Christchurch shooter a certified MORON
Jim Stone
Yes he could hit a target. No, he had no brains. Anyone that stupid who gets anything done has to have the support of the deep state. He did visit British intelligence before doing this. This seems like he was an FBI type patsy (probably set up by Britain this time) who shot a bunch of people up who were NOT the problem, to make a case for JEWS to exploit. It could not have been better for the Jews. So Guess who?
At any rate, as usual, when the tribe sets another idiot up, he was promptly captured. So once again, let me brief people on how to know when something actually is completely as advertised, which this was clearly NOT
A real attack launched by real people who are as advertised will be completed in a minute or less, likely be totally lethal, and NO ONE will know jack about who they were. A note will probably be left behind to inform people why the attack took place, and then whoever did it will walk among the recipients of the attack later, with no one knowing who did it. That way the demands of whatever was in the note are far more likely to be met. There won't be back stories of anyone visiting foreign intelligence, there won't be a bunch of perfectly packaged crap, there will only be a hit, and then silence. That way the enemy won't rest easy, and might actually think twice about blowing our kids brains out with tainted shots, (or whatever the message was about) that was left behind.
I'll tell you this: You can tell a fool by who gets targeted, and the Christchurch shooter was TOO STUPID TO BREATHE. If breathing was not a reflex function, he'd have self asphyxiated.
I'll tell you how the Jews do it (and never get caught)
Let's say a child in a neighborhood got stolen and then bar-b-q'd. or matzo balls . . . . Ok so you've got a grieving mom who is going nuts running around the town, trying to find her baby. You discover she's starting to get answers. She's not fully on target yet, but she's starting to figure it out. For some reason she's not easy to kill. What do you do? Easy. -
You send "caring and concerned help", you tell her that no expense will be spared, and you are going to help her find her baby. You say you are from a group that finds lost kids. You give her a "friend" who is always there to "help". This friend finds lots of "leads" and gives the mom hope. All the leads lead to dead ends that go nowhere. Everything the mom discovered gets debunked by the new leads, that go nowhere. But hope is given, JUST LIKE Q ANON. And as the weeks and months go by, the pain subsides, hopelessness sets in, and the mom HAS TO get on with her life, with the Jew that was sent to "help" originally becoming a "lifelong cherished friend" who does not call much, but is close enough to divert any further possible leads into discovering what happened to the kid.
That takes energy, but it really works. They'd rather kill the mom, but if they can't get away with that, this is what happens. Getting help from strangers who claim to be friends when a kid is gone is a MAJOR red flag that no one ever sees.
Compare that to what this Christchurch moron did. If he had any brains AT ALL the attack would have been done instantly, taking whatever he got in the first unload and leaving RIGHT THEN, and today, he'd be right back at that mosque offering all possible help for them to get over this and find the perpetrator. He could have left the manifesto and still done this if he was not stupid. The identity of the attacker would have remained a total mystery. That's how the Jews do it, and I'd assume anyone else who has more than an ounce of brains.
WOW, the entire MSM has joined the "right wing shooter" chorus
Want to see a lie in action? Just tune into their coverage of the mosque shooter. He's a far left commie who spoke about it openly, including how he hated Trump's policies, and how much he loves the communist government of China, yet all the media is spewing is "RIGHT WING HATE". They just HAVE TO accuse the other side of what their side did, it is called displacement, where you accuse others of that which you did and are doing. It is stunning how far they are taking this, and people ought to take notice so they can realize just how far gone the MSM really is. Even Fox put on it's true colors with this. SMH.
Fox News is falsely reporting that a "right wing extremist" did the mosque attack
He's an admitted communist who openly adores the Chinese system of communism. But if they can bash conservatives, the all new Fox is proving they are anything but your friend. Crap agenda driven media. They are besting CNN now.
Let's hope this puts the nail in the FOX coffin. Well, it was "better than CNN at least", 20 years or so, but certainly Fox was never what it should have been if it was totally legit. Where's the 911 truth? Well, they did do the Carl Cameron report which got scrubbed, so maybe they were legit for a few minutes there . . . . . at any rate they are GONE NOW.
Ethiopian air black boxes sent to France
THAT is a mistake. Ethiopia would get more truth going over the data themselves. France, Germany, Britain, the U.S. and more are so compromised politically that you simply can't trust what they say with anything. Probable B.S. about the crash is on the way.
Unlike Trump, I am not going to rescind my words just because a communist shot up a mosque
Trump rescinding his word about good Americans taking forceful action against Democrats was a BIG mistake, when the shooter was a communist who openly sided with China's communist government, and Democrat ideology. Trump should have instead tweeted: TOLD YOU SO.
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Jim Stone