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Stephen Lendman

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Oct. 12, 2015

Netanyahu declared war on Palestine before violent clashes began, instigated by security forces, willful provocations to get Palestinians to respond, blaming them for Israeli crimes.
From October 1 through Sunday, soldiers and police shot over 1,300 Palestinians - using live fire, rubber-coated steel bullets and internationally banned dum-dum bullets, able to expand internally and cause far more serious wounds.
Through October 11, 24 Palestinians were murdered in cold blood. Official Israeli policy is shoot first. Ask no questions. 
Blame victims for increasing numbers of real or fabricated stabbing attempts or incidents used to indiscriminately gun down defenseless Palestinians. Israel considers premeditated cold-blooded murder self-defense.
Daily horrors continue. A 15-year-old Palestinian girl was shot and critically wounded en route home from school with friends, threatening no one.
Teenager Mustafa Al-Khatib was assassinated by police. Eyewitnesses refuted false accusations, claiming he tried stabbing an officer. He had no weapon in his possession.
He was stopped in his car at East Jerusalem’s al-Asbat Gate, ordered to exit his vehicle, then lethally shot 10 times at point blank range.
Incident reports kept changing, initially saying he tried stabbing a settler, then a soldier, then refusing an order to be searched, then attempting to stab a soldier - four statements, all lies. All official Israeli reports about violent incidents lack credibility.
Human rights groups denounced state-sponsored violence. Palestinians are being murdered, injured and mass arrested daily.
On October 11, the PA Health Ministry said 75 Palestinians were wounded or killed by live fire on Sunday alone - another 77 injured by rubber-coated steel bullets, 208 more suffered from toxic tear gas inhalation.
Palestine in “on the brink” of exploding, warned the Al Haq human rights group. It blamed “Israel’s wanton and excessive use of force…with no accountability for” cold-blooded murder.
It noted increasingly severe and frequent settler attacks, including shootings, beatings, vandalism and crop destruction.
On Monday, Netanyahu addressed Knesset members, blaming Palestinians and Arab MKs for his high crimes, claiming nonexistent Palestinian “terrorism.” Saying it represents a “desire to destroy us.”
“That was the motive for terrorism in the early years of Zionism and that’s what it is today,” he ranted. Arab MKs walked out of the session before he began speaking.
All his rants are beginning-to-end Big Lies, in all public appearances. He outrageously accused Arab MKs of endorsing violence, claimed MK Hanin Zoabi incited terrorism. He wants “a criminal investigation against her” opened.
Why is world outrage absent? Why are the only comments heard outrageously calling on both sides to show restraint - ignoring premeditated, willful Israeli cold-blooded murder!
Palestinian victimhood doesn’t matter. Decades of suffering are ignored. So is fundamental international law. 
Palestinians are on their own like always, facing three enemies - Israel, their illegitimate PA government, and world leaders turning a blind eye to brutalizing daily oppression.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]
His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."
Visit his blog site at 
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