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Jim Stone

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1. To cover up the death of Ginsburg so the supreme court can be adequately corrupted.

2. To write an omnibus bill that has every provision needed to make it impossible for Trump to defend himself from litigation and impeachment, no matter how spurious and poorly based the grounds are.

3. The Omnibus bill is unconstitutional, but with a corrupted DOJ that won't matter because Trump won't be able to use the supreme court to save himself if Ginsburg is "still alive". Cheif Justice John Roberts has already proven he's the leftist plant fronting as conservative, and for as long as Ginsburg is "alive" he will be the swing vote that ousts Trump. They would not have pulled the crap in the Omnibus bill if they did not know they had it in the bag.

4. The CIA then posts explosives manufacturing instructions that actually work (but are not as good as they could be) to locate, investigate, and entrap anyone who might take direct physical action to save the President. The fact that the CIA did this means something serious is afoot, they want to round up whoever might really make a difference. 5. Proceed with ousting Trump after everyone who might make a difference is identified and removed.

An observation of the recent omnibus bill

After looking it over, it is OBVIOUS the bill is specifically scripted to make it impossible for Trump to defend himself from false litigation and an illegitimate impeachment process. The Dems AND Republicans are now going to take their gloves off and attempt to oust Trump via powers they do not constitutionally have. THEY KNOW THE PUBLIC IS GOING TO BE PISSED, SO TO ENTRAP PEOPLE WHO MIGHT TAKE ACTION TO STOP IT WITH FORCE, THEY POSTED AN EXPLOSIVES RECIPE THAT IS NOT NEARLY AS EFFECTIVE AS IT COULD BE.


They did it because they know the public is incensed with the recent Congressional over-reach of power in the omnibus bill, and they are going to oust Trump with it. They want to round up anyone who is going to fight back, and are using these instructions to know who might actually do something. - HOWEVER -

1. Their method of implementation does not work very well, to get it to go off seriously you need to mix it with aluminum powder and pack it tightly. This is common info for manufacturing of fireworks powder which is what you get when you use aluminum powder and the instructions for doing that are even on You can buy the refined end product without a license (two pounds per year) but it will get attention. THEREFORE, THE CIA POST IS A TRAP, TO SEE IF THEY CAN GET PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT BLOWING STUFF UP. When you mix it the right way (as the CIA did not give instructions for) you get fireworks flash powder. Fireworks flash powder is better, it is a step up from gunpowder, and you can buy that straight up in Mexico. All the churches use it for making huge booms you hear at all hours every day, and quite frequently idiots blow themselves up with it.

Despite being marketed for fireworks it does work extremely well as an explosive when it is packed super tight. I am actually surprised it is all legal. THEREFORE, THE CIA POST IS A TRAP. They want people making more than the allowed amount to bust them, and to get people to talk about blowing stuff up. I was skeptical of posting this to begin with but now that I have figured out what is going on, I can fairly call it a trap, and it is not that dangerous to post it if it is presented that way.

The aluminum powder variant of this makes a nasty explosive that is right up there to within at least 50 percent of the blast of TNT (that is a lowball guess, it is probably better than TNT, especially in wood framed construction). Mexico allows it, anyone can go get this stuff and NO ONE uses it to blow anyone up. The "blow people up" aspect of this is in the realm of COWARDLY GOVERNMENTS WHO LIMIT IT BECAUSE THEY TRAMPLE THEIR PEOPLE AND THINK THERE'S SOME SORT OF CONSPIRACY IN THE PUBLIC, WHICH IS RIGHTFULLY PISSED WITH THE CORRUPTION JUST LIKE WHAT WE SAW RECENTLY WITH CONGRESS OVERSTEPPING IT'S CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITS TO DESTROY TRUMP. The real "conspiracy theorist" is the government itself, Mexico proves it, anyone can have this, it is not tightly controlled and NO ONE blows anyone up with it.

However, sometimes idiots cause disasters with it, if you want to see an amazing example of the type of disaster that can be caused when an idiot mis-handles it when there are tons and tons and TONS of it present, watch this apocalyptic video. Yes, everyone died, and I mean EVERYONE. This happened at a fireworks market where DJ's, churches, municipalities or whoever else goes to get fireworks for whatever they happen to be doing. Hundreds of people were there. The neighbors were setting this stuff off 5 houses away for a party they had a couple weeks ago. It was an attention getter.

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