Mike Rivero
"Absoflippinglutely unbelievable, but consistently predictable from this government, no matter who is allegedly guiding it as President."
Does President Trump think, for a millisecond, that Russia's President Putin will just hold hands with the Duma, and sing "Kumbyah" at a concerted set of US/Israeli airstrikes against Syria?!? I would respectfully suggest that this only will happen after pigs discover they are aerodynamic.
A war with Russia over Syria is as insane as it can possibly get, unless you factor in the war Netanyahu wants the US to fight against Iran, which would be another idiotic thing for this Administration to decide to do.
Unfortunately, just because something is the most ham-fistedly, pig-headedly stupid thing for the US government to do, is utterly no guarantee that it won't do it.
If President Trump goes for both of these wars (after an "alleged" terrorist false flag inside this country, or against American interests overseas most probably, or a cyber 9/11), look for the return of a military draft, supported by both parties, and the devolution to an even worse climate for civil liberties, and the questionings of why these wars are necessary to wage for the protection of American people.
They are not; they are simply wars of aggression against two countries Israel wants the US to beat up militarily, which have absolutely done nothing to us, no have any mind to do so. and I must politely remind you; Tel Aviv wants the costs for these wars to be borne only in American blood and with American money.
Netanyahu's half hour of spewing fakeries on Faux TV, was just that; a fabulous story, well spun, with utterly no hard evidence.
Number one, how would have Israeli intelligence spirited those documents out of the country, which Netanyahu was using to justify his assertions that Iranian leadership has a secret nuclear missile program; and number two, if such a program exists, how could the IAEA, which has been monitoring Iran for compliance on the P5+1 accord, not know that such a facility existed?!?
I can guarantee you; the CVs of the members of the Iranian monitoriing team, would leave you breathless, at their collective levels of technical expertise.
The timing of Netanyahu's heavy-handed insanity, coming right before 12 May, when President Trump is to either recertify Iran as compliant with the accord, of decertify the US's agreement to the accord, is both scarily telling, and troubling; I doubt that the US government is going to recertify Iranian compliance here, which will lead to more US sanctions, which will lead to Iran walking away from the deal entirely.
That is the design intent for such US sanctions, period, end of discussion.
How soon a shooting war breaks out, I cannot tell you; the dangers which will be created by such a war, just feel...imminent, at this moment.
Mike Rivero