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July 27, 2014


Netanyahu is now using Jews in Gaza as he used Americans to kill Iraqis and the people of Afghanistan and demonize Moslems.  One sees now, in Gaza, that it is wrong to imagine that "the Jews" tricked the "stupid goyim" into doing their killing by the  false-flag attack of September 11.  We see now that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has manipulated Israelis into exactly the same kind of killing for Zionism, for natural gas in Gaza.  Netanyahu lost a brother in fighting gentiles, he has done a lot of killing.  He is insane -- but in Israel he can get away with it.   In my opinion, Ariel Sharone went along with Netanyahu and the 9-11 false-flag plan  -- but afterwards Sharone could not take the guilt he felt  -- so he withdrew from Likud and started another party aimed at peace with the Palestinians in a genuine two-state solution  --  which was really commendable  -- because it is hard to break away from national psychosis.  But the 9-11 plotters could not allow Sharone to be in another party outside the discipline of Likud.  His coma was induced -- easy for Likud-controlled Israeli black operations to perform.  Netanyahu is mentally damaged goods  -- but he has promoted people who share is "outlook" so that none will stand up to him.  There is no "group trap" like Likudnik  Zionism.

What are the chances that Israel will effect its own "regime change" and its own psychological cure?  Not zero.  Not 100 percent.  Admit that they were misguided by leaders they did not realize were psychologically "damaged goods"  -- we Americans will certainly understand that.  The first step is admiting you have a problem.
Dick Eastman
[email protected]