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Stephen Lendman

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Feb. 29l 2016

Since October 1, Israel extrajudicially executed well over one Palestinian on average daily, numbers approaching 200 murders, including women and children – defenseless victims of its killing machine.

In tandem Washington provides tacit support: Reports indicate Obama increased US aid to Israel this year by $800 million – a $4 billion US taxpayer handout. Israel wants more annually, claiming nonexistent security threats.

State terror stalks Palestinians daily. The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) reported providing emergency medical services for over 5,000 victims of Israeli violence monthly since last October 1.

Its soldiers, police and extremist settlers assaulted PRCS teams and ambulances hundreds of times. Nearly 150 of its paramedics and other staff members were wounded.

Almost 100 ambulances were damaged or rendered inoperable. Western and Israeli media ignore daily atrocities – an entire Palestinian population at risk, viciously terrorized.

Days earlier, the Stop the Wall campaign against Israel’s apartheid encirclement of Palestinians into isolated bantustans reported how extremist settlers are taking over more territory in Beit Ummar.

They’re “bann(ing) Palestinians from what they define as ‘their zone,’ “ protected by Israeli security forces – part of longstanding official state ethnic cleansing, wanting maximum Jews and minimum Arabs.

Extremist settlers patrol with firearms visible, ready to use for any contrived reason, able to get away with murder with impunity.

Rare exceptions prove the rule. Palestinians are being systematically terrorized, Israeli officials supporting what demands world community action to stop.

On Sunday, Israeli forces critically shot and wounded middle-aged Palestinian dentist Hisham Muhammad Atwan Sbeih and 16-year-old Yasan Omar Salah – in harm’s way threatening no one during a raid targeting al-Khader village.

They’re both hospitalized, at risk of being forcibly dragged from their beds and arrested, despite guilty of no crimes.

From February 22 through late April, Israeli Apartheid Week 2016 is taking place in over 150 cities and universities worldwide – each act of resistance lasting a week or longer in the following locations:

Britain from February 22 – 28

Other European countries from February 29 – March 7

Palestine from March 1 – 10

South Africa from March 1 – 10

Arab world countries from March 6 – 26

US cities from March 27 – April 3

Latin American countries from April 10 – 24

Canadian cities during weeks throughout March

Activities include panel discussions, film screenings, and actions promoting vital BDS support – the most important and effective resistance initiative.

An official Israeli Apartheid Week 2016 statement says the movement is “(i)nspired by the ongoing popular resistance across historic Palestine…hop(ing) to make (this year’s events) a powerful contribution to the Palestinian struggle for freedom and justice.”

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

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