Rense & Texe Marrs: Zionists talk about fear while massacring Palestinians; Israeli Historian Dr. Pappe exposes Zionist Myths;
From Alex James
Rense & Texe Marrs - Israeli Massacre In Palestine – YouTube
In 1948, European Zionists invaded Palestine, burning about 400 villages and wiping them off the map. The occupation has been going on since.......
The Zionist government sponsors “agent provocateurs” groups to fire rockets to fabricate a pretext to murder Palestinians while appearing as the victim as Zionists gradually wipe more of Palestine off-the-map……
----Have the insaniacsZionists overreached???? Absolutely incredible!!!
From Dr. Pappé's "False Paragdigm" tour: The Ten Mythologies of Israel
Dr. Pappé is the author of The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, as well as over a dozen other books on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. An Israeli historian, Dr. Pappé is currently a professor at the College of Social Sciences and International Studies at the University of Exeter in the UK. He is also director of the university's European Center for Palestine Studies and co-director of the Exeter Center for Ethno-Political Studies. He obtained his PhD in history from the University of Oxford.
From Thomas Woodley
Dear Friends,
CJPME is pleased to provide the article below, The Ten Mythologies of Israel, by Dr. Pappé - special to CJPME. The article delves into the issue of false paradigms concerning Palestinians and the Israel-Palestine conflict. These false paradigms were the topic of Dr. Pappé's May 2012 speaking tour across Canada, entitled The False Paradigm of Peace: Revisiting the Palestine Question.
CJPME invites adherents - especially those present for his lectures last May - to read Dr. Pappé's article, and ponder the issues he raises.
The full article can be found in the link at left.
The 10 mythologies explored in Dr. Pappé's article are as follows:
Myth 1: Palestine was a land without people, waiting for the people without land
Myth 2: Palestinians resorted to acts of terror against Jewish settlers prior to the creation of Israel
Myth 3: Myths around the creation of Israel:
- Myth 3a: That Palestinians are to be blamed for what happened to them because they rejected the UN Partition Plan of 1947
- Myth 3b: That Palestinians left their homes voluntarily or as a result of a call by their leaders
- Myth 3c: That Israel was a David fighting an Arab Goliath
- Myth 3d: That after its war of creation, Israel extended its hand for peace to its Palestinian and Arab neighbors
Myth 4: Israel was a benign democratic state prior to 1967
Myth 5: The Palestinian struggle has no aim other than terror
Myth 6: Israel was forced to occupy the West Bank and Gaza in 1967, and must hold these territories until others are ready for peace
Myth 7: Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza with benevolent intentions, but was forced to respond to Palestinian violence
Myth 8: The Oslo Accords reflected a desire on both sides to reach a solution
Myth 9: The Second Intifada was a mass terror attack orchestrated by Arafat
Myth 10: A solution in Israel and Palestine is just around the corner
Dr. Pappé concludes his article with an exhortation that any peace initiative focus foremost on the human rights and civil liberties of all individuals living in Israel-Palestine.
Warmest regards,
Thomas Woodley