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IDEO: City Signs Warn Would-Be Criminals, ‘This Is Not a Gun-Free Zone’

AWR Hawkins

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March 5, 201


Green and white signs posted at the entrances to Greenleaf, Idaho, warn would-be criminals, “Welcome to GREENLEAF IDAHO: This Is Not A Gun-Free Zone.”

There are a total of five such signs, including two on state highways leading into the community. A Greenleaf city council member said the signs on Highway 19 were approved the Idaho Transportation Department.

According to KBOI2, the signs are “overwhelmingly” supported by residents. Kelly McBride has lived in Greenleaf for a decade and believes the signs send the right message. He said, “It’s a small town. I think all of us having a gun shows that we are a respectable society.”

McBride added, “There’s a right place for guns, a place that they can be used. We should have the right to protect ourselves from criminals and hopefully these kind of signs deter crime in the long run.”

Greenleaf is a small city — “just over 800 residents” — and the city “urges residents to own firearms and get weapons training in their city code.”

KBOI2 reports there has been one complaint about the signs, it came from a Greenleaf resident who did not disagree with the message but thought the signs might be too wordy. Resident Gordon Bates said, “When they first went up, I actually had to read them twice because of the ‘not a gun free zone.’ You kind of have to read that. I wish [it] was a little more clear.”

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at [email protected].