How Do Jews Celebrate Yom Kippur?
Abdul Karim Maiqel Abu Ali
This is how the jews celebrate their holidays in occupied Palestine, not so much by celebrating, but by subjecting to iniquity and making life hell for everybody else and celebrating their suffering.
During the Yom Kippur of this year, the jews decided to celebrate their holiest day in another way, in a special way. A group of colonists, most of them American nationals, went to the farm of Abdul Karim Maiqel Abu Ali, a 61 year-old farmer, between Ramallah and Jerusalem. The old Farmer and three other members of his family were busy bringing in this years olive crop on which the family depends for their sustenance and livelihood.
Abu Ali relates: “the jewish colonists razed about 150 olive trees, then they started throwing stones at us while slowly approaching until they were near us. I was not able to do anything more than to shout at them to get out of my farm”.
“They surrounded me and started hitting us, we were three and they over 20. I was injured and fell on the floor, but instead of leaving me, they used a sharp instrument and cut off my right ear and threw it before my eyes. I fainted and I woke up in the hospital”.
The wife of Abu Ali relates: “the jewish colonists thought that my husband had died. They left him with blood covering all his body, they cut off his right ear, made a gaping wound in his head 4 centimetres long, and then they made cuts in his hands and feet, some of them were long and straight”.
She added: “After the jewish colonists left the place, his friends who were all injured but less than him, they tried to help. The israeli police came and they decided to transfer Abu Ali to Jerusalem hospital through Magen David ambulance, but the ambulance stopped for two hours at the check point of “Hizma” north of Jerusalem.
The jewish occupation forces rejected to allow Abu Ali to pass for treatment in Jerusalem, because it was their holiest holiday of Yom Kippur. After two hours of bleeding and without medical attention, Abu Ali was transferred in serious condition to Ramallah’s hospital by the Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance”.
This is the very special way how the jews occupying Palestine celebrated their “Yom Kippur” this year, with abuse, racist violence, terrorism and flaunting an extreme hooliganism which apparently is firmly entrenched in jewish culture.