
Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
With no seeming end to the grim Ministry of Defense (MoD) reports continuing to circulate in the Kremlin on a near daily basis lately, a new one today states that the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela have been placed on “full alert” status after three of America’s B-1 Strategic Heavy Bombers, assigned to the 7th Bomb Wing at Dyess Air Force Base, in Abilene, Texas, used the “cover/excuse” of Hurricane Irma yesterday to depart from Naval Air Station Key West, in Florida—and who then entered into the “restricted/protected” airspace overseen by the Brazilian Air Force (FAB)—and that occurred within 3 hours of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro declaring that his South American nation would no longer accept the US Dollar as payment for its gas and oil. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
Look familiar?
As to why the US had stationed three of their most powerful B-1 nuclear capable strategic bombers in Florida, this report notes, the American’s claimed was for “their looking for drug smugglers”—a “fantasy explanation” MoD experts “deride/scoff at” as being a “feeble/inane” excuse as no “first world” military power on Earth (such as the United States) would ever spend the nearly $60,000 an hour it costs to fly this nearly $300 million strategic nuclear bomber for such a simplistic aerial task—and that is, already, and for years, a mission done by the US Navy’s $36 million P-3 Orion maritime surveillance aircraft at a cost of $6,761 per hour.
B-1 bomber during cluster bomb attack
To the “true/real” mission of these B-1 strategic nuclear bombers, though, this report continues, MoD intelligence experts have determined is part of the ongoing large-scale military manoeuvres being conducted by the United States to encircle Venezuela—whose codename is AMAZONLOG17, and is the largest multinational war exercise ever conducted in South America [English].
Spearheaded by the US Southern Command (SouthCom), this report explains, AMAZONLOG17 involves the United States and 16 of its allies—and whose military activities have been divided into three parts to include: 1.) the 28 August to 1 September planning operation; 2.) the 26-28 September logistics and military technology planning phase; and 3.) the 6-13 November “active operation” phase occurring in Brazil’s westernmost city on the Amazon River (Tabatinga) where tens-of-thousands of these military forces will be able to invade Venezuela from Colombia.
The United States actions in South and Central America began to alarm the MoD, this report details, when under the Obama regime the Pentagon began a massive build-up of US military bases there under the guise of their being used for drug interdiction purposes—but whose “real/true” purpose was revealed during the 2009 Honduran coup d'état when the American’s overthrew that Central American nation’s legitimately elected government.
The “crime” for which the United States used to justify their overthrow the Honduran government, this report details, was due to its President Manuel Zelaya having sought to hold a non-binding, nationwide poll on whether to include a fourth ballot box in their 2009 elections to usher in a National Constituent Assembly for the rewriting of the country’s constitution—and whose effort was intended to democratize that country’s laws that favored the Honduran elite.
Want to know more? Click HERE.
Unlike in Honduras, though, this report notes, Venezuela was able to establish a National Constituent Assembly this past July—and that was followed, less than a fortnight later, by President Donald Trump “sending shockwaves through Venezuela's political establishment” when he announced that “a military option is certainly something we could pursue” to end the South American nation's crisis”.
The “crisis” referred to by President Trump in his threat to use military force against Venezuela, this report explains, was one “wholly created” by the United States and the European Union whose Western banks have refused to extend any loans to that South American nation—causing what Finance Ministry official Konstantin Vyshkovsky calls “a liquidity crisis but not a crisis of financial solvency”.
A “liquidity crisis”, this report explains, means that the two main sources of liquidity in the economy—banks and the commercial paper market—severely reduce the number of loans they make or stop making loans altogether—and because so many companies rely on these loans to meet their short-term obligations, this lack of lending has a ripple effect throughout the economy, causing a liquidity crises at a plethora of individual companies (trying to meet payrolls), which in turn affects individuals who make runs on banks (to feed themselves).
The “liquidity”, as it pertains to the current “crisis” in Venezuela, this report further states, is the US Dollar—that for decades has been used to purchase that nation’s oil and gas—and who, also, have the largest proven reserves in the world of.
With the United States and European Union choking off the supply of US Dollars to Venezuela, therefore, this report continues, this nations companies and peoples have been decimated due to their inability to find any of this international currency—and whose cost to buy is causing “jaw dropping hyper-inflation”—and that in its most simple explanation means that the cost of US Dollars keeps rising by the hour.
Venezuela President Hugo Chávez gets reelected in 2013—then the US Dollar supply stops
Not being understood by nearly all of the Western peoples, this report continues, is that oil wealthy nations like Venezuela have been forced for decades to use the US Dollar—called “petrodollar”—and that has allowed the United States to dictate to these nations anything they so desire—but that Venezuelan President Maduro, yesterday, stated that he would no longer put up with, and who declared:
“Venezuela is going to introduce a new international payment system and create a currency basket to get rid of the dollar peg. We, together with such freely convertible currencies as the yuan, yen, rupees, international currencies, will get rid of the clutches of the dollar that have been strangling our country.”
Rebelling against the US Dollar as the international currency for buying oil and gas, however, this report grimly notes, puts a nation at grave risk of being destroyed by the United States—and as exampled by:
In 2000, Iraq leader Saddam Hussein declaring his nation would no longer accept US Dollars for payment for his nations oil and gas—that was followed three years later, in 2003, bythe United States breeching the UN Charter and illegally invading his country, and eventually executing him as an example too.
In 2006, Syria announced it would no longer accept US Dollars for its oil and gas—followed 6 years later by the United States creating the barbaric terror group ISIS to lay siege to that entire nation.
In 2008, Iran ending all of its sales in oil and gas using US Dollars—followed nearly immediately by the Obama regime placing devastating new sanctions on them.
In 2011, Libya (Africa’s largest oil producer) announcing that they would no longer sell their oil in US Dollars—that was followed nearly immediately by the United States destroying that entire nation, and executing that nation’s leader Muammar Qaddafi as another example.
In 2017, Qatar turning its back on the US Dollar—and that was swiftly followed by nearly all of the United States allies in the Middle East breaking diplomatic relations with them and threatening military action.
And not least to be mentioned, Russia itself for its joining with China and Iran to break the diabolical stranglehold the US Dollar has on the entire world—and who is now blamed by the United States for “everything”.
Though sadistically labeled by the United States as their “War on Terror”, and whose death toll is over 2 million and counting, this report says, this past July (2017) both Russia and China “declared all out war” against the US Dollar—and whose actions support the dire words spoken, in 2006, by the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez when he warned the world: “If the U.S. succeeds in consolidating its dominance, then humankind has no future. Therefore, we have to save humankind and put an end to the U.S.”
All to predictable too, this report concludes, the United States, like it has done against every other nation attempting to free itself from the satanic US Dollar, is, likewise, now targeting the American people to fear Venezuela using the exact same propaganda they used against Iraq, Syria, Iran and Libya—and that includes:
The US “fake news” media now openly calling for civil war in Venezuela….the United States downgrading all Venezuela banks to cause as much economic and social distress as possible….European diplomats interfering in Venezuela’s internal affairs in order to divide peoples against one another….the globalist “Black Pope of Rome” calling for Venezuela’s government to be overthrown….the US puppet state of Colombia laughingly saying that Venezuelan troops crossed their border….and, as always, Venezuela may have nuclear weapons too!
September 9, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY andGFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guruWayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]