Establishment Fight to the Death
The Spy Revolt Against Trump Begins
In light of this, and out of worries about the White House’s ability to keep secrets, some of our spy agencies have begun withholding intelligence from the Oval Office. Why risk your most sensitive information if the president may ignore it anyway? A senior National Security Agency official explained that NSA was systematically holding back some of the “good stuff” from the White House, in an unprecedented move. For decades, NSA has prepared special reports for the president’s eyes only, containing enormously sensitive intelligence. In the last three weeks, however, NSA has ceased doing this, fearing Trump and his staff cannot keep their best SIGINT secrets.
Since NSA provides something like 80 percent of the actionable intelligence in our government, what’s being kept from the White House may be very significant indeed. However, such concerns are widely shared across the IC, and NSA doesn’t appear to be the only agency withholding intelligence from the administration out of security fears.
If the plans activated since 8 November 2016 by the “Shadow Men” succeed, the 45th President of the United States will not last in office beyond a thousand days from his swearing-in on 20 January 2017. The term “Shadow Men” refers to officials and policymakers operating in a stealthily coordinated manner to ensure the furtherance of specific agendas unrelated to the public interest. These have, since the declaration of the result of the 8 November 2016 US Presidential elections, activated a plan designed to ensure that the 45th President of the United States, Donald John Trump does not last more than a thousand days in office. They represent the hitherto ubiquitous and dominant Wall Street-Atlanticist alliance that has devised and implemented policy in Washington for several decades. These “Shadow Men” form an informal club of intelligence operatives, businesspersons, officials and politicians, whose relevance to policymaking and whose monetary wealth depend on the continuation of policies helpful to the interests they support, even though these may be harmful to the country they belong to.
Intel community trying to undermine Trump's presidency?
The real reason for Flynn being forced out is that he represented a direct threat to the military industrial complex that was swept aside by Trump’s victory.
“The same people who brought us the failed wars for democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan, the implosion of Libya, the Syrian Civil War, the rise of ISIS, and the concomitant international refugee crisis want Flynn’s scalp so they can reassert some control,” writes Buskirk. “General Michael Flynn is a voice for change in American foreign policy—a change that the American people voted for when they elected Donald Trump. The campaign of half-baked allegations and innuendo is the latest battle in the Washington establishment’s insurgency against the President.”
There is currently a scorched earth effort underway to isolate Trump by purging his administration of people who truly believe in Trump’s vision of America first, replacing them with compromised Washington insiders and globalists – in other words – refilling the swamp.
This fifth column is comprised of politically partisan ‘black hats’ within the CIA and the NSA who are still incensed that Hillary Clinton lost.
On Dec. 2, I wrote in Asia Times that Commentary's Rothman probably was stooging for a CIA disinformation campaign against Flynn. Not only did Flynn propose to deep-six Gulen, a longstanding friend of the CIA, but he had blown the whistle on CIA incompetence in Syria. Flynn's Defense Intelligence Agency produced a now-notorious 2012 report warning that chaos in Syria's civil war enabled the rise of a new Caliphate movement, namely ISIS. For full background, see Brad Hoff's July 2016 essay in Foreign Policy Journal: Flynn humiliated the bungling CIA and exposed the incompetence and deception of the Obama administration, and got fired for it. If anyone doubts the depth of CIA incompetence in Syria, I recommend an account that appeared this month in the London Financial Times.
survey on the Trump Administration
The open war between the establishment and President Trump
Not only are there two Americas. There are two governments: one elected and one not, one that alternates between Republicans and Democrats and one that remains, decade after decade, stubbornly liberal, contemptuous of Congress, and resistant to change. It is this second government and its allies in the media and the Democratic party that are after President Trump, that want him driven from office before his term is complete. You think I exaggerate. But consider this: When a former Defense official who teaches at Georgetown Law School takes to Foreign Policy to propose “3 Ways to Get Rid of President Trump Before 2020,” and when one of those ways is “a military coup, or at least a refusal by military leaders to obey certain orders,” we are in unknown and extremely unsettling territory.
Being against Trump has become an existential mission for the UK’s political class. It allows the political class to do explicitly what it finds difficult to do with the Brexit vote – oppose the people, challenge the demos, fight ‘populism’. Brexit is too close to home, its force at work in MPs’ own constituencies. But Trump is different. Trump, despite being elected, despite operating with a popular mandate, is over there. Assailed by an establishment in the US, he is a relatively easy target. He is the goose-stepping spectre the British establishment can invoke in order to preserve itself at home. We may not have much going for us, its members say with every broadside against The Donald, but at least we’re not that. At least we’re not racist, or sexist, or Islamophobic. And so its members pose, and they pout, denouncing the US president on chat shows, in newspaper columns, and now even from the speaker’s chair.