish people requires that people have no other God but material gain and sensual pleasure.


"In the Jewish reading, the exclusive sacrality [sacredness] of Jerusalem and of Israel calls for the de-sacralization of the nations and the rest of the world. There will be no churches nor mosques, no Christian nor Muslim priests. The world will become a profane desert populated by profaned beasts, the nations, and their shepherds, the Jews." (73)


"It begins with small things: removal of [Christian] religious signs from schools and public places. But our souls interpret this surrender of spirit as the proof of Jewish victory...(78)


"The Jewish universe is being built brick by brick and one of its signs is the lowering of the educational and spiritual life of Gentiles.... American films degrade their viewers...(80)


"For total victory of the Jewish spirit will be reached only when a debilitated illiterate goy will thankfully lick a Jewish hand and bless him for his guidance."(81)


Shamir notes that the US "which is as Jewish as Italy was Catholic" has banned mention of Allah and the Koran in the schools of occupied Iraq. (58)


Shamir was born in Russia and was a successful author and translator before immigrating to Israel in 1969. He became a foreign correspondent and covered the Vietnam War. He served as an Israeli paratrooper in the 1973 war and is an outspoken opponent of the occupation. He believes Israel and Palestine should become one democratic country and Israelis should assimilate with their Palestinian neighbours.


Shamir compares ordinary Jews with foot soldiers who do not know the generals' grand plan. The generals are organized Jewry, in its many forms. In another essay, "Zeno's Arrow," he says "the belligerent party is probably the Jewish polity, world Jewry, the carrier of the spirit of Judaic supremacy, despite their plurality of opinions." (173)




Israel Shamir is an eloquent writer with a breadth of experience and vision. He has crystallized the "Jewish problem" and put his finger on the cause of anti Semitism, i.e. the notion of a Chosen People charged with building a materialist "utopia," ultimately at the expense of all other nations, races and religions.


He recognizes that this elitist philosophy is suited to any neo feudal hierarchy but he fails to identify the real "generals."


His aversion to the idea of an Illuminati conspiracy prevents him from recognizing that the "Jewish polity" is itself a pawn in a larger game. Jewish or Israeli power derives from that of the London-based central bankers and their Rockefeller-CFR-CIA US subsidiary. Jewish "humanism" is a Trojan horse for the construction of "1984."


"Zionism is but an incident of a far reaching plan," Louis Marshall, an American Zionist leader and counsel for bankers Kuhn Loeb wrote in 1917. "It is merely a convenient peg on which to hang a powerful weapon."


The Jewish messianic spirit is "a powerful weapon" in the establishment the New World Order, a totalitarian world government run in the interest of what the "Protocols of Zion" call "an aristocracy of the rich."


"On the ruins of natural and hereditary aristocracy we built an aristocracy of our own on a plutocratic basis. We established this new aristocracy on wealth, of which we had control and on science promoted by [our] scholars." (1-18)


Notice, the emphasis is on wealth not race or religion. "The Protocols of Zion" is Illuminati not Jewish. I have suggested elsewhere that the mainspring of the New World Order is the desire of central bankers to translate their control of credit into world institutions of political, social and spiritual control.


The enslavement of humanity requires the destruction of all "collective forces except our own," nation, race, religion and family. Neo-liberalism achieves these goals under banners such as the marketplace, feminism, tolerance, diversity and multiculturalism.


Although most central bankers are racially Jewish, they belong to a Luciferian sect known as Sabbatean Frankists that actually hates the Jewish people and plots their ultimate destruction. Svali, a former Illuminati trainer said, "I have always wondered why some of the highest ranking financial families in the group (baron Rothschild of France is one of the 13 European lords, or "kings" that run the group in Europe, and sits on the World Council) are Jewish, yet the group espouses hatred of their own race."


The Sabbateans are behind Zionism, Communism (and possibly Nazism) and are responsible for war and for the Jewish holocaust. They remove the Ten Commandments as well as references to Christ from public places. They make the Jewish people their instruments and eventually their scapegoats.


Take Eugene Meyer for example. He was Chairman of the Federal Reserve and President of the World Bank. His family owns The Washington Post Company. He was born Jewish but he married a German Lutheran and raised his children as Episcopalians.


The Sabbateans are part of the Illuminati, the top rung of Freemasonry devoted to enthroning Lucifer as God. Most of its members are not Jewish. Take George W. Bush and the other members of the Illuminati "Skull and Bones" for example.


Luciferianism suits elitists because it denies the existence of a natural design and absolute standards of justice, truth and morality. Instead it preaches atheism and decadence under the disguise of personal freedom.


Essentially it is a case of who will people obey and serve: God or Lucifer? If they believe in God, then they follow a healthy spiritual and moral design. If they believe in Lucifer, they are God and they can do whatever they wish. "Do what thou wilt," is their motto. Governed by self-interest, they are easy to control.


As Masonic revolutionary Guiseppe Mazzini said, "we corrupt in order to rule." Ultimately, the Luciferian plan is to enslave the masses.




In 1871, Albert Pike, (not a Jew) the Grand Commander of Freemasonry foretold "three world wars" designed to bring about Illuminati hegemony. The third war will be between political Zionism and the forces of Islam and result in the destruction of both.


Can anyone deny that the stage is being set for such a conflagration, with Iran and China opposed to the US and Israel?


Judaism as well as Christianity and Islam, and many nations, have been subverted by the Illuminati. Our idealism has been tricked and misdirected. Humanity is the victim of an occult conspiracy of monstrous proportions.


Shamir's warning to Jews applies to all nations. Are we Luciferians? Are we pawns sacrificed in a game designed to enshrine Lucifer as ruler of the world?


It's time we stopped listening to the generals and started obeying our conscience. It's time we started being men. I conclude with Israel Shamir's prophetic words:


" The New World Order is, in religious terms the beginning of the Kingdom of the Antichrist, based on the removal of all spiritual elements from our life. In practical terms, it is an ambitious attempt at the total enslavement of Man." (118)


A PDF Version of the Pardes essay is online.




Henry Makow Ph.D. is the inventor of the boardgame Scruples and the author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His articles exposing fe-manism and the New World Order can be found at his web site He welcome your comments, some of which may be posted on his site using first names only. [email protected]